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A - Azkaban the prison for evil witch's & wizard's.

B -Bertie botts every flavoured beans.

C - Crookshanks Hermione's pet cat

D - Dumbledore the headmaster at Hogwarts

E - Emma Watson the girl that plays Hermione

F - Flitwick the professor for charms

G -Gryffindor one of the four house's at Hogwarts

H -Hagrid the gameskeeper

I -Invisibilty cloak

J - James Potter, Harry's father

K - Katie Bell ,a gryffindor

L - Lucious Malfoy, Draco's father

M - Molly Weasley, Ron's mother

N - Neville Longbottom, a boy in Harry's dorm

O - Octopus in the lake

P - Pensieve, you store your brain in this when your mind gets full

Q - Quiditch, a baseball like wizard game

R - Rickman [Alan] who acts as professor snape

S - Slytherin another house in Hogwarts

T -Trelawney the professor for charms

U - Umbrella, Hagrid keeps his wand in his pink


V -  Voldemort Harry's worst enemy

W- Wormtail  a supporter of  Voldemort

X- Xmas the time when Harry got his invisibilty  cloak

Y- Yule ball the party they had at  christmas

Z- Zonko,s  a prank shop in Hogsmeade


                                              LORRAINE C. & CAROLYN  C.



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