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A chara
I am writing this letter to inform readers, friends and supporters
of the re-establishment of the Comdt-Gen Tom Maguire Republican Flute Band.
This a brand new Republican band and it will take a lot of hard work to
get it up and running and to maintain the band.
The aims of the band will be to uphold the name of Comdt-Gen Tom Maguire who was Commander of the Irish Republican Army in the west of Ireland. He and his column of 30 men defied 600 British troops at Tourmakeady. In 1921 Tom Maguire was elected as a member of the Second (All-Ireland) Dáil Éireann South Mayo/South Roscommon. Tom Magure served the all-Ireland Republic all his life. He died peacefully in his sleep in 1993, having reached the grand old age of 101 years. From 1987 to his death he was Patron of Republican Sinn Féin.
Currently we’re seeking people of all ages, male and female, who have an interest in Republican music. If you know how to play or you're looking to learn the following instruments: flute, side drum, main drum, tambourines and cymbals or any relevant instrument, please contact us. At present the important thing is to list member’s details.
Once sufficient numbers are registered training will commence for a one-year period. During this time fund-raising events will be held so that the band will be kitted out with only the best uniforms and equipment.
Through this I hope to make this band one of the best in Ireland.
If interested please contact:
229 Falls Road, Belfast or phone Belfast 90 319 004
A chara
I am replying to a letter from a former Maidstone inmate.
I would just like to state, as a Republican I also voted for the ‘Good Friday’ Agreement in the context that I thought it would bring about meaningful change for nationalists in the Six Counties.
I also believed the leadership of the [Provisional] Republican Movement would lead us towards that change. How wrong I was!
I took to the streets to protest for change, no return to Stormont,
no decommissioning, equality, and an end to the sectarian statelet, disband
the RUC.
People were up for it. Alas! Did our leadership deliver?
A return to Stormont. Decommissioning of IRA weapons (the people’s weapons),
a crime in itself. Equality for nationalists? City Hall politics put paid
to that theory.
Sectarianism against Catholics is at its worst for 30 years, and of
course the best delivery of all for nationalists, a repackaged RUC.
On this matter the Republicans rejected outright Patten’s proposals.
The [Provisional] leadership are ignoring this and pushing for the implementation of Patten’s proposals.
I say to my friend Maidstone inmate, you said that “Young Republican” should bury his head in the sand.
I say to you, it’s our leaders who should bury their heads in shame.
It’s such a pity our leaders have put being politicians on a world stage, and reaping the financial reward it brings, ahead of the fight for Irish unity.
The absence of Gerry Adams in Derry [at the Bloody Sunday march] did not go unnoticed; we all know he was busy elsewhere being a politician.
Finally, my friend, no one wants war, but also no one wants to be a second-class citizen.
The Irish people did not vote to call off the war, they voted for a new Ireland with equality for all.
Sadly, the ‘Good Friday’ Agreement has failed to deliver this.
It’s time the [Provisional] leadership washed their hands of this illegal unionist agreement and get back to what they do best, being Irish Republicans.
Failure to do this will bring a rude awakening at the ballot box.
A lot of Republicans have been hurt and saddened by the actions of the movement since the last elections.
I will finish by saying that the seeds of conflict on this island are currently been sown by the British/unionist establishment and not by the Real IRA.
Republicans are fully entitled to offer armed resistance to British rule and unionist domination in the Six Counties, which is being directed from their power base at Stormont, home of the ‘Northern Ireland’ government, and Westminster.
Let’s not forget the words ‘Ireland unfree shall never be at peace’. Are those words not politically incorrect for the [Provisional] Sinn Féin leadership?
Head out of the sand REPUBLICAN
(This letter was carried in the North Belfast News, February 16, 2002.)
A chara
How dare Gerry Adams and the rest of his clique say they are still
committed to a 32-County socialist Republic? Provisional Sinn Féin
is getting huge sums of money from so-called ‘Friends of Sinn Féin’
in the US. These groups would in no shape or form support any future ‘socialist
Republic’ as socialism is a dirty word in the US. Now Gerry Adams says
attacks on the USA like September 11 are “acts of terrorism”. All this
from a man who says the 1984 bomb at the hotel in Brighton was a “blow
for democracy”.
It saddens me to say as a young man who joined the Republican Movement in Kevin Street in 1976, we have been betrayed more than we know. What started out as a struggle to free our people and give an equal share of society, has ended up as how many US high-tech companies will set up in Belfast and the rest of Ireland. Was this what it was all for?
I was prepared to give the Stormont Agreement a chance, but I was wrong. I wrote to An Phoblacht about my concerns as to where the movement was going, but yes, You guessed it, they would not publish my letter.
I have bought my last An Phoblacht and thank God for SAOIRSE.
Dublin 9
A chara
Re your last edition of SAOIRSE about Garda complaints and misconduct
in that force, since the passing of the Public Order Bill several years
ago the 26 Counties has become a police state.
This catch-all piece of legislation gives the 26-County police a free
hand to do whatever they like, the harassment of Republicans and other
left-wing groups and protesters in general. These brave police don’t harass
anybody living in the money-belt areas. Handy police work is all they are
interested in, car tax, someone with a few drinks too many and protesters
as such.
A chara
I was somewhat surprised recently to be approached by a local (former
prisoner) councillor. He invited me, as a close relative, to participate
in a function honouring deceased IRA Volunteers, organised by the ‘Republican
Movement’ (sic). Not wishing to insult this person, I immediately politely
Why you might say, should I refuse an opportunity to honour my deceased brother? Well, first of all, I have no problem with anyone who wishes to pay tribute to those who died for Ireland. It doesn’t happen often enough as far as I’m concerned.
But why are the Adams/McGuinness group organising such a function at this juncture? Could it possibly be that following their surrender of weapons, the morass of the so-called ‘peace process’, and their rapidly-declining support, they need to exploit their discarded history, and dead soldiers of the Republic?
The best honour that can be paid to IRA Volunteers is the achievement
of what they died for – the establishment of the 32-County Democratic Socialist
Republic in Ireland. Until the day arrives, I will support functions organised
by those who continue the struggle for that objective, the real Republican
Movement – Republican Sinn Féin.
Newry, Co Down
A chara
I was very pleased that SAOIRSE (February 2002) reprinted a statement
made by Fr Des Wilson in the Andersonstown News on January 23, 2002 entitled
“Innocent until proved guilty”.
He was referring to the show-trial in Dublin of Colm Murphy. It was quite inspired writing by Fr Des. It’s a credit to him and the stature he holds amongst Belfast nationalists and Republicans that he would not be silenced on what he thinks, ie his own inner thoughts on justice and, in Colm Murphy’s case, “A severe lack of it”.
The idea that two 26-County policemen can tamper with an statement alleged to have been made by Colm Murphy, and yet, not even deemed then as inadmissible by the Judge and thrown out “beggar’s belief” to say the least. What concerns me greatly is why the legal Bar did not voice their concerns (if they had any!). I suppose on reflection that the courts and the political system in the 26 Counties is so corrupt that no one bothers to cry out anymore – what’s the sense? They’re all so corrupt, ie scandals, trials and tribunals.
I do feel really sorry for Colm Murphy. He deserved a fair trial. However, in their eyes, he is “an unashamed Republican” and they found him guilty even before he was charged and the media hype against this man before the trial made it easy for the judges to do their dirty work.
The fact is that he can now appeal on more than 30 grounds in that so many rules were either broken or bent. If they’ve done it once then what’s to stop them giving him many more years? Where or who is going to give this man justice? And there’s his family who will be deprived of a husband and father for 14 years – it stinks!
Contrast that with when four Provos were convicted of Garda McCabe’s killing. The Provos shouted blue murder from day one and demanded that the four be released under the Stormont Agreement but they never uttered one single word regarding the injustice done to Colm Murphy. To me it’s sheer hypocrisy.
I notice that I have not seen Fr Des’s column in the Andersonstown News
since January 23. This may well be coincidental, Fr Des may be on holidays
or was he dropped at the behest of the Provos?
Belfast 14
A chara
If ever there was a miscarriage of justice it was the trial of Colm
Murphy. A file was sent to the DPP on two of the team of Special Branchmen
who interrogated him at Monaghan Street station. You can never get justice
in the Special Court because there is no jury only three political judges.
If Colm Murphy’s trial was in Belfast or in London there would have been an outcry from 26-County politicians and former Republicans. I don’t think any Free State politician visited Colm Murphy in Portlaoise jail. I have no doubt there will be a group from Leinster House at the trial in Bogota to make sure there will be no perjury by the Colombian police.
Ireland was never short of traitors.
A chara
It is ironic to hear the bellowing and outrage of British MPs in the
House of Commons about the US government’s treatment of the “detainees”
in Cuba. It is admirable that they show concern. However, it is an abomination
at the utter silence heard in the House of Commons in regard to the Irish
Republican POWs held by the British Crown Forces in HMP Maghaberry and
Belmarsh. Their conditions and treatment by Crown Forces is not much different
than what we hear the MPs complaining to the US government about.
Irish Republicans are subjected to a revised scheme of “internment”
and a detention system that is only used against them and not other segments
of the populace.
Where are the MPs shouts of concern?
Irish Republicans continue to be stopped, harassed, searched and any other inconvenience that can be forced upon them for no other reason than their belief in total Irish freedom. Where are the MPs shouts of concern?
Irish Republicans are sent to special non-jury courts, not unlike military courts we have been hearing so much about, in which adequate recourse and defence is a farce. Where also the scales of justice are tilted towards the government. Where are the MP’s shouts of concern?
Irish Republicans once sent up to the British jails are exposed to physical and verbal attacks by loyalist and criminal elements that they are forced to be housed with. A blind eye is turned by the screws to the intimidation and beatings of the POWs. Humiliating and dehumanising treatment such as strip searches and a general antagonism of the POWs is commonplace. Where are the MP’s shouts of concern?
Irish Republicans are once again in a fight to regain the political status that was taken from them in the Great Betrayal. A fight won by the deaths of ten brave Volunteers. Where are the MP’s shouts of concern?
The British MPs should demand of their own government, which they are
a part of, no less than what they expect of the US government. Stop the
hypocrisy now!
The MPs in political honesty should support the fight for Irish Republican
POWs’ special status and demand of themselves and their government that
they support the Four Demands: 1 the separation of Irish Republicans from
ordinary and loyalist prisoners; 2 recognition as a group; 3 the right
to their own spokesperson, and; 4 a prison wing or space of their own.
But what do we hear from the British MPs? Silence, utter silence.
Ohio, USA
A chara
An article in the Connacht Tribune on February 22 was confusing in
that it was reported as a straight piece and not in the amusement section.
The article stated that the Shinners are making the health of the folks
their primary campaign slogan because they are concerned.
That is a stretch, considering that the health of those who dared to speak out on the Provo sellout, took a severe turn for the worst as a result of threats, beatings, intimidation all in the name of peace.
If they wish to become truly involved in the health of all of the people
of Ireland then a good place to start is at the beginning which is the
centuries-old British occupation and the slavish servitude that it demands
of Irish life.
New Jersey, USA
Web layout by SAOIRSE -- Irish Freedom March 11, 2002 Send links, events notifications, articles, comments etc, to the editor at: saoirse@iol.ie. |