Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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               A Screenplay by
               Sean Ryan
	       Random Scene 1
               Copyright 2005
               Registered with the 
               Screenwriter's Guild
               All Rights Reserved

               Grace sits at a table. The room is bare except for two
               chairs and a table, arranged in the centre of the room.

               She sips from a cup of coffee, while taking notes on a pad
               in front of her.

               The door starts to unlock from the other side.

               A heavyset PRISON GUARD walks in. The sound of feet
               shuffling behind him. A second SMALLER GUARD, follows
               closely behind.

               The guard turns around, still hiding the prisoner he is

               The guard steps to one side, revealing the man they are

               He is looking at the floor. He slowly raises his head to
               show his face. He grins, when he sees who has come to

               Grace's face drops and she grows pale, starved of blood
               with the fright, of who and what stands before her.

               It is the man that stalked Grace, in both her dreams and
               the virtual club. 

               TOMMY SANTOS stands in front of her. Mid Forties, skinny,
               average height and balding with a graying goatee. He
               smiles, through badly rotten teeth.

               Both his hands and feet are tied with chains.

               One of the guards pushes Tommy into the chair. Both of the
               guards stand behind Tommy.

                         Do you know me?

                         Can't say I do honey. Figure I'd
                         remember such a pretty, young

               Tommy sniffs the air in front of Grace.

                         Yummy. Haven't smelt anything as
                         sweat in such a long time. You
                         here to tease me, that it?

               Grace ignores his question and actions.

                         What do you know about a company
                         called DreamSoft?

                         Can't say I've ever heard of em.
                         But I've been in here a long time
                         now, too long. Why?

                         I have reason to believe you have
                         some involvement, with one of
                         their projects.

               Tommy laughs out loud, causing Grace to jump in her chair.

                         Easy now girlie. Didn't mean to
                         startle ye. Just found your
                         words, a little funny. In case
                         you've missed it, I'm
                         incarcerated, death row, no less.
                         But enough of that. I was under
                         the impression you were doing,
                         what do they call it? A vanity
                         piece on old Tommy.

               Tommy smiles that same twisted smile. His eyes almost
               piercing through Grace's skin.

                         Well I have a few questions.

               Tommy shuffles his seat with excitement. One of the guards
               places a hand on his shoulder, to settle him.

                         Well shoot darling. 

                         How did you get your name? Tommy

                         You really haven't been doing
                         this long now have you? You're
                         asking me questions, that you
                         already know the answers to.
                         Trying to ease me into answering
                         what you really want to know. So
                         stop teasing me honey. We're not
                         alone in the back seat of your
                         Daddy's car. Although I would
                         like it. I don't have my hand in
                         your panties, well not yet, at
                         least. Now what do you really
                         want to know?

               Grace edges on her seat. Swallowing her spit.

                         Ever heard the names Tom Lanch,
                         Jimmy Lee, Phillip Dance? 

               Tommy continues to smile.

                         Should I have?

                         Carlos Devlin?

               Tommy's face changes, his smile disappears slightly.

                         What you looking to find here
                         darling? No mind. You're
                         beginning to bore me honey. God
                         knows what happens when I get

               Tommy starts to stand, one of the guard's steps forward and
               pushes him down and back into the seat.

               With almost lightening speed, Tommy grabs Grace's cup of
               coffee in one hand, just reaching it. He turns and throws
               it into one of the guard's face. 

               The guard screams in pain and stumbles backwards. 

               The other guard barely has time to act before Tommy smashes
               his face, with the chair he was previously sitting on.
               Holding one leg of the chair, in both his chained hands.

               The man is unconscious before he hits the floor. Tommy
               turns back to the first guard and hits him hard against the
               wall, also knocking him out.

               He jumps the table. His chains seem to have little effect
               in slowing him down.

               He crouches on the table, in a cat like stance. To get a
               better look at the frozen Grace, still motionless in the
               chair in front of him.

               Tommy seems to be enjoying her fear. He edges towards her,
               smiling wildly.

               He pushes her, she screams as she falls, backwards onto the
               ground. Still sitting in the chair, lying on her back.

               Tommy crouches over her. He leans down and licks her face.

                         I've been wanting to do that for
                         some time. The worst thing about
                         that machine? It's not real. 

               Grace looks up at Tommy, his face only inches from hers.

                         This is real to me. The smell of
                         your fear. The terror in your
                         eyes. You've never really lived,
                         until you watch the life drain
                         from someone eyes. I told them,
                         they could never make it real
                         enough. The eyes are already

               Tommy looks into Grace's eyes.

               The door opens and a young, FRESH FACED GUARD runs in. His
               lone assault is a big mistake.

               Tommy jumps up, turns and throws the guard, head first into
               a table. Barely taking his eyes off Grace.

                         You know what confused me the
                         most? The more people I hurt in
                         that thing, the more they let me
                         use it. They wanted to know how
                         too, just like you. Questions,
                         questions, questions.
                         But why would I tell them? So
                         they would take it away from me?

               An alarm goes off in the building.

               Tommy walks over to look out the open door.

               He turns back to Grace.

                         What do you really want to know?

                         Ho.. How?

               Tommy laughs.

                         Fear my dear. Fear is the key.
                         The first time I was a bit
                         surprised myself. All they had to
                         do was switch it off. But they
                         were too scared. I scared you
                         real good too, didn't I?
                         Almost had you too. Funny thing
                         that. I didn't choose that game,
                         when we met. Looks like someone
                         wanted us to meet. I wonder why
                         that is?

               Tommy walks back over to Grace.

               Guards rush through the door and rip Tommy away from Grace.

                         Looks like we'll have to wait a
                         while longer.

               He is dragged to the corner, still smiling.

                         Worth every second. I'll remember
                         your smell, the next time we
                         meet. It'll make it more real for
                         me. I'm going to be hard all
                         fucking day, girlie. You like
                         hearing that, don't you?

               A PRISON GUARD, mid forties, slim and tall. Walks over to

               Grace stands up, aided by the guard.

                         Kinda wish I were out in the
                         population now. A nice case of
                         gang rape might help me get rid
                         of this itch, you have just given

               Tommy sticks out his tongue at Grace.

                         Taste you again, real soon.

               Tommy is dragged from the room.

               The injured guards start to receive attention.

                         You OK miss?

                         I'm fine. 
                         I think. Would it be possible to
                         see a visitor log?

                         Sure. No problem.
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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.