Patrick Healy

Patrick Healy - Musical Director and Accompanist

Patrick was born and educated in Dublin, where he began his musical studies at the Royal Irish Academy.

He was awarded a scholarship for two years study in Rome with the famous Italian opera singer Toti dal Monte.

He returned to England to join the English Opera Group with Peter Pears and Sir Benjamin Britten, and appeared in the World Premier of "Curlew River" at the Aldeburgh Festival. He is now a member of English National Opera where he has accompanied most of England's foremost opera stars.

On the lighter side he enjoys greatly his post as Musical Director of the Magic of Gilbert and Sullivan with soloists and chorus form D'oy'y Carte Opera Company, and he has recently compiled a new show with the Radio and Television Presenter, David Jacobs.

His collaboration with Richard Baker in his two shows, the Grand tour to Melody and ' the Best of British has taken him all over the world.

Patrick has always retained his affections for the songs of his native land, and is well known for his broadcasts and recordings both as an artist and arranger.

In 1982 he was greatly honoured to be presented with a special award from the John McCormack Society.

This versatile performer is very popular with listeners of RTE [Irish Radio] for his programmes on opera and his interviews with well-known operatic personalities
