St. Michael's CBS

Unfortunately due to local circumstances St. Michael's was not able to enter fully into all the MFL activities. There were more pressing needs making demands on class time.
However the school was able to support the project in that we could add to the research activities and could prepare material and resources which could be done outside of class time. Having built our own website and being in there from the beginning we were able to bring to the cluster our own local skills in web design and other ICT skills.

Our special input has been the following :
Preparation of a presentation on Powerpoint - Travelling to France
Hyperstudio Presentation - Notre Ecole
Acting as co-ordinator of material and assembling the website.
Resource teacher to the SIP MFL cluster.
Acting as Special Needs Advisor.

The school was lucky in remaining a part of the cluster as we gained many valuable insights and skills and we are only sorry we could not add more to this very harding working and ambitious group. We are happy that through this website we can present work of the schools involved and accurately reflect the enormous amount of work which was completed by the teachers involved the teachers involved.

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