Name: |
Yukie Utsumi |
Number: |
# 02 |
Weapon: |
& Wessen 357 Handgun |
Satomi Noda, Haruka
Tanizawa, Yuko Sakaki,
Yuka Nakagawa, Chisato Matsui |
Enemies: |
Satomi Noda, Chisato
Matsui |
Kills: |
(1) Satomi Noda |
is part of a tight group of friends. This friendship is established
early in the movie as we see all 6 with Mr.Hayashida on the
bus, or compforting each other after they awaken on the island.
Utsumi is the second person to speak up when Kitano enters the
room."Whats going on here?". She later adds to her
puzzlement by asking "I don't understand what you're saying.
This can't possibly...".
establishment of Utsumi as a confused character who speaks up,
certainly sets up her character for the rest of the movie. Afterall,
when she gets called into the game, we won't see her again for
another 45mins or so.
By this stage in the movie, Utsumi's leadership
has evolved. She has taken refuge with her friends in the lighthouse.
Sugimura brings an unconscious Nanahara to her to which she
plays nurse and dresses his wounds. Her leadership is both joked
about (Harukas "Roger that!" reply when she tells
her to get Yuka from her watch) and disputed (Chisato in a fit
of anger shouting "Cut the leadership crap!").
takes control over the group well and could have lead them all
to safety, but it is the distrust between her friends that breaks
them apart. As Utsumi lies on the kitchen floor of the lighthouse,
her dying words reflect her standpoint in the group "You
idiots...we could have all survived. Stupid. STUPID!" Some
of the group have naturally followed Utsumi as a leader, yet
their distrust has literally destroyed them...
Utsumi's brief scenes in Battle Royale, it is clear that she
has feelings for Nanahara. This is not directly established
but her playful if often childlike flirting with Nanahara tells
so much. The over-zealous bandaging of Nanahara coupled with
the line "I never really touched a guy before" show
her chastity and lack of any real confrontation of her feelings
for Nanahara pre-Battle Royale.
"You know what that means?..."
of Utsumi's last sentences she speaks to Shuya. Its funny how
naive Nanahara is that he doesn't immediatley pick up on Utsumi's
flirts. She tells him she knows everything about him and couples
this statement by asking "You know what that means?".
She never tells him exactly what that means but its pretty obvious
whats shes getting at. The tragedy is is that she never gets
to tell him her true feelings...