THE Republican Movement has launched a programme promoting and developing the Éire Nua policy for a united, socialist and federal Ireland. This took place at a convention of Comhairle Uladh (the Ulster Executive) of Republican Sinn Féin in Monaghan town on Sunday, February 24.A core development group comprising venerated Republicans, political strategists and young activists were tasked with promoting the renowned proposals for self-governance to a new, broader and diverse readership. Addressing the executive, Joe O’Neill, Chair of Comhairle Uladh stated:
“ÉIRE NUA is the only workable structure for Irish self-governance which can protect the rights of the individual, the diversity of culture and the well-being of all. The maximised devolution of power promised within Éire Nua only poses a threat to those in Dublin & Stormont whose positions are dependant on corruption, gerrymandering, collaboration and sectarian head-counts. This document is the shining light of Republicanism and we, as the torchbearers, must make it our priority to illuminate the way for others.”
On the issues of policing, Mr O’Neill made it clear that Republican opposition to the RUC is not being aired or being facilitated by the media and certainly is now being addressed by oft-quoted objectors. He stated:
“You can change the name, the uniform, the badge and the religious affiliations of the RUC but you cannot change their raison d’être, their pay master and role. The RUC/PSNI are paid by the crown to protect the crown and to use whatever means necessary to silence resistance. It makes no difference whether constitutional nationalists co-operate and manage this force; they are still an enemy occupying presence in Ireland. A human shield of Catholics for the RUC/PSNI merely shows the contempt with which Britain holds the ‘natives’ in – though it is a contempt incomparable to the strength of feeling and determination of all true Republicans.”
In closing, the meeting was reminded of the forthcoming Seán
Keenan commemoration in Derry on Sunday, March 3.
The ÉIRE NUA policy document emerged during internment week
1971, was re-adopted by Republican Sinn Féin in 1988 and updated
in 1990 and 2000. It proposes a New Federal Ireland of the four provinces
with maximum devolution to local and community level – natural power-sharing
based on local majorities in preference to enforced co-operation as at
The meeting, which was set up as a sub-committee of Comhairle Uladh (Ulster Executive) agreed a range of consultative and developmental initiatives, which will be executed in the coming months. In addition to targeting specific citizen and political groupings, a range of campaign, debate and awareness-raising projects were formulated to promote this key policy document.
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Chairing the meeting, Vice-President of Republican Sinn Féin Mary Ward said:
“With more and more people joining Sinn Féin Poblachtach it is vital that we harness their energies and ideas so that our shared objective as visualised in ÉIRE NUA becomes a reality. The hunger to realise the Republic as outlined in the 1916 Proclamation remains unsatisfied and our growing strength only serves to bring our ÉIRE NUA nearer.”
In response to constitutional nationalists paying lip service to a united Ireland, the Vice-President continued:
“There are those who are not content with just enshrining sectarianism through the Stormont Agreement that they insist on further unionist vetoes being met prior to engaging the All-Ireland Republic. That is not the Republican way. There is no party out there other than Republican Sinn Féin who has devised and developed the structures for the new, inclusive and unified Ireland – in respect of all their talk, it would seem that the Emperors have no clothes.”
![]() The Voice of the Irish Republican Movement. Republican Sinn Féin
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