Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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               A Screenplay by
               Sean Ryan
               Copyright 2005
               Registered with the 
               Screenwriter's Guild
               All Rights Reserved
               Static, ghost images of moving men, the image rolls, likee
               an image on an old valve television set.

               The image clears instantly, showing a crystal clear view of
               a churchyard.

               EXT. GRAVEYARD - DUSK

               The scene is peaceful and tranquil. A beautiful red sky
               hangs over a small country church. A perfect setting,
               spoiled by a battle between two groups of men.

               A figure stands in the doorway of the church. He is dressed
               in a S.S. uniform and firing a German World War II machine

                                   GERMAN SOLDIER
                             (in German)
                         Here they come!

               A group of American GI's enters the graveyard.

               A SERGEANT, mid forties, average height and build, is
               laying out orders, with voice and hand signals.

                                   AMERICAN SERGEANT
                         You three, give me suppressing
                         fire, on that target.

               He points to a younger looking man. He is JACK PEREZ, late
               teens, average looking and sweating very badly. The smile
               on his face quickly disappears, as the Sergeant looks
               straight at him. 

                                   AMERICAN SERGEANT
                         You come with me, we're moving up
                         that way.
                         If we don't flank their position,
                         we're done for. They have a
                         superior force in a reinforced
                         position. We have to move and
                         move now.

               Jack starts to follow the Sergeant.

               The three-man covering team split up into a signal line,
               each behind gravestones.

               SOLDIER #1, mid twenties with an average build. Initiates
               the assault.

                                   SOLDIER # 1
                         Covering fire.

               Soldier # 1 opens fire on the church. Soldier # 2 and # 3
               join in. Each of the men use gravestones as cover.

               They lay down as much fire as possible, making enough noise
               to be a force twice their size. 

               The exterior walls of the church are rocked by the impact
               of the attack.

               The Sergeant's group runs in the opposite direction, under
               cover from the other teams suppressing fire.

               Point of view of Jack, as he follows the Sergeant.

               The two manage to keep low, while traveling at great speed.

               Jack stumbles and falls, his vision is marred by some cow
               dung he has fallen into, face first. 

                             (talking to himself)
                         Shit! Shit! Shit!

               Jack wipes the cow dung from his eyes and stumbles to his
               feet, to follow the Sergeant.

               After a lot of running and dodging behind every possible
               obstacle, the Sergeant dives to the ground. Jack follows
               his action, as the two crawl several feet.

               The Sergeant raises his hand, ordering Jack to stop.
               Seconds later, he turns to Jack.

               Using hand signals, he points to his eyes and then over to
               a target.

               Jack crawls forward, to allow himself to see what the
               Sergeant is looking at.

               The sight at the back of the church, causes Jack to swallow
               his spit.

               A group of about thirty German soldiers, all preparing
               themselves for an assault.

                         Fuck. We have to move fast. Looks
                         like we're more outnumbered than
                         we thought. The others are dead
                         if we fail. Ready?

               Jack is too busy counting the other soldiers.


                         Lets flank and finish 'em, move.

               The Sergeant gets up and starts to run, towards the enemy
               soldiers position.

               Jack jumps to his feet and follows.

                         Fuck this for a game of soldiers.

               The Sergeant opens fire, taking out three of the German
               soldiers almost instantly.

               The Sergeant dives to the ground, landing hard on his
               chest, firing at the same time.

               Jack joins in the attack, dropping to one knee, to make
               himself a smaller target.

               The German soldiers are caught completely by surprise. Even
               with their superior numbers, they start to lose the fight,
               almost immediately

               The Sergeant releases the pins from two grenades. He throws
               both grenades at the same time. They explode almost on
               impact. Bodies are thrown in all directions.

               The Sergeant gets up and starts to run towards the church,
               Jack follows.

               The Sergeant bursts through the door, the door swings open
               and hits a soldier at the other side. He is knocked
               unconscious by the impact.

               INT. CHURCH - DUSK

               The church is dimly lit. The interior is filled with dark
               wooden seating. 

               The Sergeant is first to enter, Jack follows.

               A SS soldier is taking cover behind the pulpit.

               The Sergeant dives for cover, behind a row of seats. As the
               seats are hit by machine gunfire.

                         Enough of this fucking shit.

               Jack runs at the pulpit, firing wildly as he does. Most of
               the bullets miss their target, hitting the walls, ceiling
               and almost everything else, but the chosen target.

               The Soldier leans out to take a shot and with the last
               action he will ever take. One of Jack's many bullets hits
               him squarely in the forehead.

               Jack stops, out of both breath and ammunition.

               The only sounds in the church now, are that of the body
               hitting the floor and the repeated clicking of Jack's empty
               machine gun.

                         You're one lucky little fucker
                         kid, one lucky little fucker.
                         Come-on, lets check out the rest
                         of the parameter.


                         Oh and kid, reload your goddamn

               Jack looks a little embarrassed as he reloads.

               Jack makes his way to the door that was recently kicked in.

               The Sergeant looks out of one of the broken stain glass
               windows. A frozen expression of fear floods over his face.


               Jack has just reached the door, in time to see a Tiger
               Tank, slowly driving over the adjoining hill. The tank aims
               its cannon in the church's direction.

                                   SERGEANT (O.S.)
                         Look out!

               The Tiger fires before Jack can react. The door of the
               church explodes inwards, sending dirt, debris and Jack in
               all directions.

               Heart beats, mixed with a deafening ringing.

               Jack looks up at the Sergeant, standing over him.

                             (muffled voice)
                         Kid? Kid? Stay with me. Kid?

               The image starts to shake, Static around the edges. The
               Sergeant's face starts to warp and curve, as if being

               Jack's view of the church, deconstructs and disappears in a
               wave of distorted graphics and static.

               A man's face comes into view. Dressed in a suit.

               INT. HIGH TECH SHOP - DAY

               The shop is a hive of activity. The walls are decorated
               with various screens, all advertising electronic products
               of one brand or another.

               A SALESMAN is leaning over Jack. Tall, slim, early fifties.
               Dressed in a cheap suit and wearing dark framed glasses.

                         Kid? Kid? You OK?

               Jack is lying on a long leather chair. He is breathing hard
               and sweating heavily.

               He sits up and starts to catch his breath.

                         Well? What do you think?

                             (breathing heavy)
                         It was absolutely fucking
                         incredible. I mean, Jesus, it was
                         like, like I was there. Actually
                         fucking there.

               Jack's breathing is still heavy. He takes something from
               his pocket and places it into his mouth.

               Jack takes a shot from a small plastic inhaler.

                             (catching his breath)
                         You can almost taste the mud and
                         the blood. It was like a video
                         game, no a dream, but more real.
                         With you in control. I played the
                         first release, but this just,
                         just blows that away. Awesome
                         man, fucking awesome.

               Jack takes another shot from the inhaler.

                         Fantastic technology. No wires,
                         no screens, no graphics. Just
                         projected into your brain, into
                         your imagination. That's why it
                         feels so real. To your body, it
                         They plan to refine the use of
                         the senses in the next release.
                         But don't worry, you will get
                         that, as a free upgrade.

               The salesman smiles.

                         Remember that's only one piece of

               He touches a large screen, as several images appear. A
               formula one race, an American football match, sky diving,
               mountain climbing, fighters planes, space shuttles, a
               couple sitting at a table, a man getting a massage from
               three naked woman, a wild west shoot out. The numerous
               images continue.

                         The only limitation is your
                         imagination. Well, that and your
                         bank balance. You buy the unit
                         and that's it. Full Internet two
                         wireless connection. Free updates
                         and upgrades. You just select the
                         experience you want, download and
                         hey presto. You could be with the
                         woman of your dreams, or flying a
                         space shuttle in a matter of
                         minutes, in any location you
                         choose. OK, you in? 

               Jack is slightly distracted, looking wide eyed at the
               images on the screens.

                         Well, it's a bit pricey. But ...
                         after that demo, how could
                         someone live without one. How
                         safe is it?

                         Perfectly safe. The technology
                         was developed for people
                         suffering from severe paralysis.
                         It had amazing results in
                         improving their quality of life.
                         So it's fully qualified and FDA
                         approved, of course.

                         Just seems so, I don't know, so

                         As real as you can get, without
                         being there. 

               The same cheesy, fake smile from the salesman.

                         The visuals are amazing.

                         That's the beauty of rendering to
                         your mind and not some screen.
                         Imagine watching some boring sad
                         reality show on a flat television
                         set? Cinema, TV, Video games, all
                         dead my friend. This is the
                         future of entertainment. So, tell
                         me, you want to buy one today?

                         Absofuckinglutley. Where do I

               Jack takes another few shots from the inhaler. It fails. He
               shakes it a few times and presses the button again and

               His breathing eases, as the inhaler finally starts to work.

                         Sure you're OK kid?

                         I am now.

                         Now like I said. The official
                         launch date is next week. Your
                         unit will be shipped to you, as
                         soon as possible. But I'm sure
                         you can wait.

               The Salesman's places a hand on Jack's back, as he starts
               to sign a contract, handing the Salesman his credit card
               with his other hand.

               The salesman swipes the card, without looking away from
               Jack, almost robotic like.

               His fake smile widens to an almost unnatural width, as the
               credit card is accepted.

                                                              CUT TO:


               The large room is filling with people chatting and getting

               The empty stage situated at the end of the room. A company
               logo displays on the stage's three main projected screens.
               The logo reads: "DreamSoft, bringing your dreams to life".

               A heavyset man walks onto the stage and the crowd grows

                         Ladies and gentleman, I think the
                         next person needs little
                         introduction. But
                         May I introduce, Mr. Carlos

               CARLOS DEVLIN walks out, to loud applause. In his mid
               Thirties, skinny, confident, under dressed in a shirt, blue
               jeans and sneakers.

               He approaches the microphone, waving his hands to gesture
               silence and an end to the clapping. 

                             (trying to speak)
                         Thank yo ...

               The clapping continues for several seconds before fading.

               Carlos drops his hands, places them in his pockets and
               smiles. Clearly enjoying the accolade.

                         Thank you. You are most kind. Now
                         to cut to the chase. We all know
                         why you are here. Everyone is
                         expecting an announcement from
                         Dreamsoft. Correction, expecting
                         THE announcement from Dreamsoft, 
                         and I for one, am not in the mood
                         to disappoint.

               The lights dim and the three large screens behind Carlos
               come to life, with high definition graphics.

               They all show the same message. Empeiria Generation II.

               The crowd explodes into applause. 

               Carlos doesn't attempt to quieten the crowd this time, just
               smiles broadly. Basking in the moment.

                         With Generation two, we have
                         delivered all the features we've
                         Taking into account user needs
                         and suggestions, on what you
                         wanted in future releases. 

               The screen shows several features in both text and video

               Words read: Feel, Touch, Smell, Hear, Experience. 

               Various sceneries are shown with images and video: space
               shuttles, diving, driving, planes.

                         Immerse yourself in a more
                         realistic, feature filled world.
                         Previous versions had been
                         restrained, by two important
                         elements. Touch and smell. Now
                         feel the waves below your feet,
                         as you surf a pipe in Australia.
                         Smell the salt in the air. All
                         without the fear of drowning, of

               Carlos laughs at his own simple joke. The crowd laughs
               along with him.

               The screen matches Carlos's speech with visuals of surfing,
               driving and various other scenarios.

                         Smell the burning of rubber, as
                         you win the race at Nascar. It
                         will now feel so real, you won't
                         believe that is not. I'll let the
                         presentations behind me explain
                         the technical side.

                                   VOICE (O.S.)
                         Six processors. Ten terabytes of
                         memory. Over twenty megabits of
                         wireless connectivity. No
                         internal storage, for your
                         security. Rendered to perfection
                         without the limitations of two
                         dimensional screens. 

               Various technological clips are shown, as the screen breaks
               down the technology and how it works.

                         Be free to experience, absolutely
                         everything. Only your own
                         imagination is the limitation.
                         With over one thousand titles in
                         development or already released.
                         One million units already in use.
                         We promise you multi user
                         interaction on a grand scale, the
                         limitations are becoming fewer
                         every day. Empeiria will change
                         the way you play. The way you
                         communicate. Hell, it will even
                         change the way you live. Let the
                         Empeiria Generation II set you

               The clapping increases, as the crowd stands to give Devlin
               a standing ovation.

               Carlos raises one of the units from below the podium and
               holds it in front of himself. A wireless headset, in his
               other hand.

               The device is slightly smaller than a VHS videotape. Jet
               black in color, with its name written across the front, in
               big red letters.

                         Oh and small enough to fit into
                         your pocket. 

               He slowly walks from the stage, waving and clapping to the

               A young woman, GRACE POWER, in her mid twenties, average
               height, stands at the back of the room. She watches the
               reaction of the crowd, smiling to herself.

                         A glorified video game. Look at
                         these people. You'd swear Jesus
                         Christ himself, had just spoken.

               A young man stands beside her. He is CHRIS JACKSON, blonde,
               late twenties, tanned and very fit looking.

                         Face it Grace. To a lot of these
                         geeks, he has. Technology is the
                         new religion baby. Have you tried
                         to play yourself?

                         You know me Chrisy. If it ain't
                         real, there's no point.

               She leans in and kisses Chris.

                         Well, I'll be getting one. I
                         played a demo release. It's
                         awesome. Believe me, once you try
                         it ...


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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.