Scoil Chomhgháin Naofa, Killeshin National School
Killeshin, Carlow
Phone: 0503-47852
School Hours: 9.20a.m.-3p.m. Infants 9.20-2p.m.
School Uniform: Wine & Grey
The first National School in Killeshin was built in 1821. The school as you can see from the photograph below was a gothic style two-storey stone building. This school building was knocked in 1979. The Church of the Holy Cross can be seen above the old school building. This Church also built in 1821, still serves the needs of the Catholic Community of Killeshin. It was dedicated by the famous Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin, Dr. James Doyle, otherwise known as J.K.L.(John of Kildare & Leighlin). J.K.L. lived for a number of years at Old Derrig, Killeshin. The site on which Holy Cross Church was built is known as 'Gallow's Hill'. It is not known whether in fact there were hangings here or not, but the name survives. The small building to the right of the school was the Coach House, now long gone. Locals remember it being used to house the Priest's horse when he came to say Mass at Holy Cross Church long ago.
The present National School at Killeshin was built in 1948 as a two-roomed or two-teacher school. The teachers at the time were Principal Mr. Seán Ó Shea and Miss Noud. Today there are 6 classrooms in Killeshin N.S. and 6 teachers. The Principal of the school is Mr. Conor Denieffe. The school also have the services of a Remedial Teacher, shared with two other school, Carlow National School and Gaelscoil Ceatharlach. The present enrolment of Killeshin School is 185 (90 boys and 95 girls) and the number is steadily increasing. The school will develop into a 8-9 teacher school for the new milennium 2000. This is in response to a lower pupil teacher ratio and a commitment from the Department of Education & Science for Resource and Remedial Teachers. Below is a drawing of the present National School at Killeshin.