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Prejudice,Emma and Formula One
By Realt
Pride, Prejudice, Emma and Formula One:- The Characters
To Part:
'Hi Lizzy! How're you?'
Elizabeth turned around and was greeted by her sister, Jane. Jane was the team physiotherapist and had just started earlier in the week. It was reassuring to see a familiar face among all the strange newness of the garage. Jane and Elizabeth were as close as sisters could be, maybe even a little more so, they were best friends.
'Jane there you are, I was wondering if there was anyone around at all. I thought that at least the Colonel would be around to meet me.'
'I'm sure he will be, it's just that everyone is getting the cars ready for you and Fitzwilliam.'
'Is he here yet, I confess to being nervous at meeting him, I hope that we will get on well. Maybe he won't be as proud and cold as everyone says.'
'I'm sure he won't. Oh there's the Colonel himself.'
Richard Fitzwilliam, or the Colonel as he was affectionately known, was team manager. He was well liked for his easy friendliness off track, and renowned for his serious tactical brilliance during races.
'Did I hear someone say my name? Hello Elizabeth, I see you're all ready for action, not too nervous I hope, but you'll be fine. Now is the guided tour and you can meet the rest of the team, Fitzwilliam should be here soon too. Then you can go out on track and show us just why we hired you.'
'Yes sir' said Elizabeth laughing. She had met Richard before, but only rarely in his official capacity, and was unused to his business-like manner. 'Shall we start so? Good. Jane, would you like to join us if you don't have anything to urgent to do? Great. Super.'
Fitzwilliam Darcy got out of his car with a sigh. Although he loved what he did, it was a shame that his holiday was over. It had been nice to spend more time with his sister, Georgiana, who he rarely saw during the season due to her schoolwork and his hectic racing and testing schedule. It had been a tough year for both of them since their father had died. It hadn't come as a shock to either of them as his health had been failing for sometime since the death of their mother over a year earlier. Nonetheless it had been a blow to them.
Despite his gloomy thoughts, Fitzwilliam admitted to himself that it would be good to be back behind the steering wheel again. He had a feeling that this would be his year would be his year. He had always been quick, he knew, and had shown on many occasions that he could win races but the championship was his goal for this year. Yes, this would be his year.
As he approached the entrance, he remembered that he would also have a new team-mate, Elizabeth Bennett. He had never met her as it was her first year in formula one and he tended not to mix with drivers from lower formulae, but he knew her by reputation. It was universally acknowledged that she was a good driver- but he would make up his own mind about that. He had long since learnt no to believe everything one hears about new drivers, as they often proved disappointing. After all, she was the daughter of John Bennett, a name that still held great power in the pitlane, even now almost twenty years after his death.
He had nothing against women racing drivers, but in his experience, they generally lacked real talent or the will to fight. They tended to like formula one for the glamour and the drivers. He was quite willing to be proved wrong, though. He felt that he might be bias in his view after knowing Caroline Bingley for a few years. She was everything he hated about the sport. She was shallow, superficial and unconcerned with the sporting side of the sport. Not to mention the fact that she had been trying to catch him ever since they met.
Fitzwilliam hoped that hoped that Elizabeth Bennett would prove his scepticism wrong.
The first person Fitzwilliam met was Charles Bingley, brother of the aforementioned Caroline. They had been team-mates last year, before Charles had decided to seek his fortune elsewhere. While Charles and Fitzwilliam were team-mates a strong friendship had grown between them. In the beginning it had unlikely that Charles with his playboy ways would get on with, let alone become fast friends with, Fitzwilliam who was more reserved and steady with his approach to life and racing. Yet the two were the best of friends.
'Ah, Fitzwilliam, I was just going to see the newest member of the team. You haven't met her before, I think? Very pretty, and a good driver too- do you think I've any chance with her?'
'You're the same old Charles anyway, always thinking of the ladies. Well, I don't care how pretty she is, if she can't pull her weight here she shouldn't' be here. I've yet to meet a woman driver who was truly interested in sport, not just the glamour.'
Elizabeth, Jane and Richard happened to arrive just in time to hear the last of this exchange. Elizabeth could feel her self-control slipping. All her life she had been trying to prove people like that wrong, and she had. She thought that it would end now that she had reached formula one, the pinnacle of world motor sport. But yet again she would have to prove herself worthy.
'Darcy, I don't believe you've met your new team-mate, Elizabeth Bennett.' Richard hoped that she hadn't heard his cousin's comments, but one look at her face showed him the truth.
'How nice to meet you Mr. Darcy' said Elizabeth coolly. 'Ah….hem….yes'. Fitzwilliam replied with much embarrassment. 'If you'll excuse me….' He quickly turned and left, silently cursing himself. Elizabeth was left to shoot angry glances in his wake.
Neither Charles nor Richard had any excuse for Fitzwilliam's behaviour, nor did they try and give one. This was one situation he would have to get out of himself.
Charles introduced himself to Elizabeth, telling her what a pleasure it was to meet her again. But it was her sister, Jane, that he only had eyes for…
When Charles Bingley saw Jane Bennett, it affected him more than anything ever had before. In her he saw something that he had never seen in any woman, and he did not know what it was or why it affected him so. Charles had seen many women, and even had believed himself in love with one or two of them. Charles had the reputation of being a playboy because of his love for beautiful women, expensive toys and fast cars. Formula One was the perfect lifestyle for him, he was beloved of all with his easy charm and natural wit. And he was a good driver too. He couldn't see himself giving up his world for anything- he loved the glamour and the adoration that his job and lifestyle brought him. Beautiful women threw themselves at him, and more often than not, the responded to their flattery. But then he saw Jane Bennett- she was just as beautiful as any other woman he knew, but there was something else about her and he was determined to find out just what it was.**************************************
After a short discussion with his own race engineer, Charlotte Lucas, Fitzwilliam decided that he had better introduce himself properly to his new team-mate, and try to apologise and make amends for what she may have overheard earlier. He silently berated himself again for his earlier remarks. He seemed to constantly have his foot lodged firmly in his mouth when it came to women. Charlotte and Georgiana were obvious exceptions, because of that very fact- they were Georgiana and Charlotte.
Charlotte was his race engineer and had been since he first joined the team two years previously. She had been new too and they had grown in the team together, and so had their friendship. Charlotte had become as close a friend to him as Richard, his cousin. At times, indeed, he didn't know what he would do without her. She was his confidante and had comforted both himself and Georgiana after their father's death. Sometimes she seemed the only one who understood him, even if she rarely made sense to him.
Everyday he regretted the day he had brought her to meet his Aunt Catherine, in Rosings Park. His Aunt was very wealthy and owned the Minardi formula one team. Though they were pretty bad, she didn't really care as it was just something that she liked to be able to say that owned an f1 team. Fitzwilliam could never forgive himself for introducing Charlotte to William Collins, his Aunt's protégé. Charlotte was much too good for the fawning, dull and slimy man who was to become her husband. William was a driver for the Minardi team. He had no talent, and no right to be in formula one other than Lady Catherine wanted him there for some strange reason. Charlotte had agreed to his proposal because she felt that she would do no better. She couldn't admit to loving him, but was convinced of a hidden goodness within him. Fitzwilliam couldn't believe her optimistic thoughts- but hoped that for Charlotte's sake he was proved wrong. He worried about her, and felt that she was marrying William for the wrong reasons. He thought that she loved someone else, but she would never admit to it and refused to entertain his concerns. She declared herself perfectly content with her lot in life, and so Fitzwilliam kept his misgivings to himself.
It was this regret which occupied him as he crossed the garage to where Elizabeth was getting ready to don her helmet before getting into her car and going out on track. She looked good in a yellow Nomex suit, he thought.
Fitzwilliam coughed nervously to draw attention to himself. Elizabeth looked up after pulling her balaclava over her head. He stared momentarily at the fiery, intelligent eyes that flashed at him.
'Miss Bennett, Elizabeth, I must apologise for our meeting earlier. Believe me that whatever you may have heard me saying was not meant to be heard by you…'
Elizabeth cut him short. 'I guessed that Mr. Darcy. Was that all?'
'Am, um, well, ah…. I also wanted to welcome you to the team. I hope we'll have a good season as team-mates.'Fitzwilliam grew more nervous at Elizabeth's stony gaze. And those eyes…
'Well yes. Now if you don't mind.' She turned and headed for her car which George and a few mechanics were just preparing for her first trip out on track for the day. She understood perfectly what Fitzwilliam had meant to say. He wanted for her to keep out of his way on track, not to crash into him and to help him win races and the championship.
Elizabeth had always believed in first impressions, and she took Fitzwilliam to be a proud, arrogant pig. Never mind that he was one of the best drivers in formula one having come second in his debut race, and never failing to impress there after. She would show him.
With that, she pulled out of the garage and sped away from the pits.
George and the Colonel stood at the back of the garage, gazing intently at the screens. They watched as Elizabeth flung her car around the corners, attacking them with passion. She was quick. They weren't surprised, but rather relieved. They knew that she was quick but some drivers often failed to prove themselves worthy of formula one. They could be quick, but just not quick enough. Both Richard and George knew the capabilities of the car, and could see that with Elizabeth they would reach them. It was rare for a driver to settle into a new team and car so quickly, but Elizabeth posted good laps and was improving with every lap.
Fitzwilliam was also about to go out on track. Charlotte joined George and Richard and informed them that he was ready to go. She also wanted to see how the new recruit was faring. She was delighted to see both car and driver performing so well, but naturally hoped that her driver would do better. Fitzwilliam was rated by some as one of the best drivers on the current grid. He was precise, rarely made mistakes and was exceptionally quick.
Another minute saw Fitzwilliam exiting the garage and brought Elizabeth back. She was greeted by the congratulations of all. She searched the faces for Fitzwilliam, but was unsurprised, but a little disappointed not to see him. She thought that maybe now he would accept her as an equal, but obviously not. It was going to be a long season if they couldn't get on together, but if it had to be that way, so be it.
Jane was delighted for her sister, and told her so. She had been apprehensive for her, but her fears had been unfounded. She knew the pressure that Elizabeth was under to perform well both as John Bennett's daughter and as the first female f1 driver. She knew how hard she had to work to get this far, and she could feel how proud their father would have been. Jane could remember more of him than Lizzy could. She remembered going to races with her mother and Lizzy, the baby. They had stopped going after the younger girls had been born. Their father's death had been a blow to the whole family, but especially to their mother. She had been inconsolable after the accident. She blamed herself for not being at Spa the day of the crash. Although she knew that she could have done nothing there she felt that they should have been there. The car had just lost control, gone off the track and burst into flames. He hadn't stood a chance of surviving and no one ever found out what had happened. The car had been too badly damaged for the mechanics to detect what had gone wrong, but no one could believe it was a driver error. John Bennett had been too good a driver. Francis had never really recovered from his death, and her daughters became her life. She hadn't been happy with Lizzy's choice of career, but she was too like her father and would not be stopped. Francis understood the lure of motor racing after many years spend around racing tracks. Her father had been a mechanic, and she herself had been an early form of a pitlane babe. It was through that she had met John. Her mission in life now was to see her daughters married as she had little means of supporting them as John's money had run out a long time ago, and she still believed that women should marry for security and not have to work. Jane hoped that their mother was proud of Lizzy and that wherever their father was he could see her and was proud of all she had achieved and what she was going to achieve.
Charlotte quickly returned to the bank of screens to see how Fitzwilliam was doing, after she had congratulated Elizabeth. After the out lap, he settled into a rhythm on the track he knew so well. He was improving his time with every lap, driving with his usual clean, flawless style, never putting a tyre wrong.
Fitzwilliam had started his racing days at Silverstone. He had won his first race there, and he had never looked back after that. It had been a dream come true for him to be asked to race in f1. He had won the f3000 championship and had been offered drives at both Ferrari and Jordan. As tempting as Ferrari was, he didn't feel that he was ready for the pressure of the Italian press quite yet and he was also reluctant to leave England, and his family. Jordan's offer had suited him better. They were a good team and were improving all the time. Their factory was located near Silverstone, where they did most of their testing, which meant that he could return to his home at Pemberley when he was testing. It was a welcome relief to spend some time at home after the hotel rooms he seemed to spend much of his time in during the season. Jordan was also a good offer because it gave him the opportunity to work with his cousin Richard. He knew and respected Richard and had great faith in his ability as team manager. He had wanted for them to win their first race together, which had happened last season at Spa during his first season. It had been a momentous day for the team, Fitzwilliam and the fans. It was a triumph for a team which had worked its way up from the bottom of the grid. The season had got better since that win, and much was expected from the team this season. This year they had an even better car, two young, talented drivers and things had never been looking better. Richard was just hoping that his two drivers would be on cordial, if not friendly, terms before the season proper started. It would do the team no good to have feuding drivers. It would destroy the good-humoured, hardworking environment which had been carefully nurtured in the team since the beginning. Richard knew both Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam and knew that if they got to know each other that they would get on well. But Elizabeth was stubborn and tended to take insults to heart and Fitzwilliam could often seem cold and distant around people he didn't know. They just seem to misunderstand each other. Richard would have to try and do something about that.
Emma Woodhouse was in charge of PR for the Jordan team. Although she was young to be in a position of such importance, she was very good at her job. She liked organising things and people, and had a talent of getting what she wanted to happen. She had great energy and enthusiasm, and nothing delighted her more that to have her plans work out.
Emma grew up in a small village in Surrey called Highbury where she still lived with her father. He lived with her when she was in England, and when she was not he stayed with his other daughter Isabella, who was married in London. Isabella's husband was John Knightley, a well-respected and hard working barrister. He was also George Knightley's brother. Their families had been neighbours and friends ever since Emma could remember, and Emma and George were the best of friends despite their eight year age difference. George was the only one who could find fault with Emma, and the only one who would tell her of it. Emma respected him because of this. Although they often disagreed, they rarely had a serious falling out, and their friendship had survived for many years.
Emma and Charlotte had invited Jane and Elizabeth out for a meal after testing was completed that evening to welcome to the team with a girl's night out.
Naturally enough, during the course of the evening the talk turned to the men of the team. Emma wanted to know as much about Elizabeth and Jane's love-lives as possible, as her second passion in life after her job was a bit of amateur match-making. She considered herself to be quite good at it; after all it was just an extension of PR, really. When she younger she had picked out the future husband of her teacher, Miss Taylor, before either of them knew it. She wanted to see all her friends in happy relationships and she considered it her duty to do what she could to help them along the way. Although she wished for marital bliss for others, she had no desire for the same felicity herself. She had never been in love in her twenty-four years in the world, and was beginning to doubt if she ever would meet Mr. Right. Not that she really wanted to, as a young, single woman of the nineties she shouldn't really feel the need for a man. She had everything she could possibly want- loads of brilliant friends, a good well-paid job, a doting father, and her sister and her husband and family. If she was to marry, it would be for love, and she didn't hold out much hope for that.
Emma did not approve of Charlotte's engagement to William Collins. She considered it to be a match that was completely beneath Charlotte, and Emma could find no signs of love on her side. He was another case, a man who was not even a man. He was everything Emma despised in the opposite sex. He was repulsive, and it was quite beyond her how Charlotte could have agreed to marry him. They were not married yet, and indeed, Emma intended that they never would be. Emma suspected that Charlotte was in love with someone else that she felt she did not deserve, or their love could not survive for some reason. Emma felt that the man in question was none other than Charlotte's best friend Fitzwilliam Darcy. He was the most likely candidate. His Aunt Catherine would never approve of the match, and even still, Emma doubted that Fitzwilliam loved Charlotte. Fitzwilliam's life seemed to consist of his family, his estate at Pemberley and his racing. He was so absorbed in all this that he didn't seem to notice his friend pining for him. Emma would just have to give them a helping hand.
Elizabeth and Jane would not be so easy to match up. Emma hadn't known them for too long, but she had noticed Charles admiring gaze at Jane. Although this was not unusual for him, Emma could foresee a time when he would decide that he had had enough of leaving a trail of ex-girlfriends after him, and who better to than the sweet, loving Jane? Emma hoped that Jane hadn't heard too much about Charles reputation, and that Elizabeth hadn't either. She would be protective of her big sister and would be unlikely to approve of her going out with a man like Charles for fear of being hurt. He really did have a bad reputation for loving and leaving his girlfriends. Indeed, there was hardly a woman on the pitlane who wasn't on the receiving end of his attentions at one time or another. Emma had been one of these women, but it had never lead to anything as she was determined just to remain friends. It wasn't really his fault, it was his nature to be well liked and as a racing driver his charms increased to no end. Emma had rarely seen him without a beautiful woman in tow. But once he fell in love with Jane, which would only be a matter of time, Jane would be the only one he would want to be seen with. She was the type of woman who would suit him perfectly, and she would not hold out long against Charles boyish charm. Besides he looked good in the red of his Ferrari team.
That only left Elizabeth, and Emma had Richard in mind for her. They already seemed to get on well together and Emma could see them hitting it off as a couple if they could forget about their professional concerns for that long.
Emma had always thought that if she were to marry, Richard Fitzwilliam would be the man. She had realised soon enough, though, that she didn't love him, and was not particularly inclined to. Richard, although amiable and charming, was not the man she was looking for. He had not the character she so admired in George, nor was he the type of man to respect and support her, he was too wrapped up in the concerns of his team to have time for too much of a personal life. Elizabeth would suit him as she also was wrapped up in her driving and proving herself to be worthy of her place in f1 and also to live up to the reputation her father left behind. Not to mention the fact that it would mean great publicity to have the team manager and driver going out together. Emma could already see the headlines….
Of more immediate importance was to get Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam on civil terms, at least, before the official launch. The two would be interviewed with and about each other and it would not do to have the press getting any inkling that there was any divisions within the team. It would be the first time that Elizabeth Bennett would be presented to the press as a Jordan and Formula One driver. There would be much interest in her because of whose daughter she was and her position as the first female f1 driver in such a male dominated sport. Everything had to go smoothly as the eyes of the sporting world would be on them.
Richard and Emma had no doubts that the press would love Elizabeth for her quick wit and intelligence. Fitzwilliam had never been the darling of the press, as he tended to be more reserved both in his manner and his answering. The public loved him for his talent, but he lacked that dashing air that made Charles Bingley a celebrity. Perhaps with Elizabeth there it would take some of the pressure off Fitzwilliam and give them both a chance to shine in their own unique ways.
Between them, Richard and Emma decided that the best way to promote the required camaraderie was for everyone to reacquaint themselves in a less formal atmosphere than at the track or at the factory. Emma quickly offered to host a dinner party in her home, Hartfield. The numbers would be few, and the time early so as not to disturb Mr. Woodhouse too much and to allow everyone to return home that evening. The dinner party was to be held the evening after testing finished at Silverstone, giving Emma time to prepare and everyone time to relax after the stress of the past few days. Invitations were sent out and promptly accepted. The party was to include Elizabeth, Jane, Charlotte, William Collins, Fitzwilliam, Richard, Charles, George, and of course Emma and Mr. Woodhouse.
Emma was delighted. It would be the perfect opportunity for everyone to get to know everyone else better and the perfect first step in her plan.
Richard and George were the first to arrive. While George greeted Mr. Woodhouse, who was in his customary position beside the roaring fire, Richard once again thanked Emma for having them all over. He hoped that it would go smoothly enough, and he was determined to make the atmosphere as relaxed and amiable as possible.
Elizabeth and Jane were the next to arrive. Elizabeth was at ease when she saw that Fitzwilliam hadn't arrived yet, and after greeting George and Mr. Woodhouse, she joined Emma and Richard. Jane sat near George and Mr. Woodhouse listening to the latter describe the many qualities of broth.
'Elizabeth, so glad both of you could make it. It's usually so hard to find a time when everyone is free, it tends to get hectic from here on out, as you'll soon find out.'
'I expect I shall, but I'm looking forward to every moment of it…' She turned to see Fitzwilliam entering the room. '…Well, almost every moment anyway.'
Emma slightly arched her eyebrows at Richard, as if to say that this would be no easy task. She didn't mind though, she liked a good challenge.
After a moment of anxiety looking around the room, Fitzwilliam moved to join his cousin, Emma and Elizabeth, who quickly absented herself from the group when he approached. Although he was disappoint at that, he passed her silently and joined Richard and Emma, who were looking at Elizabeth with surprise.
'How goes it, cousin, fair Emma?' Said Fitzwilliam with a put-on cheer.
'Well thanks', replied Emma, recovering faster than Richard. 'I'm glad you could make it. How's Georgiana?'
'She's coming home for a few days tomorrow. I can't wait to see her, she seems to change so much between each visit. I just wish they could be more frequent', replied Fitzwilliam with a hint of melancholy in his voice.
'Maybe both of you could come down to visit us over the weekend. I know that Mother would be delighted to see her favourite god-daughter, and I'm sure Father would get over having you around.' Richard couldn't resist getting in the last dig, as both of them knew that the Earl of Matlock delighted in Fitzwilliam's company and the two of them would often spend hours together locked up in the library discussing the running of the two estates. Richard occasionally joined them, but in general preferred to spend his free time in what he considered a more productive fashion. He spent too long everyday discussing business matters and was glad to forget about them when circumstances allowed.
Fitzwilliam just had time to agree before the door opened and Charlotte and William Collins entered. The warm welcome that greeted Charlotte changed to a collective sigh when William was seen. As much as most of them valued and loved Charlotte, that regard didn't include the slimy William Collins. He never failed to annoy, with his fake compliments and endless praise of his noble patroness, Lady Catherine DeBourg. Fitzwilliam and Richard had a particular dislike of him, as when they were of the party his compliments and attentions seemed to be constantly centred on them, the noble nephews of his noble patroness.
'Mr. Darcy, Mr. Fitzwilliam, I am delighted you are here. As you know I am always happy to be in the illustrious company of my bounteous patroness's dear nephews. May I reassure you gentlemen as to your dear aunt's good health as of when I last saw her not two hours ago.'
Fitzwilliam cut him off short, expressing his unabounding joy at the receipt of this news. He then turned back to Richard and Emma, excluding William from the conversation. As he turned he saw the amused glances that Elizabeth was casting in his direction. She seemed to be delighting in his discomfort. Seeing this he got an idea.
'Mr. Collins, I don't believe that you have had the honour of meeting our new team-member, Miss Elizabeth Bennett. Let me introduce you to her. I'm sure you will be delighted to make her acquaintance.'
As he started to lead William over to where Elizabeth and Charlotte were standing, the others realised what he was doing. Elizabeth, unaware of the pleasure she was about to receive was unsure of how to take his gesture.
Richard whispered to Emma. 'He seems determined to make an enemy in Elizabeth. That isn't exactly the best way of ingratiating himself to her. I hope he know what he's doing. I wouldn't wish William Collins on anyone, certainly not someone whose friendship I wanted to get. He's going to make things even worse for himself. Oh Darcy, will you ever learn?'
But Fitzwilliam knew exactly what he was doing. He wasn't sure if it would work, but he could hope… 'Miss Bennet' said Fitzwilliam, with mock ceremony, 'may I present to you the honourable, and most humble, Mr. William Collins. Mr. Collins drives for Minardi, and is one of the undiscovered talents on the pitlane. Although he has been driving in F1 for three years, he has yet to score a point. But we are confident that he will. Eventually.'
Charlotte began to cough violently, masking her laughter. Everyone knew, and Charlotte was the first to admit, that William would never make it as a successful driver. Of all the things William was, talented would never one of them.
William, unfortunately, didn't get the irony in Fitzwilliam's speech. 'You are too kind Mr. Darcy, I'm sure. Although my noble patroness often tells me that one day I will win the championship…'
It was now Elizabeth's turn to break into a fit of coughing. Fitzwilliam, always the gentleman, decided that over-exposure to Collins could be damaging to her, and took pity on her.
'Miss Bennett, I fear you are unwell. You must come with me to get a glass of water.'
Elizabeth, shocked, gazed at him in bewilderment but could not tell him that she was fine through her coughing before he led her away.
'I'm sorry about that, but I really couldn't resist. That man just asks for ridicule. I presume you've heard the joke about him and the cocktail stick…..'
As they passed through the sweep-gates of Hartfield, Elizabeth burst out laughing.
"I don't think I've ever seen such a vile and repulsive shade of orange in my entire life, and that was just the dress!"
"Poor Charles! I didn't think that he could have such a sister, they're complete opposites!"
"…And then the shade of green she turned when Charlotte was talking to Fitzwilliam! Well at least we know now where her affections lie, as for his, I wouldn't like to say, but they certainly aren't in her direction."
"He paid a lot of attention to you Lizzy…"
"And what of it? I expect that it's just his guilty conscience after what he said about me the other day. Don't worry, I won't forgive him that easily. But he is a puzzle. One minute he is all charm and ease, and the next silent and proud…"
"You're too harsh on him Lizzy, he was trying, and he isn't as bad as you may think. I'm sure he has some excellent qualities, sure aren't Charlotte, Charles and Richard good friends of his. Surely you can trust their judgement…"
"Oh yes, the unbiased opinion of his cousin, his race engineer and the amiable Charles Bingley are to be trusted on the subject of his character."
"Ah, you're only being prejudiced because of what you heard him say. And don't try and say that you're not. I know you Miss Elizabeth Bennett, better than anyone, and I know you're ways."
"Fine, believe what you like, but I'm still not giving him the benefit of the doubt just yet. Let him prove himself."
"And what do you think that he was trying to do all evening? Provide a bit of light entertainment for the rest of us? Or maybe it was for Caroline Bingley?"
"Maybe it was. I don't know, and I don't care."
They drove on in silence, until Elizabeth inquired of Jane, "And what do you think of the famous Mr. Bingley?"
Jane blushed and said, "He is very charming…"
"And what? He is a lovely man, very friendly and witty…."
"…and handsome?"
"Yes, I suppose he is…." Jane looked straight ahead at the road, hoping that Elizabeth could not see the colour in her cheeks.
"Don't think I can't see you Jane, because I can! And I know what you're thinking!"
"And what would that be?"
"You're hoping that he'll be at Silverstone again next week when we are! Look at you, blushing again! You think you know me well, but I know you better!"
Elizabeth laughed again, but grew serious again. "Jane, please do be careful about Charles. You know his reputation, and I would hate for you to be hurt…. A man like Charles doesn't just change his ways overnight, it could take at least a day or two!"
"Lizzy, don't talk like that! But seriously, I have no intention of falling for Charles Bingley or any other man at this point in time."
"I'm glad to hear it. I wouldn't like to be the only old maid in the family, even if Mama won't like it!"
"You'll have to introduce her to the charming Philip Elton, I'm sure she would marry one of us off to him in a second!"
"Just beware he doesn't set his eye on you, or Charles would be very disappointed. But I have a suspicion about him…"
"Go on…"
"I think that it's Emma he's after!"
"Emma, no way! But then again…yeah, you could be right actually. He was very attentive to her… but ugh! He isn't as bad as William Collins, but give him time…"
Richard particularly hated this event, and was glad to have two days of extra testing before it to reassure himself and the team that it wasn't all hype, but that they could really do well this season. Indeed there were many reasons to be positive. The car was performing well, with only minor glitches in its design and performance that were easily solved, and Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam were also doing a good job. It was reassuring to bear all this in mind before the launch.
Emma was working flat out to ensure that everything would be ready for Wednesday, and so far everything was going well. Even Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam seemed to be getting on a bit better. There was no longer a silent dislike between them. Fitzwilliam was trying to make up for his past mistake and in return Elizabeth was considering forgiving him sometime before the end of the season.
The two main problems surrounding the team came in the form of William Collins and Philip Elton, or Lady Cat's Nancy Boys as they had become affectionately known as. William and Philip were becoming something of a permanent fixture in the Jordan garage, preferring to spend their time in the company of the ladies of Jordan than with their noble patroness. Emma had heard rumours that Lady Catherine liked for her drivers to be married, to give a good wholesome image of the team. She was suspicious that the Great Lady herself were sending them up to their pit in the hope of marrying them off. It was also a well known fact that she didn't approve of women working in the sport, or anywhere for that matter, and as such they were looked down on in Jordan by the wonderfully knowledgeable Lady Catherine. In fact it was her policy only to employ men, and naturally she stayed well away from the team and only dictated from afar.
presence of the two men disrupted the work of the team, not to mention
the icky feeling they left in their wake. Emma was often at the receiving
end of their attentions, as were Elizabeth and Charlotte. They didn't take
too much notice of Jane because of the rumours flying around about her
and Charles Bingley, and of course they wouldn't associate with any woman
who had gone out with such an immoral (or so said their noble patroness)
man. For Emma, Philip was willing to make an exception, though.
track, everything was going smoothly, with only some slight gearbox trouble
for Fitzwilliam, which was being fixed by Charlotte and her team at that
very moment. Elizabeth was putting in some very respectable laps, and the
experience would stand to her in just a few short weeks in Melbourne.
Charles and Fitzwilliam sat together at the back of the Jordan pit, talking and laughing as they had been used to doing often the previous year. There was the testing results to discuss, and the other drivers, not to mention the new arrivals at the team.
There were a few changes in the grid since the previous season, besides Charles's move and Elizabeth entering Formula One. A certain Italian driver, who had moved from the American Champcar series to F1, had failed to impress, barely finishing a race, had return from whence he came. An English driver had retired, though it had been believed by many that this should have happened earlier than when it did.Neither Fitzwilliam nor Charles were greatly affected by these changes, although it did now make Fitzwilliam the leading British driver on the grid, for the moment anyway, but that position would be in threat from Elizabeth.
During a slight lull in the conversation, Charles cleared his throat nervously.
"Darcy.. what do you think of Jane Bennett? I mean, what's she like?"
"She seems very nice, very sweet and friendly. Everyone likes her."
"But do you think that there's something about her?"
"Like what?"
"…I don't know, something special…"
"Ah, it's all coming out now…. You like her don't you?"
"Darcy, I don't know. She's different from all the others….. I've never felt this way about anyone before."
"What, is the infamous Charles Bingley falling in love?"
"Keep it down Darcy, I really don't know. I know I'm attracted to her, but I'm afraid."
"Of what?"
"That she might be the one. And if she is, would I be able to take it? As you know me and relationships never last. I'm not like you Darcy, I can't do the serious thing. People don't believe me, they'd sooner laugh in my face if I came out and announced that I was giving up dating for one girl. Anyway I don't even know if she likes me"
"Bingley, since when did you let details like that worry you? If it happens it happens, you won't be able to help it, and you'll learn as you go along. It's called a relationship."
"So you think I should go for it?"
"Why not? At least you'll have tried, you'll know and you won't regret not having asked her out. And, you'd never know, she might even say yes!" Maybe I should be taking a bit of my own advice, added Fitzwilliam silently.
"Oh God! What'll I do if she does?"
"You'll think of something, you always do…"
"Here comes The colonel himself, I wonder what he thinks…"
Richard came over to join them with a cup of coffee in his hand.
"How's it going lads?"
"Dickie-boy, I'm in need of some advice…." Began Charles, using the nickname he knew Richard hated.
"This should be good, Chuckie… Go on then…"
"He wants to know if he should ask Jane out."
"Jane Bennett? I was wondering how long it would take you start on the new recruits. I'm just surprised it's taken you this long!"
"But seriously, should I?"
"If you like, but be careful, the last thing I need it a heart-broken physio on my hands injuring my drivers. If you do, just be careful, that's all"
"I will, thanks for the advice lads, I'll see if I can find her now…"
"Good luck" shouted the two cousins after him as he rushed into the garage to find Jane.
"Lizzy, there you are, I've been looking for you everywhere!"
"What is it Jane? You look as though you're going to burst if you don't tell me whatever it is soon…."
"Oh, Lizzy, Charles asked me to go out for dinner with him Wednesday evening, after the launch! I said yes, but I'm not sure if that was wise or not, but he doesn't deserve to be judged, and he is quite sweet…"
"Jane, Jane, will you ever stop seeing the good in people before anything else. He does deserve the benefit of the doubt, but be careful!"
"I will Lizzy, anyway it's only dinner…"
"And then what?"
"What? It isn't like it's anything serious…"
"Famous last words, Jane!"
For Elizabeth it was nerve- wracking. Everyone said that it would be fine, and that there was nothing to be worried about, but that didn’t make things any easier. At least she wouldn’t be alone out on stage, she would have both Richard and Fitzwilliam with her but she would prefer not to have to go at all. And then to make matters worse, her mother had insisted on coming, and was due to arrive any minute with Elizabeth and Jane’s three younger sisters, Mary, Kitty and Lydia. Elizabeth smiled at the thought of the deeply moral and religious Mary attending an event such as this. She was quite sure she would much prefer to stay at home reading one of those theological books she liked so much. Kitty and Lydia would be another matter entirely! At sixteen, Lydia was a determined flirt, and Kitty was only marginally better. Elizabeth knew that this was in part due to the over-indulgence of their mother towards them and a lack of discipline, and also the lack of a father-figure in their lives. She made a mental note to keep them away from any members of the team, especially Richard and Fitzwilliam, and to try and get her mother to keep an eye on them, for all the good that that would do.
She had little time to muse over such matters as Emma was giving herself and Fitzwilliam a final rundown of the type of questions to expect and what exactly was going to happen. First of all there was to be the unveiling of the car, with the drivers in their Nomex suits and Richard would join them on stage. Then they were to pose for photos and change into casual clothes for more photos and an informal press conference. Although she knew what to expect she didn’t, if that made any sense. It certainly didn’t to her. Emma had gone through the whole procedure step by step until she was sure of it, but it was so unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She had never been the centre of attention in this manner before. Yes, there had been press conferences and interviews, but they all seemed to pale into insignificance beside the pomp and ceremony of a formula one launch.
Fitzwilliam was in much the same frame of mind as Elizabeth, but he was thinking how one never did seem to loose these pre-launch nerves. This was to be his third launch, but it seemed as bad as if it was his first. He envied the ease Richard always seemed to be able to manage such events when he was left a gibbering wreck. Damn those butterflies fluttering around in his stomach. He wished there was something he could do to calm his nerves, but there was nothing he could think of except a stiff drink, which was unthinkable at this hour of the morning. Not to mention the fact that he couldn’t risk being even slightly slow of mind at the press conference. He turned to go outside to get some fresh air, but a middle-aged woman, trailed by three young girls, who he rightly assumed to be her daughters, stopped him.
“Mr. Darcy, this is a pleasure…. I have heard so much about you. May I introduce my daughters……”
She continued, but Fitzwilliam wasn’t paying attention. She acted like he should know her, but he didn’t, and quite frankly, he didn’t care to know her either. Her voce grated in his head, and all he wanted to do was go outside and clear his head before going on stage.
“…..of course I’m very excited for the coming season……” Oh God, she was still droning on.
“If you would excuse me, madam?” With that he headed for the door, leaving Mrs. Bennett staring open-mouthed in his wake.
“How rude! Lizzy, I don’t know how you can accept that awful man as your team-mate! You must speak with that nice Richard Fitzwilliam about him….”
“Mother, it isn’t as if I have any choice in who is to be my team-mate, and besides Richard and Fitzwilliam are cousins!”
“As if that is any excuse! Just walked away from me he did, and showed no friendliness or even civility to your sisters. He didn’t even acknowledge who I was…”
“Maybe he didn’t know who you were. After all I am only new at the team, and you were never properly introduced to him.”
“Not properly introduced? Didn’t I see him when he was only a baby, and his mother was such a lovely woman…”
“His mother? I never knew that you knew the Darcys.”
“Of course I did! In the days when you father was still with us, God rest his soul, everybody in formula one knew everybody else. John Darcy was slightly involved in the sport and even drove in one or two races.”
“Then it is hardly his fault if he doesn’t know you. Maybe he is nervous and just didn’t want to talk….”
“That’s no excuse!”
Lizzy felt that this discussion had already wasted too much time and wasted defending Fitzwilliam Darcy! Anyway, she had to finish her preparations. “Mother, I really must go now. Why don’t you go out front with Lydia, Kitty and Mary and I’ll see you later?”
“Humph! Leave your poor mother on her own, why don’t you! My poor nerves!”
“Mother! You know perfectly well I have to go, and I’ll see you afterwards. I really do have to go.”
Mrs. Bennett was once again left on her own to think about how badly she was being treated when two sombre-looking young men approached her.
“Mrs Bennett, this is an honour. May we introduce ourselves? My name is William Collins and this is Philip Elton. We can’t tell you how happy we are to meet the mother of such charming daughters, though you don’t look old enough to be their mother!”
Mrs Bennett soon forgot her anger at both Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth when faced with such charming young men. Maybe they would take a fancy to her girls and marry them?
Jane approached Lizzy just as she was preparing to go on stage, she wanted to wish her luck and give her advanced warning as to what Mrs. Bennett may be planning.
“Lizzy! Good luck! Just remember not to be intimidated, and imagine everyone is standing there in their underwear.”
“As if that’ll help Jane! It’s more likely to send me running off the stage than anything else. You do know that that awful Billy Collins is around somewhere. The thought of him in his y-fronts is enough to sent anyone to a mental asylum….. ugh!! Thanks for that Jane, you realise I’ll forever have that horrible image in my head…..ugh!”
“That reminds me, I saw Mother talking to Billy and Philip Elton so beware later or she might start getting ideas.”
“It’s probably too late already! So which one of them do you want to take?”
“Really, I insist, they’re all yours. Charles is taking me somewhere after the launch, so if you don’t see me, you’ll know why.”
“So on top of all this, you’re just going to leave me? That’s just lovely! What would I do without you sis?”
“No problem! There’s Emma looking for you. Good luck, I’ll be right out front and there’s no need to be nervous.”
“Easier said than done”, grumbled Elizabeth.
“It is with great pleasure that we, the Jordan Formula One team, welcome you here today to celebrate with us the unveiling of our new car for this season. I am sure, first of all, that you will join with us in congratulating both the design and the manufacturing teams for the conception and production of this wonderful machine, which we hope will bring us great success and perhaps our best season yet. With no further ado, I would like to call on our drivers for this season, Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett, to unveil the car.”
There was more music and flashing lights as Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam slowly drew back the yellow cover from over the car. It was beautiful. It shone, ever bit of light being reflected of its smooth, bright yellow paintwork. The lines were flowing and design well nigh on perfect. It was a car to be proud of, a work of motoring art.
Some time later, Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam were back on stage with Richard for the press conference. It was quite informal with all three sitting or leaning on the car and members of the press in front of it.
“Elizabeth, what are your feelings today at your first formula one launch?”
ELIZABETH: “Obviously it is very exciting, this isn’t exactly how it’s been done in any of the other formulae. I couldn’t be happier with the way everything has gone since I joined the team and I’m looking forward to Melbourne in March.”
“What are you expecting from your first race?”
ELIZABETH: “I’m not going to be unrealistic and say that I hope to win, although that would be very nice. I’m confident of the reliability of the car, and would hope to score some points for the team. If I could achieve that, I don’t think I’d be doing too badly.”
“Fitzwilliam, give us your thoughts on your new team-mate.”
FITZWILLIAM: “Elizabeth has proved herself to be an extremely talented driver, and I think she will surprise everyone right from the start of the season. I feel very privileged to have such a promising team-mate and I hope that between us we will do a good job for Richard and the team.”
“What are you most looking forward to about working with Elizabeth?”
FITZWILLIAM: “I believe that there is much I can learn from Elizabeth’s approach to driving and to racing, as I hope she will be able to learn something from both myself and the team.”
ELIZABETH: “I’m sure Fitzwilliam can have nothing to learn from a lowly rookie woman driver like me.”
RICHARD: “Elizabeth brings with her a new dynamism which will be unique in formula one. I think we can all learn from her approach to racing, as she can also learn from our greater experience in formula one.”
“Do you think that there will be any problems for her as the only woman driving in F1?”
FITZWILLIAM: “No, nothing serious anyway. I think everyone is willing to give her the same chance as any new driver on the grid, and will judge her by her performance. I expect some people will have a problem with her being there, as they have had with women engineers and mechanics, but such people’s opinions aren’t worth much, in my opinion.”
RICHARD: “We have had nothing but enthusiastic responses since the news broke. It was only a matter of time until the male domination of the sport was broken for once and for all. The fans, of both sexes , are delighted I think that Jordan are the first team to take this step.”
“Will Elizabeth have a male pit-babe?”
RICHARD: “That remains to be seen. I would think that that is up the individual track and country, and Elizabeth, of course.”
ELIZABETH: “I’m all for a man doing it, though whether they’d fit into some of the outfits is another matter.”
“Fitzwilliam, how do you rate this year’s car?”
FITZWILLIAM: “So far in testing it has been very good. It seems to be fast and reliable, but it’s hard to know until we can compare it to other cars under race conditions.”
“Fitzwilliam, having won two races last year, and the team having won three, how do think this season will rate against last season?”
FITZWILLIAM: “I think I speak for the whole team when I say that last year’s performance was very good in last year’s car, but in testing so far this car is much better. If we have reliability, then I see no reason why we shouldn’t do even better than last season.”
“In testing, the car has been consistently been near the top of the time-sheets. Will it perform as well under race conditions?”
RICHARD: “We have no reason to expect otherwise, but as always, you can never tell until the season starts. To answer your question, yes, we have ever expectation of challenging for the championship right from the start.”
“Last season there were no team orders for either Fitzwilliam or Charles Bingley. Will this be the case this year?”
RICHARD: “Absolutely. Although Fitzwilliam has been with the team longer, Elizabeth will have exactly the same status within the team. There will be no number one and number two drivers. They are both number one drivers at Jordan. The use of the team car will be appropriated on qualifying position, and nothing else.”
“Is having equal number one status in the team important for both of you?”
ELIZABETH: “Yes, definitely. No one wants to play second fiddle to another driver, especially someone with Fitzwilliam’s pedigree. This way, I have a greater chance at showing my worth on a level playing pitch with my team-mate. No one, whoever they are, should expect special treatment over others, no matter how good they think they are.”
FITZWILLIAM: “Indeed, your team-mate is the one person who has exactly the same machinery as you and so is your greatest competition. It therefor gives a greater satisfaction to know that you are beating them because of driving ability.”
“Why did Jordan choose to sign Elizabeth?”
RICHARD: “We have always had a tradition of giving young drivers their break into Formula One. When you look at the grid, a fair majority of the drivers have been with Jordan at some stage of their career. It’s a policy that is good for the sport in general, and also for the team. It brings us talented drivers who, though not experienced, have a love and passion for the sport, which sadly tends to get lost through the years. We are willing to give Elizabeth this opportunity to enter Formula One and, by giving her the best car we possibly can, to score points over the coming two years and maybe even beyond. Everyone will be a winner if it works out. Other teams don’t tend to have the same policy because they see it as a risk, but it’s no more of a risk than taking on any new driver in the team.”
“Elizabeth, you had offers from other teams as well as Jordan. What made you chose to drive for Jordan?”
ELIZABETH: “Quite honestly, it was simply the best offer I got. Here at Jordan I get to drive a competitive car and hopefully score points. It’s not every team that can offer that.”
“So you are happy with the team so far?”
ELIZABETH: “Oh yes, very much so. In general everyone has been very respectful and friendly towards me. The team is more like a big family than anything else. There’s that friendly sort of atmosphere that’s rarely found at this level of sport.”
“How is that atmosphere achieved, Richard?”
RICHARD: “We allow people to have their own spirit, to have their own freedom and generally we get more out of them. They know the parameters we accept and want to have. Some people criticise us for this, saying that we’re too casual, not serious enough, but behind that casual façade is a very steely, competitive approach to life. We just like rock and roll and we like a bit of fun, in its own place. But some people enlarge on that to create a different impression”
“Speaking of rock and roll, has Elizabeth also been signed up to play with the Buzzin’ Hornets, the Jordan band?”
RICHARD: “It’s not in her contract, but I had heard that Elizabeth sings and plays keyboard. We were going to try her out later after all this, if she’s up for it.”
ELIZABETH: “Why not? Though I think maybe you might want to reconsider your offer after you’ve heard me sing and play! Besides you need all the help you can get from what I’ve heard.”
RICHARD: “The slander of it all! We’ll just have to show you later. Darcy, Emma and I have been practising, and I think we’re improving. It’s the new recruits I’m worried about.”
“The road to Formula One is a notoriously hard one. Did your name and that of your father make the way any bit easier?”
ELIZABETH: “Frankly, I don’t think so. It was never really an issue. If anything, it made it harder because I was constantly being compared with him, and failing or being second best was never an option. That’s not to say I’m not proud of my father and the legacy he left behind him in motor sport. He was an amazing driver, though I may be bias in my view, and all I’ve ever hoped for is to achieve even just a fraction of what he did. My way into Formula One has been every bit as hard as any other driver, perhaps even a little more so. People often forget that Formula One drivers aren’t born as such, but have to work, and be very lucky, to get there, and hundreds of genuinely talented young drivers just don’t make it due to ill-timing or lack of resources.”
“Is your father’s memory an important guide in your career?”
ELIZABETH: “People have asked me that a lot. My father’s memory is very important in my life in general, though I’m not so sure if it has guided my career. It’s assumed that I’d like to drive for the same team as my father and achieve all he achieved, but I don’t want to live under that immense shadow. I feel the need to create my own goals and standards, and don’t want to feel the pressure that I have to achieve all that he did. I know that I don’t have to deliver anything for his memory, as I know he’d be proud of me whatever happens.”
“What would you have done if you hadn't made it to Formula One?”
ELIZABETH: “Not getting this far was never really something I considered. It's been my goal for so long, I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't made it. Failure was never really an option. You don't get this far in motor racing without enormous self-belief. I have that now, because I have to. I have the will and the determination to win, and hope that winning will come.”
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