Opposition to visit of Prince ‘Bloody Sunday’ Charles

A CALL on the people of County Clare to oppose the visit of Prince Charles to the Burren has been made by the Brugha-Sabhat Cumann of Republican Sinn Féin on January 23.
Vice-President, Des Long , says that the Prince is the Colonel in Chief of the notorious Parachute Regiment involved in the shooting dead of 13 unarmed civilians in Derry.

“The showing of the film “Bloody Sunday” this week vividly brings to mind the actions of the Parachute Regiment that day in Derry. There can be no excuse for cold-blooded murder.

“The fact that the Briitsh Government gave honours to many of those military commanders involved in Bloody Sunday shows how insignifcantly they view the loss of innocent Irish lives.

“Now the people of Ireland are threatened with a visit from the Prince of Wales who is the Colonel in Chief of the Parachute Regiment. We say he is not welcome in Ireland and we are calling on the people of Clare to show their abhorance at Bloody Sunday by also opposing this proposed visit.”

The Voice of the Irish Republican Movement.

Republican Sinn Féin
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Starry Plough

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February 11, 2002 

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