A PROPOSED project by Habitat for Humanity to open a road in the Mountain Hill estate in Ligoniel, North Belfast as part of a housing scheme brought objections from local residents living in Millview Court, Hazle Brook Drive, Bleach Green and Mill Bank Park.The objections from residents came to the proposed opening of a road that would run from Wolfend Drive, through to Hazle Brook Drive.
To open this road would mean that a number of the residents would lose garden walls and parts of their gardens. As well as the obvious dangers to children who play in this area there would be the loss of the van shop that is needed in this area as the only means of shopping for this part of the Mountain Hill estate.
The residents asked the local Republican Sinn Féin representative for Ligoniel for help to keep the road closed.
At a meeting in Ligoniel on Tuesday morning, January 22 a representation
was made by Republican Sinn Féin on the resident’s behalf to Habitat
for Humanity.
At an earlier meeting with the residents and the Republican Sinn Féin
representative a plan was proposed. This was to allow the road to be opened
at the Wolfend Drive end of the road. This would allow access to the Lupus
Grove, the proposed site of the building scheme. But on no account was
the road to be made a through road.
This representation was made to Stacey Dodd of Habitat at Tuesday morning’s meeting.
The meeting, which was frank and open, ended with the assurance that Ms Dodd would take the proposals back to Habitat management and that they would be in touch with the Republican Sinn Féin representative on the proposals made.
On Tuesday afternoon the Republican Sinn Féin representative was informed by Stacey Dodd that the proposals had been agreed by the Habitat for Humanity scheme.
The Republican Sinn Féin representative has informed the residents of the outcome. It is now satisfactorily settled for all concerned.
The commitment of Republican Sinn Féin to work at community level
is clearly shown by the conclusion of this road issue in the Mountain Hill
estate in Ligoniel, north Belfast.
![]() The Voice of the Irish Republican Movement. Republican Sinn Féin
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