St. Kenny N.S

Website last updated February 2004
Next update: Around 17th March 2004….hopefully!!!

Thank you for visiting our school website. This site was launched in May 2002.
We hope to have more pages, information  and pictures soon.

Our school was opened in 1980. It is located on the Athlone road approximately 2 miles from Mullingar town.

This year there are around 230 children in the school. We have 11 teachers in the school and 4 Special Needs assistants (SNA's)  and a part-time resource teacher for Special Needs. Our principal is Mr. Fallon.

044 48156.

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Picture to
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Our site is still under construction but we hope to have pictures and more          information as soon as possible.

Please go to our sports page to see our latest match report or link to the GAA or FAI websites.