Southcoast TV Digital
digital television transmission
main advantages
main customer advantages
proposed costs
proposed timetable
required customer equipment


SCTV will offer a range of 50 TV and Radio programme services including a Standard Television Package covering 20 channels and an additional 12 channel Premium Package.
Internet, Video-on-Demand and Community Broadcasting will also be available.

video on demand
community channel

digital television transmission

The new SCTV service will be provided through Digital Television Transmission.The proprietary technology,developed by a French company, is state-of-the-art.The F.C.C. in the USA have recently indicated that they intend to allow terrestrial TV transmissions on the 12GHz band, while in Iceland a licensed system is currently being installed.
The SCTV proposal would involve a pioneering and first commercial use of the technology within an EU state.
Frequency Band: 11.7 Ghz to 12.5 Ghz.
Manufacturer and System Characteristics: M/D/S International is a French company which has developed a digital television transmission system called HYPERCABLE™ which combines advanced satellite equipment and technology with computer software and hardware in an integrated system for terrestrial broadcasting.
Capacity: Up to 1,000 TV channels and services including High Speed Internet access and Video-On-Demand services.
Quality: It will deliver terrestrial services of a range and quality not previously experienced in Ireland.
Customer Equipment: A small Receive Antennae and Low Noise Block Converter (LNB) plus a set top box is required for TV reception.
Additional equipment will be needed for internet access. Each subscriber’s equipment is individually addressable allowing different levels of service to be provided.
Here is a graphic illustration of how digital works:

Fig 1.1 Graphic illustration of Digital Transmission.

main advantages

  • Frequency spectrum is available and can be licensed for broadcasting in Ireland.
  • Customer equipment readily available and relatively inexpensive.
  • It will provide competition with more choice at a reasonable cost to the consumer.

main customer advantages

  • Irish, UK and all the popular basic and premium TV services and radio stations available from one provider through one antenna.
  • Quality and range of services bigger and better than anything previously provided
  • Cheaper annual subscription rates for customers
  • The only system that allows the customer the choice to source their home equipment from the service provider or on the open market.
  • Local Community TV channel developed in partnership with educational, sporting, business, religious and community organisations, providing 'opt-outs' for localised coverage to a number of areas within the SCTV region.
  • Ground breaking technology used for the first time in EU.
  • Massive capacity to cater for up to 1,000 TV channels
  • High Speed Internet Access
  • Video-On-Demand
  • SCTV has a 15 year track record of delivering to its customers.


proposed costs for customers

The proposed cost to all customers for the Standard service (providing 38 TV and Radio services) is €16 (IR£12.60) per month.
There will be a once-off Installation Fee of €110 (IR£86.63). However, subscribers who decide to invest up to a minimum of €127 (IR£100) in SCTV shares can qualify for a free installation. Customer costs for Premium channels are currently under negotiation with the channel providers, but these will be available at competitive rates.


proposed timetable

1. In September 2000 extensive testing was undertaken in Co Cork.
2. In November 2000 a digital TV transmission licence was applied for from the ODTR.
3. In May 2003-Planned installation of digital infrastructure
4. In August 2003-Planned digital switch on - start customer installation.
5. In December 2003-projected figure of 15,000 households connected.
Projections above are subject to receipt of a digital licence before February 2003.


required customer equipment

In order to receive the SCTV Digital service, subscribers will require a new Antenna and Set Top Box (STB) installation. Most Antennae will be mounted on a pole attached to a chimney although it may also be possible to locate the Antenna elsewhere such as the gable end of the house or in some cases it may work in the attic space.
The Antenna is then cabled to the Set Top Box (STB) which is in turn connected to the subscriber's television set.
The set top box has capacity for up to 1000 Programme Services.
Each Set Top Box has a Conditional Access System (CAS), which through the use of a Smart Card, controls the level of services the subscriber receives.


internet services

Internet services will be provided in phase two of the digital network development.
To receive high speed Internet services in addition to the standard equipment the subscriber will require an extra interface receiver between the Set-Top Box (STB) and PC.
The main advantage for the subscriber is the speed at which the SCTV network can deliver information either while browsing or downloading files.
SCTV subscribers will be able to download files in fifteen minutes that would normally take in excess of 80 hours through a normal telephone line.
There is also a facility to send instant pop up e-mails throughout the SCTV network.


video on demand

With the advent of Domestic Hard Drive Recorders it will be possible to deliver Video-On-Demand to the subscriber via the Internet or through the SCTV Hub, to be viewed at any time by the subscriber.
This will increase choice with flexible viewing times. Instead of travelling to the local video rental shop viewers will be able to select from a menu on their TV screens and download the film of their choice.


community channel

Uniquely SCTV will be in a position to develop its longstanding plan for genuine Community Broadcasting in the digital television era, in full consultation with the local community.
The services provided on the Community Channel will include:

  • A Community Noticeboard for local organisations.
  • Local programmes of interest to educational, sporting, religious, cultural, business, farming and community groups.
  • Important community events.
  • Output from the local independent film & programme making industry.
  • Partnerships with the centres of learning and education, at first, second and third level, including resource and training facilities for students.
  • Business training and promotion in conjunction with local professional and business groups.


proposed Standard package

1) RTE 1
3) TV3
4) TG4
5) BBC 1
6) BBC2
7) ITV
8) Channel 4
9) Sky One
10) Sky News
11) Sky Travel
12) Cartoon Network
13) T.C.M.
14) UK Living
15) Bravo
16) Trouble
17) UK Gold
18) Eurosport
19) MTV
20) Local Community TV Channel
+18 RTE, BBC and other radio stations with stereo quality


proposed Premium package

1) Sky Sports 1
2) Sky Sports 2
3) Sky Sports 3
4) Sky Sports News
5) Sky Premier Movies 1
6) Sky Premier Movies 2
7) Sky Premier Movies 3
8) Sky Premier Movies 4
9) Sky Premier Widescreen
10) Sky Cinema 1
11) Sky Cinema 2
12) Sky Sports Extra