Screenplays |
Updated: 19/11/2006 |
Reviews taken from readers comments on different drafts of Angels and Devils. [ bottom ] Updated: 14/09/2006 Overall Stars: Story: Excellent Characterization: Good but in a short screenplay that is understandable. I think this would make for a great feature length if you added more to it, and maybe developed the characters more. Dialogue: Good it comes to dialogue. There's room for improvement in terms of rewording some of the dialogue. After putting this screenplay down for a year to two, I'm sure you can find ways to improve upon it when reading through it again. A specific spot in the dialogue which I suggest doing differently has to do when you used "starting to panic" as
a paranthetical, I would have written this into the action. So your
story and premise work fine for me - I'm a father that can relate to SAM. ........The twist with (spoiler alert) is great....... .......This is a very emotional piece and I felt it when I read it. Good job with that. ::Golf clap:: .......
......Your handling of direction was stock, but nearly flawless. ::Golf clap:: ......
.....I enjoyed the piece overall, you can do emotion, that I’ll give you, but work on creativity and dialogue and you could
write a tremendous work.......
.....The first thing I most say is that writing standard and format is a credit to you......
.....The opening scenes were very moving and it was done well and your skill is good overall in getting the reader hooked as
soon as possible......
.....The emotional upheaval that Sam is going through can only be imagined and you did it very well. The loss of a loved one is
enough but by such violent means is a terrible taught indeed......
.....The system around could not solve the situation new facing him or that he had faced is indeed a very true situation.
The final act of revenge and Sam’s life is destroyed as well......
.....I enjoyed the piece. Mainly because it has a theme that is so relevant to everyday life and it portrays the other side
of the story regarding this issue.
.....The idea that the man (the father) has to cope with another man killing his child......
.....I wonder whether or not this piece has been written with some kind of experience of the subject in mind......
.....By that I mean, has the author known someone who has lost a child in this way? I say this because there
appears to be a lot of anger coming out of the piece.
.....Thank you for giving me an opportunity to review your script, “Angels and Devils.” You certainly wrote one from the heart......
.....Your script shows a great deal of emotional intensity and real guts in your feelings......
..... I’m sure most people in Sam’s predicament would have done the same, and in that respect you showed him as a real
human being and not a cardboard cutout character. Good job on that......
.....You did a good job portraying the anguish of a father who lost his child to such an awful crime......
.....Sam is the powerful type of character that makes us ask ourselves “Would I do the same thing?” .....
.....Depressing but unfortunately realistic. This is everybody’s nightmare whether they have their own child, a
young sibling or whatever......
.....You did a good job showing Sam’s past and his moments with his child. Very sad but well done......
.....This was a well done but sad story. In the end, at least with me, Sam is not a villain and he really didn’t do anything wrong......
.....Who would not snap if their child’s murderer went free? I’m sure that the legal system would be sympathetic with him as well.
Overall, this was a very good short screenplay......
.....A decent protyal of a father after losing his daughter to a monster. I could definately see it on screen......
.....Very disturbing story. But you already know that. I like the twist at the end.....
.....First of all; let me thank the Author for their WONDERFUL submission?! .....I was “truly moved”
by the POWERFUL and emotionally compelling Story;
.....that was tragic, dark, and deeply disturbing, yet ironically “convoluted” and BRILLIANTLY “flip-flopped” with
“role reversal” at the solemn ending!
.....The character of Sam was definitely the screenplay’s strong point, his emotions and feeling shone through well......
.....I got onto to your script via the “Read a Random Script” button on the read page. I went back and checked your
logline after reading wondering why it didn’t grab/invite me to read.....
.....But I’m happy the random button threw up a good script! .....At the end a very clever idea. Nice little reverse. Totally threw me......
.....I think you have a good handle on making a script interesting. The plot turns are very good. You can obviously write
. A lot of enthusiasm for the cinematic quality of the film.
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