Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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               Blood Brothers
               A Screenplay by:
               Sean Ryan
               For my Dad.
               Random scene 1
               Registered with Screenwriter's Guild (c) 2005
               INT. BAR - NIGHT

               TITLE: JUNE 2003

               The bar is busy, with various people drinking, playing pool
               and talking.

               The smoked filed room, not unlike any bar in any town.

               Dave and John are in the middle of a pool game.

               Dave pots a ball.

                         Nice shot.

                         As always.

               John takes a sip from his beer bottle.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         I think I was more afraid of
                         telling John that I was my own
                         father. I knew how he felt. But I
                         felt like I needed to do it.

               Dave smiles fades. He looks up at John as he takes another

                         I've joined up.

               John is distracted, watching a girl across the bar.

                         That's great.

               John turns.

                         Sorry. You ...

                         Joined up. Joined the Marine

               John's face drops. He puts down his beer. 

                         You fucking what?

               Dave smiles.

                         Dude. I knew you were a lot of
                         things, but I didn't think you
                         were deaf.

               John leans back against the wall. Standing in silence for a
               few seconds.

                         You do realize we are at war?
                         Well if you can call it war.
                         Don't you?

                         That's why I joined up. To, you
                         know, do my bit.

                         Do your bit. This is fucking
                         unbelievable. Do you even believe
                         in this war?

               John throws his queue onto the table.

                         I believe in my country.

                         That's not an answer. Do you
                         believe in this war?

                         I believe in what happened on
                         9/11. I believe we need to make a
                         stand. We are the last great
                         super power. We need to start
                         acting like one.

                         9/11 had nothing to do with this.
                         Listen to yourself. You are
                         starting to believe all that
                         propaganda. Christ if there was
                         no oil there, would we even be in
                         that fucking country?

               Dave drinks some of his beer.

                         I thought you of all people would
                         understand. Fuck, you sound like
                         my old man.

                         If that's the case, looks like I
                         have never given your father
                         enough credit.
                         Why didn't you come to me first?
                         We could have discuss...

               Dave walks away and turns his back on John.

                         It's my fucking decision. Mine. I
                         know what I am doing. Christ, I'm
                         not a kid anymore.

                         Exactly and this isn't fucking
                         war game. You could get yourself
                         killed. Do you want to be another
                         number on a gravestone, in some
                         military graveyard? A fucking
                         monument to someone else's
                         political fuckup. This is your
                         fucking life.

                         Exactly. My fucking life. 

               John drinks some beer.

                         What is this war trying to prove?
                         We are just fighting a fucking
                         word here. Didn't we even learn
                         anything from Vietnam? England,
                         France, USA ripped that fucking
                         country to pieces. Now they all
                         own it anyway. Why did we leave
                         some many bodies over there?

                         We have to do something. We were

                         9/11 happened because of the Gulf
                         War. What do we do, start another
                         fucking gulf war? Now there's
                         fucking progress. All we are
                         doing is creating new recruits.
                         Giving people yet another fucking
                         reason to hate us.

                         Why don't you come with me?

                         Fuck that. My father lost a
                         brother to a word once,
                         communism. Said he came back, but
                         he was never the same. Is that
                         what you want?
                         It's not some fucking video game,
                         its real. Real people die.

                         I'm willing to lay down my life
                         for my country. Why aren't you?

                         Why? Because I question the
                         policies of our government. Once
                         upon a time that would have made
                         me a patriot. I love this
                         country. I just don't agree with
                         what they are doing. We are like
                         some jolly green giant stumping
                         through countries like we fucking
                         own them. Like some global
                         fucking police force. Who's to
                         say we're right, What if we're
                         wrong. Aren't we just creating
                         more terrorist volunteers? Hell I
                         would join up if an army invaded
                         my country and my family was

                         What are you a fucking traitor? 

                         Not my fight. I did agree when we
                         went after these fuckers in
                         Afghanistan. But it all got a
                         little grey after that. What's
                         next? Besides, one man's freedom
                         fighter is another mans
                         terrorist. This is no longer
                         country against country. People
                         are the pawns in this. Innocent
                         people going to work, living
                         their lives. Makes no difference
                         if these are American or Iraqi or
                         whoever. Or do you believe, that
                         American life is worth more?

                         Fuck, I don't know. It'll all be
                         over in a few weeks anyhow.

                         What if it isn't? What if it
                         drags on and the bodies pile up?
                         Are you willing to die for this?
                         My real fear, is what will happen
                         five, ten years from now. When
                         this administration had moved on
                         and policy has yet again changed.
                         Will we become the victim of this
                         wars aftermath.
                         We need to plan further than four
                         or eight years. We need to stop
                         being the enemy of half the
                         fucking world.

               Dave just looks at John. But doesn't answer.

                         They have turned this country
                         into a fucking military state.
                         Soldiers on our bridges and our
                         airports. People are becoming
                         afraid to speak up. We monitor e
                         mails, phone calls and alike. We
                         have willingly handed over our
                         freedoms out of fear. I would say
                         mission fucking accomplished Mr.
                         Fucking Bin Laden. They wanted to
                         change this country, shape it
                         into the mess that they live in.
                         Job well done….

               John gulps his beer.

                         That is why we need to fight.
                         Hunt these people down. Besides,
                         what else is there for me, Steel
                         mill and welfare? This is my
                         chance to be something, to make a

                         What good will it be if you die?

                         We all gotta die, sometime.

                         Fuck. Now you are starting to
                         sound like John Wayne. I would
                         prefer if we did, sitting in the
                         porch, supping a couple of buds.
                         Instead of getting my guts
                         spilled out onto the sand of a
                         country that most of us don't
                         even known where in the world is.

                         I've made my decision. I start
                         basic training on Monday.

               John turns away in frustration.

                         So that's it? You haven't even
                         listened to a single word I've

                         I've listened. Just think you
                         don't care enough about your
                         country. Not enough to stand up
                         and be counted.

               John walks over and stands face to face with Dave.

                         Fuck you. Why should I do
                         something if I don't believe in

                         Would that be your country you
                         don't believe in?

               John grabs Dave by the arm.

                         Fuck you and fuck your warped
                         sense of loyalty ...

               Dave reacts quickly. He punches John in the face. Sending
               him onto the flat of his back.

                         No fuck you.

               Dave turns and walks away.

               John gets to his feet and shouts after Dave.

                         Go. Be there for your country. I
                         just hope your country is there
                         for you, when you need it. There
                         is no such thing as heroes, just
                         lucky and unlucky people, alive
                         and dead.

               Dave ignores him and leaves the bar.

               John wipes the dust from his hands. As he does he looks at
               the scar on the palm of his right hand. Where the two had
               made their oath years before.

               He looks at the scar for a few seconds. Before leaving the
               bar himself.

               EXT. OUTSIDE BAR - NIGHT

               Dave is walking away from the bar. John runs up behind and
               grabs him by the arm.

               Dave swings around, almost hitting John in the head.

                         Come on man, talk to me.

                         I was trying to. But as always
                         you keep ramming your ideals down
                         my trout.

                         I just don't believe you know
                         what you are doing here.

                         It is something I need to do.
                         Hell, I think I've always needed

                         You sure this is not just some
                         way of proving yourself to your
                         parents, your brother?

                         I was wondering how long it would
                         take you to throw her back in my
                         face. Ok, you were right about
                         her. But that's a different
                         issue. I just feel like I am
                         drifting through life. I have an
                         opportunity here to make a
                         difference. To leave my mark.

                         Leave you mark. This is not some
                         combat reality show. Boys are
                         coming home in plastic fucking
                         bags. You hear me, plastic
                         fucking bags. For what? There are
                         so many, they are not even
                         considered news worthy any more.
                         Imagine that being one of your
                         kids. The most previous thing in
                         the world to you, sent home,
                         unknown. Having died for god
                         knows what. What if you get
                         yourself killed. For what?

               John runs his hands through his hair, in frustration. The
               temper and passion clear in the expression on his face.

               Dave looks back, empty. He just looks away and back at his

                         Trying to make a difference. At
                         least I'm trying. What are you
                         doing? Stuck in a dead end job.
                         Living with your parents and
                         preaching to people about things
                         you now fucking nothing about.

                         This is not about me.

                         Isn't it? You sure? Maybe you are
                         just afraid that I'm leaving you
                         behind. Moving on and you can't
                         handle it. So long as I'm here
                         listening to your bull shit,
                         you're happy.

                         Is that what you believe?


               John looks at his feet and turns away from his friend.

                         Then I'm just wasting my time.
                         Obviously always have been.
                         Goodbye Dave. I hope you find
                         what you're looking for. But one
                         day you will look back and
                         realize you have been lied to and
                         brainwashed. Why don't attack the
                         French, blow up the Eiffel Tower?
                         Or anyone that just disagrees
                         with our policies? The people are
                         supposed to be the ones running
                         this country, not the other way

               John walks away.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         Does anyone ever really mean when
                         they say in a heated argument
                         Words can be so damaging, some
                         last a life time, yet we dish
                         them out. Not thinking of how
                         they hurt or the consequences.

               Dave watches his friend walk away. The anger clear on his
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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.