Human Hive
A Screenplay by:
Carlos Anaya and Sean Ryan
Copyright 2005 registered with the Screenwriter's Guild All Rights Reserved
FLASHBACK: EXT. STREET CORNER - DAY A Black BMW, viewed from above. The street is not busy, a few pedestrians pass, a Van driver delivers papers to a stall. The camera slowly pans down and into the passenger window of the car. INT. CAR - DAY JOHN DACOSTA in his thirties, well built, average height, with black hair and two day old stubble, sits behind the drivers wheel. John takes a sip from a paper coffee cup. His right hand fiddling nervelessly with the steering wheel. VIEW FROM BEHIND WHEEL. JOHN'S HAND DANCING(OUT OF FOCUS ON THE STREERING WHEEL). What John is watching across the street, comes slowly into view. A car parks outside an apartment block. INT. FRONT OF CAR - DAY Instantly, John's hand stops and he reaches for something unseen from the passenger seat. He leaves the car. EXT. STREET CORNER - DAY Rapidly John crosses the road, approaching the drivers side of the car that he was observing. A man steps from the car with a knowing expression on his face. He is CHARLES LANGLIER, mid forties, tall and slim. MAN What the fuck are you doing her...? Before Charles can finished the sentence, John swings the bat he is carrying. The bat connects with the Charles's face, ending short his sentence as well as ever eating in comfort again, as his jaw crumbles under the blow. John swings again. The man falls to the ground. Without hesitation, John swings again. INT. KITCHEN - DAY A brief flash of a younger John, playing with his Dad. SMASH CUT: EXT. STREET CORNER - DAY John swings again. SMASH CUT: INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT A brief flash of a younger John, finding his father dead in the bath. SMASH CUT: EXT. STREET CORNER - DAY John swings again. SMASH CUT: INT. FUNERAL HOME - DAY A brief flash of a younger John, standing alone crying SMASH CUT: EXT. STREET CORNER - DAY John swings again. SMASH CUT: EXT. KITCHEN - DAY A brief flash of a younger John, standing in the same spot, without his dad. SMASH CUT: EXT. STREET CORNER - DAY John starts to swing again, but stops. The damage he has inflicted, although obvious by the brutality, remains out of frame. John turns to walk away, turns back briefly to look at the fallen man, wipes his mouth and then turns rapidly, back towards his car. JOHN (V.O.) Now I don't even have a reason to live anymore. The memories have poisoned me to the core. All that I had, I pushed away. Not even revenge could cure... As John reaches the car, he stops, grips the handle of the door tightly, before looking over his shoulder. John turns and walks back to the man on the ground. He grabs him by the ankles and starts to drag him across the street. TITLE: "WE WHO HUNT MONSTERS, BECOME MONSTERS OURSELVES...." - CARLOS ANAYA INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT Slow pan through a hallway. JOHN (V.O.) Ironic, ironic isn't it? All my life, I wanted something. Not knowing what I really wanted. Flash to: A figure in a bath. JOHN (V.O.) Something that I cooked in my head for all those years.. Pan continues up a stairs. Flash to: A hand touching a picture, the picture falls and the glass smashes. JOHN (V.O.) The only way. (pause) The only way to get everything out of my head... The figure comes into view. It is John. In the hand that once held the picture, now lies a gun. A single bead of sweat run down his otherwise calm looking face. The safety catch of the gun is removed. JOHN (V.O.) I couldn't live with it... John's hand slowly raises as he carefully places the gun in his mouth. JOHN (V.O.) ... What I had become ... He pulls back the hammer. JOHN (V.O.) I had just become part of the disease... FADE TO BLACK. TITLE: TWENTY YEARS PREVIOUSLY. EXT. LARGE GARDEN - DAY A younger John is sitting on the grass, he is crying. A broken wooden plane lies in his hands. A man approaches the boy, his face out of shot. The man is John's Dad. JAMES SMITH. A well built a fit looking man, in his mid thirties. He kneels down to the boy. JAMES Don't worry John. We can get you a new one tomorrow. The boy looks up from the toy, tears running down his face. JOHN But I though you were going away, on a business trip. James smiles and places a hand on his boys head. JAMES That can wait. Only business, this is important. We have to get you airborne again. John smiles and turns to hug his Father. James smiles and rubs the back of the boys head. JOHN Thanks Dad, you're the best. James holds the boy tight. JAMES Hey, that's what I'm here for. Now come on, it's time to wash up. You mother will be upset if we are not ready in time for dinner. SANDRA (O.S.) (shouting from house) James, John? Dinner. The two climb to their feet and start to walk down the garden. James runs his hand through his boys hair, as John wipes the remainder of tears from his eyes. James starts to run. JAMES Bet I can beat you. John runs after his father. The two start to run towards the large House. Laughter fills the air. JOHN (V.O.) I forget how many times I had sat in that garden with him, hundreds I guess. I feel now I took those times for granted. What I wouldn't give for just one more day with him. Christ even an hour. I have had so many questions over the years, but no one to ask. INT. CLUB RESTAURANT - DAY CHARLES LANGLIER, younger, early twenties, and James Smith are enjoying a few drinks, still dressed in embarrassingly bad Golfing clothes. The two of them are enjoying their drinks. JAMES So is this for real? CHARLES I`m telling you James, this is one hundred percent legal. With the saving you get, you could expand your business in a number of different ways. James can't resist a smile. JAMES Guess I am just a little cautious. I just don`t know why my last accountant never spoke a word to me about that procedure. CHARLES James, James, Jimmy, James, I`m your new accountant and most importantly your friend. I know what I`m doing. JAMES If it is so sure, why don't more people do it? CHARLES Christ only knows John. People like to play it safe, continue to do what they know. Their business makes money, they make a living and that is enough. Guess they are just afraid, or lazy. God knows. Not me bud. Money can make such a difference to your life, your business, your success. If not for yourself, do it for your son. Charles places a hand on James's shoulder. CHARLES (smiling broadly) Trust me my friend. Once you get a taste of it, there is no going back. The best part? It is so fucking easy and legal. Two beautiful girls, a brunette and a blond in their early twenties, walk by, as they recognize Charles they stop. BLOND GIRL Hey Charles! CHARLES (whispering) Speaking of easy.. He stands up to greet the girls. CHARLES Hi girls. Would you like to sit with us? BOTH OF THE GIRLS Sure! CHARLES (gets close to James as he speaks in low tone) Trust me will you? Your in the big leagues now. James shrugs. CHARLES What? JAMES I am not to sure I want to expand my business. I make a pretty good living as it is. CHARLES Come on man. You are thinking like a loser. You have to think bigger. Stop singing in the shower for God's shake, get out there and take a chance. Charles walks over and sits down, in between the two girls. Charles throws his arms around both girls, one is each arm. Looking down at one of the girls breasts, he smiles. He looks back up at James, still grinning. CHARLES See what I mean, bigger! The two girls giggle as the men share a smile. INT. JAMES SMITH'S OFFICE - DAY TITLE: TWO MONTHS LATER. James Smith is sitting at his desk. Two men sit at the other side. The two, sit emotionless, dressed in Government issued suites. One of them is a fat, bald guy. While the other one is a skinny, big-nose guy. The two men start to speak, in an almost rehearsed, monotone, robotic fashion. IRS MAN #1 What you did Mr. Smith is against the law. IRS MAN #2 Tax evading is against the law. You know that, don`t you sir? JAMES I`m sure it is. Gentlemen, please excuse me but I need to have a word with my accountant. He...he handles these types of affairs. The two men turn to each other. IRS MAN #1 Call us, when you are a little more prepared. The Irs man #1 slides a crude looking business card across the table. IRS MAN #2 Call us. We will be waiting. The two stand up and leave the room. James still holding the business card, gives the two a nervous wave as they leave the office. INT. JAMES SMITH'S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER James Smith sits alone at his desk, as his secretary VALERIE DUNST, mid forties, slim, average height, enters the office. James raises a hand to motion her out of the room. He has the phone to his ear and is waiting for somebody to answer on the other side. JAMES (talking into phone) Charles, the IRS just came in to see me. They said that what I did is illegal. What the fuck am I going to do? I could lose every... CHARLES (down the phone) Calm down, will you? This always happens. Let me guess, one of them is a fat, bald guy? Ugly fucker, right? JAMES (talking into phone) Yes!!! How did you know? CHARLES (down the phone) As I said trust me will you, James. I know them. This always happens, it is almost procedure. I didn't want to scare you early on, as you were starting to look like a deer staring down the lights of a truck. They just want in on the action, a little something for themselves, you know, to look the other way. JAMES (talking into phone) What? CHARLES (down the phone) That`s how the systems works buddy. Money changes everything. One big happy, corrupt little system. Now here's what you do... INT. RESTAURANT - NEXT DAY The IRS officers are having a drink while James arrives and sits down with them. IRS MAN #1 So, Mr. Smith did you talk with your accountant? JAMES Yes... James takes a thick, white envelop from his jacket. He puts it on the table, in front of the two IRS officers. JAMES Hope this is enough. One of the IRS officer grabs the envelop, and opens it slightly, looking at what`s inside. The envelop is stuffed with hundred dollar bills. IRS MAN #1 Your accountant is a smart man. The first IRS man slides the envelope in front of the seconds IRS man, opening it slightly, showing the contents to him alone. IRS MAN #2 A very smart man. Neither of the men bother to count the contents. IRS Officer #1 grabs the envelop and hides it in his inside jacket pocket. The two of them stand up from the table, leaving James seated. IRS MAN #1 Have a nice day Mr. Smith. IRS MAN #2 A very nice day. IRS MAN #1 Oh and Mr. Smith. Please pick up the tab, will you? The two men turn and leave the restaurant. James almost collapses backwards in his seat, as if only now starting to breath. He looks around the room nervously, searching for anyone who could have observed the situation. He sees no one looking at him and nervously raises one hand, to get the waiters attention. JAMES Cheq... Cheque please. INT. BAR - LATER James is looking a little anxious as he talks and drinks with Charles. They are sitting in a small booth on a large leather sofa. The blond girl from the Golf Club house arrives and sits next to James. Her name is GLENDA, She is in her early twenties, slim, tall, painfully beautiful, pouring with confidence and overdosed on personality. JAMES ...Hard to believe the IRS are so corrupted. CHARLES Told ye Bud, money changes everything. Now chill out, relax, nothing bad is going to happen. Now enough of business. Free up your schedule this weekend. I have this great time share. We should all go there for the weekend. You know party, hang up and stuff. They both laugh. JAMES Yeah and stuff.. James turns around and starts kissing Glenda, without even speaking to her. She doesn't resist and slides her hand under James half buttoned shirt, slowly traveling south towards his pants. Charles takes a small bottle from his pocket and snorts something. Sitting back, he watches the two make out, smiling wildly, enjoying the show. INT. JAMES SMITH'S OFFICE - DAY John is sitting on a small chair reading a comic book. James sits at his desk, he is on the phone. JAMES (talking into phone) Send him in. The door opens and Charles walks in. CHARLES Bud. How's tricks? James stands up and shakes Charles hand.