.: Special Version DVD Review - R2 NTSC :.

.: Special Features :.

What would a DVD release be without its bonus material, eh? Luckily Toei have presented us with a wealth of goodies on this disc, enough to rival any of the best discs on the market.

.: Prologue BR (WOWOW Special) :.
Running Time: 12min 08sec
4:3 Fullscreen
The first of the supplements we get is a 12 minute long EPK style making-of. This program was made for WOWOW and is like your typical talking-heads type featurette. Basically, it contains clips of the movie, intercut with very quick interviews and some behind the scenes stuff. There's also sections of it that resemble a music video (!) where Verdis "Requiem" is re-mixed to shots from the movie. It's no where near the quality of the "fly-on-the-wall" documentary "Battle Royale: Gaiden". This is made purely to promote the movie. I think it does its job well and the interviews with the cast make it a must-see. Check out Tatsuya's hair!

The "Prologue" logo 'Beat' being interviewed Tatsuya Fujiwara talks about BR Aki Maeda looking as pretty as ever
Taro Yamamoto fooling around as ever The cast have the class photo taken Fukasaku watches on as the photo is taken Ando Masanobu in action!
BR is released on 16th December      


.: Previously Unreleased Footage (Audition & Rehersals) :.
Running Time: 7min 10sec
4:3 Fullscreen
Undoubtedly one of the best features on the disc. We are treated to a little over 7 minutes of raw footage from the rehersals and auditions for the movie. What immediately struck me about the footage was how young and different some of the cast look. I barely even recognised Ryou Nitta who plays Motobuchi! My favourite part of this was when Fukasaku was showing Sousuke Takaoka (Sugimura) and Chiaki Kuriyama (Chigusa) how to act the scene where Chigusa dies. Fukasaku takes the role of Chigusa and talks in a girl like voice. I thought this was hilarious. and I knew if I was in that situation I would have collapsed with laughter! This featurette really is superb and I can imagine I'll be watching it over and over and over!


Front Cover
Back Cover

- Toei Video (Japan)
- Released: 21 May '02
- Region 2
- 122 mins
- ¥ 5,200

.: AUDIO :.
- Japanese Dolby 5.1
- Japanese Dolby 2.0

.: VIDEO :.
- Aspect: 1.85:1 (16x9 Enhanced)
- Dual Layer [change: 1:18:53]

- Battle Royale: Prologue
- Audition & Rehersal Footage
- Behind the Scenes Footage
- Basketball Behind the Scenes
- Video No Oneesan: Birthday Version
- Memorial Photo Album
- Composite Shots Featurette
- Recording the score at Warsaw ver.2
- 13th Annual Tokyo Film Festival Stage Greetings
- About the Battle with Politicians
- Art Gallery
- TV Spots
- WOWOW TV Spot (Tarantino Version)
- Spot for VHS/DVD Release
- Spot for Featurette VHS
- Easter Eggs!

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