Political chicanery cannot achieve freedom

WHEN the Belfast Agreement was signed to resounding hype in the Six Counties and the Free State, not to mention Britain and America, two important facts were ignored by all concerned and by a compliant media.
The first fact is that Parliament is sovereign in Britain and agreements or treaties can be revoked by a parliamentary majority, if such a course of action suits the Brits.
Secondly, the radical change in USA foreign policy vis-à-vis the ‘Irish’ question was a once-off phenomenon of the Clinton presidency which would end with his presidency. Thus the fragile basis on which this agreement was predicated is and was self-evident to any objective observer.

The distinctly cooler reception being afforded to the [mis]leaders of Pseudo Sinn Féin by Washington is a clear indication that the honeymoon is over and the traditional Anglo/American policy on Ireland is firmly back in place, and working smoothly in tandem.

Bush’s enforcer Haass tells Adams that Pseudo Sinn Féin must join the new British Police Board and British supremo in the Six Counties Reid tells them that they must join the same board if they want the RUC/PSNI to stamp on the loyalists. And so, these masters of deviousness and low, mean cunning (Adams, McGuinness et al) are now between a rock and a hard place. They can’t defend the nationalist people against the loyalist pogrom of murder and mayhem and their power to influence British and American policy on the Six Counties has been totally emasculated by their political and military surrender to the Brits.

If one is to believe reports in the media (a difficult thing to do in view of their history and past and present performance) Adams and his pals are having some trouble with  rank and file pseudo-Republicans in their organisation. It appears they are annoyed at the surrender of arms to the Brits. This beggars belief. Anyone, of even minimal intelligence, could see where Adams and his pals were headed for in 1986.

Ruairí Ó Brádaigh and other Republicans pointed out clearly where they would end up, and they have duly arrived there, exactly as predicted. These disaffected pseudo Republicans in Adams’ army of followers should really lie down and be quiet. By protesting now, they are merely letting the world know how stupid and easily led they were. History proves that their experience is not novel, and is littered with instances similar to theirs.

Ambitious people “on the make” using gullible “foot-soldiers” to help them achieve the tawdry objectives, and then discarding them like space rockets once they get into political orbit. The unhappy foot soldiers should cut their losses and retire from political activity, as their position is irretrievable.

That they were used and misled is undeniable, but they are not deserving of any sympathy. They got plenty of warning and a cursory study of modern Irish history would have shown them what their ultimate fate would be. They are now part of the dustbin of modern Irish political history and the latest in a long and ignoble line of one-time Republicans who forsook Republicanism and deluded themselves into thinking that political chicanery can achieve freedom, or that political cunning and deviousness are a substitute for integrity and principle.

The Voice of the Irish Republican Movement.

Republican Sinn Féin
223 Parnell Street, Dublin 1
229 Falls Road, Belfast

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Starry Plough

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March 11, 2002 

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