1.  Each Pack contains one copy of each of the "Scouter Training Record Book", the booklet "Footsteps to Leadership The Manual", the "Code of Ethics and Good Practice", a "TLP application Form" and a Training Course Booking Form.
      2.   Orders should be sent to National Headquarters, Larch Hill, Tibradden, Dublin 16 by the Unit Leader (or Regional Commissioner where appropriate).
      3.   Packs will not be issued where the Unit Leader or Regional Commissioner has not attended a formal WTS briefing.
      4.   Please pay by cheque or bank draft or postal order made payable to "Scouting Ireland (CSI)" and crossed. Do not send cash by post.
      5.   Unfortunately, no money – no goods.
      6.   A receipt will be issued by the NHQ Accounts Department
Name and address of applicant .
(This must be the Unit Leader)
Full first Names and Surname:
Home Address Line1 :
                          Line2 :    
                          Line3 :   
Telephones (give dialling codes) Home: Work:
Region        :            Position      :  
  I confirm that I have attended a   Welcome  to  Scouting   briefing  in  
  on      , .      Signed : ______________________
Number of Packs Required Cheque/bank draft/postal order
Enclosed for Packs at €5.50 /STG£4.00 per Pack
Name and address of consignee if different to above:
Full first Names and Surname:
Home Address Line1 :
                          Line2 :
                          Line3 :
National Headquarters / National Training Team Use Only
Date received at NHQ: Date required by:
Remittance received €/STG£
Allocation: J4

Received by:………………………………….

Method of dispatch:

  Other …………………………….

Request handled by: Date Packs sent: