
Comming Soon

2004 Wendy Witch's 'Bad Hair Day'

Colouring Competition.

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  Winners of the Wendy Witch Colouring Competition.

Please be patient, the pictures take time to load!

Note: due to limitations of scanning it is not possible to show the true colours used or indeed the full effects used for some of the winning entries, e.g.  the use of glitter pens, silk pens, additional craft work (real brooms) etc.

Click on the teacher name below: 

Outstanding Winning entries will be added as soon as they are received

Wendy says "Well done everyone, your pictures were  S  U  P  E  R !   It was hard to pick the  winners.


Ms Travers
Ms Lynch
Ms Michel
Ms Murphy
Ms Dawson
Ms Elmes
Ms Duckerfield
Mr Halligan
Mr Newman
Ms Lennon
Ms Kelly
Mr Kennedy







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