Swimming Gala

At   Ballymun Dublin finals yesterday Gerard Elliott won a bronze and silver medals. Ciaran O’Reilly won two silver medals. The under 11-relay team won a bronze each. The under 13 relay team won a  silver medal each.                                                                  Congratulations to every one in the Gala thanks Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Keane.

          By Kevin and Ciaran

School Tours.

Here are some school tours.

Rooms 1,2 and 3 are going to Sealife in Bray on the 20th of June.

Rooms 4 and 5 are going to Fort Lucan on the 21st of June.

Rooms 6, 7 and 8 are going to Clara Lara on the 22nd of June. There is a lake to swim in, we will leave at 9.15 and get back at 3.30 or 4.00. There is a huge water slide, golf, go-carts and remote control boats. We can’t wait because it is great fun.                                                                                                                     

Also rooms 6, 7, 8 and 9 are going to the mountains on the 12th of June. When we go to the mountains we will explore and cook. We swim in the river and we go up to the hell -fire club.

        By Martin Mackey.


Every Monday Jenn and Elaine come in to our class and bring us down to the school hall and do art with us. So far we made small and big objects out of clay, tin foil, matchsticks and other materials. We then covered them in gloss so they would go hard and stay together. After that we made lids for our bottles, which the objects will then be put into. The bottles will then be filled up with water and be put on display. Half of the class made larger objects out of cardboard, ice-pop sticks, tin foil and loads more materials. The two girls gave each pair an object to work on for the whole art session.

All of our art will be on display on the 19th of June in the V.E.C. on Emmett Rd. I hope to see everyone there. This is a photo of my friends at work in the hall.

                    By Lisa Mc Partlan, age 12.          

      The Drama Class

The drama class is very good. We are now doing a play called Only a Game.

I think it is very good and so do all the other children. We all have our own part.

I am Charlotte the play. Charlotte is Jen’s big sister. I think that my part is very good and I want to say thanks to Miss Watchorn for teaching me how to do drama.

           I think everyone who is in the drama is very good at acting.

The play will be on the 15 of June.  It will first be on for the school and then at night for the public. Hope you can make it. This is only the second play I ever did in my life and this one is going to be

Deadly. Drama has only been on since I was in room 7 and I love it. When I am going into first year I will try to come back to the drama class if I can.

                By Danielle Walsh.  

Fianaies Project                             

  The Fianaies project is all about the history of Inchicore. It gives us a chance to learn about old Inchicore. We had to interview people who lived in Inchicore in the old days. It was a brilliant experience for me and Nic to listen to them. I (Nicola) interviewed my ma.

I (Jason) interviewed my nanny. Then

We went to the V.E.C and interviewed some other people from Inchicore 

And after it we got coke and crisps.

Then we saw the main man Micheal

Cunningham. In June are interview will

be in the Inchicore festival.

            By   Jay and Nicky...

 The Canal Clean Up.

On Saturday me, Danielle Walsh, Lee McNamara, Lyndsey Kavanagh and Christina Kavanagh went to clean the canal to make it cleaner.

We were very surprised to see that we were the only children from our school there. Miss Glanton was there too. Duncan Stewart from Our House was there. So was Noel Dempsey minister for the Environment, and Derek Mooney off Mooney goes Wild on Radio 1. We got plastic bags, gloves, and grabbers to pick up the dirt with.

When we were just finished a man was talking to Miss Glanton about computers. The man worked on the Internet and said that he would take two pictures of us and put them on the Internet on Monday. So we got our pictures taken and then we were on our way back up the Canal when we met Derek Mooney and he interviewed us and said we would be on the radio on Sunday morning at 11.02. We all then went to the Black Horse Inn to get a bite to eat. We got sandwiches, wieners, 7-up, biscuits, and tea. We sat with Miss Glanton and Alan, the man off the Internet. We had a great day that day.

  Written by: Lisa Mc Partlan & Lee McNamara


On the 2nd of May a Team Theatre came into room 8 and 9. They were called Snout, Sly, Jasper, and Taylor.  Jasper was like a baby. Snout and Sly were robbers with Taylor. There were from a castle.  They escaped from the castle Taylor had followed

them for days to see if they had the great treasure of Morula where they came from. But when she had found them they had not got it.

       They had great sound effects. They had used Jasper to get the book. They had said in a tunnel, up spiral stairs, into a long corridor, into a diamond shaped room and that was where the treasure was.

Then take key and open door,

         He got the book and lived a happy live. BY DAVID TOBIN



First class had their communion on the 20th of May. They loved it. Michael and myself interviewed two children from room four and asked them a few questions. They told us about themselves, here's a little thing about themselves we hope you like it. 

Michael was talking to two people from room 4. Their names were Graham    Coombes and Sarah Curran. Graham was wearing a wine jacket, cream trousers and cream shoes. 

Sarah said Paul McGrath was there and gave autographs out. Graham said he loved ever second of it. Sarah   had to do a   reading she was scared when she went up to do it.  It was brilliant they really liked it.  Graham had to do a reading too he was scared too. When I asked them did the like it they said  they   loved  it. Graham  said  he  liked  best  when  they  got  the  bread  and  he  said he liked  it. Then  they   told  me  how much  money  they   got. They  got a lot of money. Then  I  asked  if  they  went  out  after it .Sarah  said  she went to  the  Red Cow after it. Graham  went to  the  hall  for  sweets.            By Michael  Coakley And  LYNDSEY KAVANAGH.


The confirmation was on the 30th of May. My  brother Darren made his confirmation and he couldn’t wait  to make it, they sang lots of songs and my brother was very excited about the whole thing, and I'm sure that ever body else is too.  26 boys  and 10 girls made there confirmation.They  were the   first  class of  the  Millennium in  Scoil   Mhuire Gan Smál.

The teacher who did the confirmation is Miss Watchorn and that is the end, good luck to 6th class.      

 By Rachel Clynes and Natalie Kelly

The Confirmation took place in the Oblate’s Church on Monday the 30th of May 2000. There were 36 out of our school who made it. It was a lovely day too. We interviewed 1 person these  are  the  questions  we  asked  him.


We  interviewed  Darrel Coombes  and  asked  him these  questions.

Q1. how much did you make?

I made  a lot.

Q2. Did  your  family  have  a  good  day?

Yes  they  did  have a  good  day.

Q3. Who  was  your  sponsor 

My Auntie  Phyllis.

Q4.How  did  spend  your  day?

I  spent  my  day  collecting.

Q5. Where  did  you  get  your  clothes?

I  got  them  in  champion  sports.

Q6.What  are  you  going  to  buy?

I  probably  going  to  buy  clothes.

By John O’Donnell  and Derek Bell.

 My Book Review on The  Worst  Witch

Just  last  week  I  finished  the  book The Worst  Witch.  It  was  very  funny  and  I  would  give  it  10  out  of  10. It is about  two witches  and  one  of  them  is  very  silly,  she  gets everything  wrong. One  time  she  put  her  cat  in  her  bag  so  it  would  not  fall  off  the  broom. And  that's  all  I am  going  to  say  just in case  anyone  would   like  to  read  it.   

It   would   be  suitable  for  anyone  between the  ages  of  10  and   13. But  anyone  would  enjoy  it . There  is  a  second  book   called  The  Worst  Witch  Strikes  again.       By  Kellie  Donoghue.

  Pokemon Movie - Mutwo Strikes Back

   The Pokemon    movie  was  not  that  good. It  was  not   good  for  my  age   group. It  was  about   scientists  who  made  a  pokemon  and called it Mutwo. They   wanted  to  make    it  the  strongest Pokemon  in the world. Soon  Mutwo thought  he  wanted  to escape. When he  tried to escape  a  scientist caught  him and told.  Then  the  fighting began. Muwto  ran  after  hitting  all the  scientists. He escaped. He  built  his  own  place. Then  he caught  a girl  called  Nurse  Joy  and  hypnotised  her.

                A couple  of  years  later  word  got out that  Mutwo wanted to fight  Pokemon. There was a boy  called Ash  and he wanted  to go.  Ash and a couple of  people  wanted   to fight him but  they  didn't  know  he was a pokemon. They thought  he was  human. Muwto  put a big  strong  storm  on to  see who would be brave to go with pokemon. Five teams only came. Soon  after the storm they ran  into the place. They were  happy to have made it through the storm. Ash said he was going if the pokemon master didn't come out. Then he came out. He was a Pokemon they said that he was not a Pokemon master. Then Mutwo said who would be the first Pokemon to fight him. Then Pokemon and people started to fight him. Mutwo started to kill Pokemon and then he said I am taking all your Pokemon and took out some special Pokemon balls and they were black. He took Ash’s Pokemon and Ash grabbed Pikachu and ran. Then Ash said Pikachu   return so it went into its ball. But the black ball smacked into the red  ball and Pikachu  came out and the black ball caught  him.

                Then a team called team rocket went into a room and Mutwo was taken  Pokemon  and taken  a bit of the fur  and putting  it into a machine  and they were coming out to the same  Pokemon  but stronger. And then the people got their Pokemon back and then the good Pokemon stared to fight the bad Pokemon. After a while Pokemon started to die and a Pokemon called Mu came down and Mutwo started to fight him. Then  when they were fighting  they were going to kill each  other and  Ash ran in front of  them  and the  magic  hit off  him  and Ash  and he froze. The pokemon stopped  fighting and  all of Ash’s Pokemon  started to cry and soon all the Pokemon  started  to cry  and all magic  went into  Ash.  He woke up. And all the pokemon started to make friends. Mu and Mutwo made friends and Mutwo said sorry and all of the Pokemon Mutwo invented disappeared.     

The End   Sinead Connolly

Harry Potter.

The Harry Potter book is  about  a  boy  who does not  know   that   he   is   a  wizard.  His  parents  died  when he was   a  baby.   And  he had   too  live  with  his  aunt  and  uncle, they are called  the  Dursleys.  Then  a  giant  called  Hagret  comes  too pick  him  up   to  bring  him  to  a  school    called  Hogworths   and    Harry  gets  a   wand,  an  owl,  and  a  cauldron .       THE   END 

      BY John Neville.  

The Biggest Birthday of All

Ms. Green’s  Dad was 100 on 6th June. Ms. Wrenn’s class wrote this poem for him:

  The Biggest Birthday of all

Back in the old days you did things in different ways

No cans

No vans

No heat

No Sweets

No fags

No bags

No telly

No jelly

No radio

No stereo

We know you are very old we hope you do not catch a cold.

Happy Birthday from all of us.

We hope everyone makes a great big fuss.

            By Nikita, Paul, Dean, Dylan, Sean and Keith.



















                        BY  SHANE  BOWLER

In  the  shade  of  the  oaks

We  both  went  to  the  mountains  and  picked  loads of   flowers 

for  every  time  I  think

of her  I  had  to  pick  a rose

that  would  be  rice  an  red 

I  dreamt we  were  in the mountain  in  the  shade  of  the  oaks  an  let  our minds   wander  as  we  pranced  in   the  morning dew

for  the  7  seas  couldn't contain    my  love  for this  mysterious  wonder

I  think  god  gave  me  the  

Gift  of  love

          by  Paul   Mooney   and   Shane  Bowler

 Review Of Now 45

There's a new CD out called Now 45. It has all the latest songs in it like Blink 182 ‘All The Small Things’, Fragma ‘Tocas Miracle’ and Venga Boys ‘Sha La La La’ and many more. The song that I don’t really like is Tom Jones and Stereophonic ‘Mama told me not to come’ and the song I do like is Watergate ‘Hearts of Asia’. It is a really good song. I bought it in Virgin but you can get it in any music store. It was £20 and it is well worth it. So if your going to buy a C.D I think you should buy Now 45.              

                                     By Jennifer Gilbert.                                                      


On the  29  of  May  these  people  were  running  in  Santry  stadium.

Starting  with Room 6: 

BOYS: Mark Henaghan, John O’Hara, Conor Kavanagh, Omer Koreng, and Oisin Leong.

GIRLS:  Aisling Nolan, Lyndsey O’Toole, Shauna Gavin, Aisling Woods, and Rachael Bird.


BOYS: Mark Bell, Barry Kenny, Keith Reilly, and Stefan Shelly.

GIRLS: Wendy Dempsey, Rose Boylan, Tanya Dowling, Elaine Grendan, and Brona Maloney.


BOYS: Steven Carey, Derek Bell, Wayne Doyle, Jason Dunne, Gavin Kinsella.

GIRLS: Nicola Scott, Danielle Walsh, Sinead Connolly, Lyndsey   Kavanagh, and Amy Dempsey.                                                                                                


BOYS: Steven Walsh, Fergus O’ Donnell, Brian O'Toole, John Bell, Karl Mallin.

GIRLS: Erica Reilly, Antoinette Nolan, Danielle O Connor, Kathy Kirwan, and Lisa McPartlan.

The people out  of  all  these  that  won  medals  are  Steven  Carey,  Derek  Bell,  Jason

Dunne,  Wayne  Doyle  and  Gavin  Kinsella.

Nicola  Scott,  Danielle  Walsh,  Amy  Dempsey,   Sinead  Connolly  and  Lyndsey  Kavanagh.  For  the relay.



The football is good fun. Out of my class there was only a few people. These were John Kessie, Stephen Carey, Ciarán O’Rielly,

Kane Clark, Gerard Elliot, Darren Clynes, Gary Fleming, David Hickey, Philip Moore,

Robbie O’Keefe, Gavin Kinsella, Brian O’ Tool, Shane Bowler, Paul Carey trained us nearly every Friday with 6th class.

FR. Carolin brought us to the matches all the time in his van.

                 By Philip Moore and Robert O’Keeffe

ST   Pat's

Pat’s are the best  in the world. My name is John Kessie; I play for Pat’s under 11. I play in defense and I am the captain.  I think the best player is the goal keeper .I hope I can play for  ST Pat’s when I  am older. They are better then Shamrock Rovers and Bohs. I think they   will win  the  cup this year.

            By John Kessie 


On the  11th  of  May   2000  the  swimming  Gala  was  on  in  Sean  Dunne's swimming   pool  Ballyfermot. The  boys  left  at  9.30  in  the  morning .                                                                                                           It  was  a  great  event  for  all  the  schools . First   there  was  the  heats, then  the  finals. After  the  single  races   there  were  the  relays. We  drew  with   Mary   Queens  of  Angles,  22  points   each. We  are  in   the  Ballymun  finals. The   relay  team   for  the   boys was made up of, Gerard  Elliot, Darren  Clynes, Ciaran  O'Reilly   and   Keith   Culligan.  We  came  first  in   the  heats  and   first  in the  finals. The  four  of  us  won  a  gold  medals.               Stefan  Shelly,  Aaron  Wilson   and   Simon O’Brien  were   doing   the  under  11  freestyle. For   the  under  11   breaststroke, Keith  Reilly, Paul   Mitchell, Emmett   Gartland,  Barry  Kenny  and Oisin  Leong. For   the  under  11  relay   team, Emmett Gartland, Simon  O'Brien,  Keith  Reilly  and  Stefan  Shelley. They  all  won  a gold  medal  each .          

            For  the  under  13  Freestyle  Ciaran  O'Reilly , Darren  Clynes , and  Gary  Fleming. For  the  under  13  breaststroke, Daniel  Kavanagh,  Karl  Mallin  and  Gerard  Elliott. For  the   under  13  backstroke  Keith  Culligan, Kane  Clarke and  Daniel  Gray. Daniel   Gray   was unable   to race  and  Kevin   Bolger   raced   for  him.   Gerard  Elliot  won  a  gold  medal   in  the  single  races , Ciaran  O'Reilly  won  a  Gold  medal   in  the  single   race. Simon  O’Brien  won  a  bronze  medal  in  the  single  race.

Emmett   Gartland   won  a  gold  medal  for  the  single   race.                               Congratulations to every one thank you  Mr Mc Carthy  for  being  such a good coach. 

             BY CIARAN   AND   KEVIN   BOLGER.

The  Swimming Gala

On the 11th of May, the swimming Gala was held in Sean Dunne’s swimming pool in Ballyfermot. The girls left the school  at 11 o clock. In the first race Kim Lynch, Lyndsey O’Toole and Elaine Grendon raced in 1 length free style. Under 11s breaststroke Rachel Clines came 3rd.

          Under 11’s backstroke Ciara Ó Brian came 5th. In the relay Kim Lynch, Ciara Ó Brian Rachel Clines and Lyndsey O’Toole came 5th. Under 13’s freestyle Danielle Ó Connor came 4th. Under 13’s breaststroke Dorothy Roe came third.  Under 13’s backstroke Erica Reilly came third and got a bronze. Under 13’s relay Lyndsey Kavanagh, Dorothy Roe, Erica Reilly, Danielle O'Connor came second and got silver. Out of all the races the girls came second last. Under 13’s breaststroke Dorothy Roe got a bronze. Congratulations to all the girls who took place in the Gala.

             Dorothy roe and Danielle Ó Connor

WWF Review

Austin and the rock are the best.  Austin is the best because the rock lost at judgment day.  You mightn’t like it but I do.

In 1998 Austin won the Royal Rumble and in King of the Ring he won too. The rock won the Royal Rumble in the year 2000.

And in 1998 Austin came in to the walk way and sprayed DX and Vince with beer in the ring.

The   undertaker has returned to the WWF.

He got   a   contract from Linda Mc. He returned at Judgment Day on a Harley Davidson. He is set out to get DX and Vince and Shane.

The Big Show had surgery last week because Shane Mc, with the help of Bull Bucannon threw an electric box on top of the Big Show. When the Big Show returns be sure he will be after Shane Mc.

Mick Foley held the W.W.F. Title Tag team and Hardcore title. He was fired last month by HHH but Linda hired him back for one night only at Wrestle Mania. He was without a shadow of a doubt the best wrestler ever.

Kane returned to the WWF for one reason only the WWF   title.

  Smack Down

Last   week on    Smack down HHH Vs Kane in a   non-title match. The Rock Vs   Edge   and    Christian.  The   Undertaker    Vs    Road Dog   and   Pac. All for the number   1 center   spot.

Too Cool won the tag team championship. 

By Brian Grendon and GAVIN      KINSELLA.       

And   that’s the   bottom    line   cause   fifth   class   said so.