Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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               Human Hive
               A Screenplay by:
               Carlos Anaya and Sean Ryan
               Random scene 1
	       Copyright 2005
               registered with the 
               Screenwriter's Guild
               All Rights Reserved

               DAVID MOSS sits tied to a chair, looking the very much the
               worst for wear.

                                   DAVID MOSS
                         Hello, hello. Is there anyone
                         there? Come on, I can fucking
                         hear you back there.

               He stares in the direction of a industrial plastic curtain.

               Something or someone moves behind it. All that can be seen
               is a distorted figure through the filthy plastic curtain.

                                   DAVID MOSS
                         Some on you cowardly fuck. Show

               More movement behind the curtain. Noone replies.

                                   DAVID MOSS
                         Keep on hiding, you fuck..

               Suddenly John runs through the curtain, a deafening roar of
               a chain saw in his hands. He is dressed only in jeans,
               blood is splattered across his chest.

               He runs at full speed towards Moss.

               Moss's smile instantly turns to terror.

                                   DAVID MOSS
                         Please, no, pleaseeeeeeeee !!!

               John raises the chain saw and swings it violently at Mosses
               head, stopping inches from his face.

               Moss is shaking violently, his face purple and covered in

                         You sick fucking bastard. What is
                         your fucking problem? Leave me
                         out of this chair and I will
                         fucking kill you..

               John continues to smile as he switches off the chain saw
               and places it on a table next to Moss.

                         Just wanted to see you piss your
                         pants and I can em see, mission

               John looks down at Mosses Lap and laughs.

               John wipes some blood from his chest.

                         Don't worry, pigs blood. Just to
                         add some, you know, effect.

               He turns from Moss, laughing.

                         What now? You gonna fucking kill
                         me? Do you think that frightens
                         me fucko? Eh?

               John ignores the man and starts to open a small bag on the
               table. He opens it and slowly lays out it's contents on the
               table, one by one.

               A pair of wire cutters. A cut trout razor. Various assorted

                         Who said anything about killing

               Moss goes silent as the blood drains from his face.

                         What the fuck do you want from

                         I want to know everything about
                         the Hive.

                         What fucking Hive?

               John squats down in front of the man and produces a small
               picture from his back pocket.

               On the picture is the image of a seven year old girl. She
               looks clearly sick, balding and pale.

                         Recognize this girl?

               Moss doesn't answer.

                         Of course you don't. You people
                         have no idea or care for the
                         impact of what you do.

                         We are just business men..

                         Bullshit. I am a business man, my
                         father was a business man, you
                         people are filth. Breeding
                         suffering and misery and living
                         off other peoples misfortune.
                         Where was I.. Oh yes. The Girl.

               John turns the image and places it on the ground in front
               of Moss.

                         Her name is Kate. She was seven
                         when that picture was taken. I
                         say was, because Kate died of
                         Cancer not long after than
                         picture was taken.

                         So she fucking died...What the
                         fuck has..

               John punches moss hard between the legs.

               Moss tries hard not to vomit as he gasps in agony.

                         I haven't finished. You see
                         Kate's Dad was a business man.
                         Ran a very successful business in
                         fact. Tri-Con, you may have heard
                         of it. No?

               Moss nods his head, unable to breath never mind speak, in
               the after effects of John's blow.

                         Well you should have heard of it.
                         Your "company" now owns it, lock
                         stock and barrel. Brought it at a
                         very bargain price in fact. After
                         you ruined Kate's father. Oh, but
                         you got a nice bonus and
                         promotion for this one didn't
                         you. It was your baby.

               John wipes some blood from his hand.

                         You see Kate's Dad sold his
                         house, his car to pay for her
                         treatment, but he just ran out of
                         money, imagine that feeling, not
                         having enough money to save your
                         own daughter. 

               John turns the image on the ground to face himself, staring
               at it for an uncomfortable amount of time.

               He continues to look at the picture, talking to it, rather
               than Moss.

                         But he did have enough, more than
                         enough, except you took it first,
                         stole it to help build your
                         little fucking empire. He watched
                         his little girl fade away, while
                         you counted the profit.

               A single tear roles down John's face, almost as if he had
               forgotten where he is, if only for an instant.

                         What was it you brought out of
                         the bonus money?


               Moss sits in a silver BMW.

               John watches from the background, leaning over a Ferrari.

                                   JOHN (V.O.)
                         Oh yes. A five series BMW. Nice.
                         So that is how much a Childs life
                         is worth. A nice fucking car.

               A sales person approaches John, but he gives them a stare
               that quickly makes them decide that is a bad idea.

               BACK TO SCENE

               Mosses eyes begin to widen, showing fear and realisation.

                         That is just one story, out of so
                         many. One victim of your company.
                         Well that's about to change baby,
                         you didn't factor one element..



                         Listen you can't blame me for
                         some little fucking girl getting
                         sick, it ha....

               John ends the sentence for Moss by grabbing the picture and
               shoving it into Moss's mouth. Pushing it down his trout.

               John turns and cuts the belt on Mosses trousers. He then
               pulls the trousers down to the ankles.

               He grabs Moss by the left ankle and with one switch motion,
               runs the open straight razor across his heal, then his
               right. Severing his alkalies tendons on each leg.

               Moss screams in agony, muffled by the picture in his mouth.

                         I think I have your attention
                         now. Now that you have just lost
                         the ability to walk.

               Johns throws the blade back onto the table and grabs a
               large pair of wire cutters.

                         When I am finished with you, you
                         are gonna pray for death. A
                         prayer my friend that will not be

               John leans in to Moss aiming the cutters at the man's

               Moss screams. We are left with the frozen image of terror
               on his face.

                                   JOHN (V.O.)
                         I didn't know what was fuelling
                         me. But I was losing control of
                         it, of me. But it felt good. It
                         felt justified.

                                                       FADE TO BLACK.


               Moss is sitting on the same chair dressed, in blood
               drenched cloths.

               He is slowly coming round, as he head waves from side to
               side, in an almost unconscious state

               John enters the room, dressed in a suit this time. Cleaned
               and fresh in appearance.

                         Oh, you are waking up. Good.

               Moss tries to speak, but is unable, he has no tongue.

                         Oh don't bother. Since you
                         weren't ABLE to tell me anything.
                         You never will again. Or walk, or
                         have children for that matter.

               John looks at his watch.

                         Time is a funny thing isn't it. I
                         know a lot about you. I know your
                         wife wanted kids, wants kids. But
                         you have always been putting it
                         off. Until the next deal goes
                         through, when you have that other
                         investment. Always tomorrow. Then
                         time ticks by and it is too late.
                         Well it is finally too late.
                         Because time and life has finally
                         caught up with you.

               Moss's eyes widen in terror.

                         Oh, don't worry. You won't feel a
                         thing, well for about another
                         hour or so. Then it may sting a
                         little, when the drugs wear off.

               John slowly strolls over to where Moss is sitting,
               adjusting his cuffs as he does so.

               He stand in front of moss and leans over, until they are
               both face to face. Their faces only inches apart.

                         Bet you care about that little
                         girl now? Eh? Good. I am going to
                         let you live. I want you to think
                         about her every day of your
                         miserable fucking life. Just like
                         her father, I want you to suffer,
                         to regret, to mourn your loss.
                         Because as far as I am concerned,
                         it is still not enough. Nothing I
                         could do to you, could ever be

               He tosses the crumpled picture of Kate onto Mosses blood
               soaked lap.

               View from Mosses point of view of John turning and walking

               The image blurs and darkens, as Moss passes out once again.
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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.