What is a Seaweed Bath?


As the name suggests it is a bath full of hot sea Water with seaweed added but to confine the answer to a factual description is to do a great injustice to what it is, to the thousands of people who enjoy it, the ultimate bathing experience ....


bath.jpg (81521 bytes) Imagine that you are immersed in an enormous bath, luxuriating in expensive bath oils. as you relax you experience weightlessness .. you are floating in a tranquil amber tinted sea of unashamed luxury ......

You are nejoying the Unique experience that is a Seaweed Bath.  The silky oils are those extracted from Seaweed by a simple process, nothing is added, nothing is taken away, simply natures best. The water inn your bath is seawater pumped in from the unpolluted seawaters of the Atlantic that lap in the shore just a stones throw away from your bathroom.


The amber tint in the water is caused by the extraction of Iodine from your seaweed, one of natures richest sources of this theurapeutic element.