Good Bye 6th Class

School Days!!

I’ve been in this school for eight long years, Mostly joy but sometimes tears.

I’ve learnt how to tie my laces, Wash my hands and win races.

I’ve learnt how to count to ten and back, I got to use those cool paint racks.

Learnt  ABC and  123!!!, But mostly I’ve learnt how to be me !!

I’ve made some truly lifelong friends, I found our sometimes I need to make amends,

One thing that stuck out for me, Is that school can be fun (honestly).

We’ve all helped to get our green flag flying, This school  is great there is no denying!

I’d like to thank the parents association, For all the great days and celebrations.

To Mrs. Cashman and all the staff, Who shared with us these past eight years,  I think they deserve a loud Three Cheers!!

But the main reason I’ve written this poem today, Is to say our school years were great

Hip Hip Hooray!!!

Poem composed by  Sinead



Graduation Ceremony


























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