One hundered and twenty four players have scored for Ireland since 1927. Bob Fulham got the first against Italy on the 23rd April 1927. The total now from 351 games is 484


F.Stapleton 20 K.Sheedy 9
J.Aldridge 19 D.Curtis 8
T.Cascarino 19 T.Grealish 8
D.Givens 19 P.McGrath 8
N.Quinn 19 D.Connolly 7
N.Cantwell 14 A.Fitzsimons 7
G.Daly 13 P.Moore 7
J.Dunne 12 A.Ringsend 7
L.Brady 9 S.Staunton 7
D.Kelly 9 A.Townsend 7