Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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               Blood Brothers
               A Screenplay by:
               Sean Ryan
               For my Dad.
               Registered with Screenwriter's Guild (c) 2005

               INT. HELICOPTER HOLD - DAY

               A group of marines sit in the passenger hold, of a
               Blackhawk helicopter.

               Dave, one of the marines, twenty two. Well built and
               tanned, dressed in marine issue urban combat gear, sits
               looking at the other marines in front of him.

               The helicopter's rotors start to spin, as it prepares for               take off. 

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         My name is David. Dave to my
                         friends. This is my story. I hope
                         is doesn't feel like some bad
                         country and western song.

               A SERGEANT shouts some orders. A large built, African
               American man, in his late thirties. The look on his face,
               along with several showing scars, spell put combat

                         Remember, we are going in hot.
                         Stay alert. Watch for snipers. 


               The helicopter starts to take off. Sand kicks into the air,
               in all directions.

               It is accompanied by both a Blackhawk and a Chinook
               transport copter.


                         OK. Lock and load.

               With almost robotic precision, each of the men on the
               helicopter starts to load their weapons.

               Each marine loading a magazine of ammunition, checks the
               weapon and loads a bullet into the rifle chamber.

               Each marine looking disciplined, trained and experienced.

               The flight carries the troops over several populated areas.

               The scenery shows battle damaged houses and buildings.
               Smoke raises from different locations.

               Dave observes the ground below from the open door of the

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         This was the first country
                         outside the USA I had been to. It
                         looks so peaceful from the air. A
                         sort of damaged beauty. The
                         helicopter rides were a roller
                         coaster ride, only better. You
                         really felt like a cog in a big


               The helicopter touches down. The men disembark with
               efficient speed. Running and covering each other, from
               possible attack.

               The copters take off and hovers the area. The door-mounted
               gunner scans the area for possible threats.

               The Sergeant relays hand signals and the marines start to
               group into patrol formation.

               Dave walks as part of the patrol, through a battle damaged

               Very few locals can be seen. A woman observes from a
               window. A girl looks on from a trench, her father running
               out to drag her into a house.

               The patrol is heavily armed. Several armored Humvee's lead
               and one is driven at the rear.

               A Blackhawk helicopter roars overhead, kicking up sand from
               the rooftops of several buildings.

               Marines shield their faces from the mini sand storm.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         As long as I could remember, I
                         had always wanted to be a
                         soldier. The first time I stepped
                         foot on that sand. I felt so, so
                         fucking powerful. That armor on
                         my chest, that weapon in my

               Dave grips the carbine rifle in his hands.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         For the first time in my life, I
                         felt like I finally belonged. I
                         felt like no one, nothing could
                         fuck with me. I was armor
                         platted. Army of one man.
                         Infucking destructible. 

               A man looks at Dave and then down at his feet, avoiding eye

               Dave smiles to himself and continues his patrol.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         How quickly all that can change.

               Dave walks past a parked Humvee. He nods at the soldier
               manning the mounted machine gun.

               The man nods back and smiles.

               Suddenly the man is struck by something. His head rocks to
               one side as part of his face disappears. 

               He falls to the ground, dead.

               Dave freezes for a split second, before diving to the
               ground, making himself a smaller target.

                         Incoming. Sniper!

               He scans the area for possible attack positions. But cannot
               focus in on a single attacker.

               The attack seems to be coming from several directions.
               Muzzle flashes from various windows, roof tops.

               Dave tries to focus on one target, but the attacking fire
               is too heavy.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         Veterans of combat will tell you
                         that skill and training is what
                         kept them alive. From my
                         experience, it's just pure luck.
                         A life lottery. Only this time,
                         you lose when your number comes

               He throws his weapon from side to side. Shooting at the
               muzzle flashes. He attempts to lay down as much fire as

               Men fall in all directions. The patrol has been caught off
               guard and are now paying the price.

               A medic runs to attend the man on the Humvee, but fails to
               make it. A bullet meets it mark, in the centre of his chest
               and he dies before his body impacts with the sand.

               Dave crawls to him. Bullets hits spray sand into his face,
               but he pushes on regardless.

               He drags the medic away from the Humvee, just before the
               vehicle rolls over him.

               Dave drags the man behind a broken wall. He examines him,
               finding the medic clearly dead.


               Dave leans his weapon over the top of the wall, firing

               He attempts to look over and almost looses his head as a
               result. The top section of the wall almost explodes, under
               bullet hits.

               A fragment of stone propels from the impact, tearing a
               small hole in Dave's check.

               He yelps in pain and shock, but caries on without stopping
               to examine his wounds.

               A Blackhawk helicopter flies overhead. Its machine gunner
               offering covering fire. The sounds from its guns and rotor,
               almost deafening, drowning out everything else.

               Dave talks the opportunity to run to another position,
               under covering fire from above

               He makes it halfway to his destination, when he is blown to
               the ground by an explosion above. As the helicopter is hit
               by an RPG.

               The remains of the helicopter spins out of control, crash
               landing only feet in front of him. 

               Men fall from the craft, burning and injured.

                         Jesus fucking Christ.

               Dave runs towards the aid of the pilots. But is driven back
               by the flames, and sniper fire.

               The burning men make easy targets and are shot before any
               rescue can be attempted.

               His Sergeant calls from the side of another building, after
               observing Dave's movements.

                         Get your fucking ass down!

               Dave hesitates for one second too long, on where to run.
               His doubt costs him dearly. 

               He is hit, driving him back onto the ground.

                         Don't move. We will get to you.

               A bullet rips through Dave's lower leg.

               Dave screams in agony.

                         Hold on son. Hold on.

               Dave starts to drift into unconsciousness.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         I remember not thinking or
                         believing I had been shot. You
                         feel detached from reality, from
                         your own body. Then I started to
                         drift. I really thought I was

               The sounds and images of battle fade.

                                                            FADE OUT.


               TITLE: MAY 24TH 1993

               The setting is beautiful. A large open field, perfect green
               grass. The sun hanging high, in a brilliant blue sky.

               The only sounds are that of birds singing. The bird's songs
               are suddenly broken, by the sounds of youth.

               A large group of about a dozen boys, all of similar height
               and ages, lie at one end of the field. 

               They are all carrying plastic and wooden weapons of some

               DAVE, 10 years of age. Average height, blond hair, well
               tanned. He is dressed in camouflaged combat dress, wearing
               a green plastic helmet.

               Lying beside him is JOHN. Two months younger, similar
               height. He has black hair and is wearing a stars and
               stripes bandanna.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         Friends. When you are young you
                         have more than you know what to
                         do with. How all that changes, as
                         you get older.

               At the far opposite end of the field, lies a similar force
               of boys.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         When we were kids. The only game
                         was War. Didn't matter which one.
                         Vietnam, WWII. Just so long as
                         you got to fight. But it usually
                         meant dying, about a dozen times
                         a day.

               Dave stands up and places a hand up to his mouth.

                         Ho Chi Min sucks dead dicks. 

               He quickly lays back down. Taking cover from the imaginary
               onslaught of enemy fire.

                         Dave, you really have to stop
                         watching those Vietnam movies. 

               Dave ignores his friend.

                         Everyone ready?

               The group of boys, each nod in agreement.

                         Come on. We can take 'em.
                         Everyone on me.

               Dave stands and starts to run. John immediately follows.
               The other boys hesitate slightly, but run after the two.

                         Move it, move it, move it.

               The second group of boys see the attack and start to

               Dave fires his plastic machine gun. Making a sound of a gun
               firing, as he sprays the advancing boys with invisible
               bullets and spit from his mouth.

                         Take that, you V.C. motherfucker.

               John smiles and joins in the attack. He takes aim with his
               branch of wood and shoots an attacker, with his imaginary
               sniper rifle.

               The field is a hive of activity as the play war unfolds.
               Boys fall, other throw imaginary grenades.

               Some boys are arguing about who shot who. It is all, a
               youthful chaotic scene.

               Dave is shot by one of his attackers. He falls to the
               ground holding his stomach.

                             (screaming in fake pain)
                         Medic. Help me. Medic.

               John is busy attacking another small group, he turns to see
               his friend hit the ground.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         John was always my friend. So
                         long as I could remember. We
                         swore when we were kids, that
                         would never change.


               Johns runs to his friend.

                         Leave me Johnnie boy. I'm done
                         for. Belly wound. No hope.
                         Save yourself.

               John smiles.

                         Leave you here to die? Never. 

               He takes Dave's hand and starts to drag him out of the

               Dave squirms in fake pain, as he is dragged through the
               grass, away from chaos.

                         Never leave a man behind.

               The two reach the safety of a ditch, several feet from the
               continuing battle.

               John collapses to the ground, breathing heavy.

                         Christ. You could have helped. 

                         Hey. I'm wounded man.

                         Yeah, wounded and heavy.

               The two share a laugh.

                         Thanks for coming back for me.

                         Hey. You're my brother.

                         Much more than that. I have a
                         brother. He would always leave me

               John passes Dave a small bag of sweets.

                         Thanks. For the pain?

               The two smile.

                         We win?

                         Do we ever? We were the good guys
                         and we always seem to lose.

               Dave stands up and offers John a hand, pulling him to his

                         Come on. We'd better step in
                         before this thing gets out of
                         hand and someone really gets

               The two walk over to the battle. Two boys are rolling
               around on the ground.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         Thinking back. All that I played
                         with, read, watched was to do
                         with war.
                         The toys, comics hell even
                         clothes. It just always seemed,
                         so cool. Like the hero thing to
                         do. The path to becoming a man
                         and all that shit.

               The rest of the boyish soldiers watch on from the

               An argument of who was shot, gets out of control.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         Of course as you grow up you
                         realize the real measure of a
                         man, is not someone who is
                         trained to kill. But the man who
                         stays by his wife's side as she
                         goes through childbirth. Hugs and
                         holds his dying father. Spends
                         every possible minute with his
                         children, because one day, he
                         knows he will give anything, to
                         have just one of these moments in
                         time back. 

               The fighting couple are ripped apart, kicking and punching.

                                                            FADE OUT.


               The house is a standard American suburban structure. Would
               be more pleasant, if better maintained. 

               It looks out of place on a street alongside houses with
               better lawns and looking freshly painted.

               The house has all the signs of an owner that either doesn't
               have time, or care to take care of it.

               Dave walks up the lawn, towards his house.

               His posture changes as his walk slows. He approaches the
               door and opens the screen door.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         My child hood could be regarded
                         as less than happy. Actually
                         scrub that. It was miserable.

               He stops in his tracks as the door opens. Revealing
               something familiar and unwelcome.

                         Fuck. Pasta again.

               Dave opens the door and enters the house.


               The hallway is decorated with discolored wallpaper. The
               walls a collection of various family photographs. 

               The photographs show children, younger parents and happier

               Dave Approaches the open door of the living room. He pears
               into, slowly. Looking for something within. 

               A look of fear on his face, afraid to of what might meet
               him as he returns home.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         I got very good at spotting when
                         my mother had been drinking. The
                         same dinner, the same music

               Dave enters the kitchen.

               Dave's mother NANCE. Late forties. Average height and
               slightly under weight. Stands in the kitchen. 

               She is drinking from a coffee cup.

                                   DAVE (V.O.)
                         I could tell in an instant from
                         her face. Her facial muscles
                         looked different. She didn't even
                         have to speak. No matter how many
                         times it greeted you, you still
                         got the sick aching feeling in
                         the pit of your stomach.

                         About time you got home. 

               She throws a plate of pasta onto the wooden kitchen table.
               The contents look dried and over cooked.

                         Not really hungr...

               She hits Dave across the back of his head, with the flat of
               her hand. His head rocks forward under the blow.

                         You'll stay sitting at that
                         fucking table, until it is all

               Dave sits down. His head hanging just above the plate. As
               he pushes the food around with his fork.


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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.