School Ethos
St. Molagas N.S. is a primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. The following points reflect the school ethos and are promoted by the school community.
The school aims at promoting the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the pupil, including his/her relationship with God, with other people and with the environment.
Religious education is provided for the pupils in accordance with the doctrine and tradition of the Catholic Church. To that end, the Alive O Religious Education Program is taught in all classes in the school.
The principal teacher and teachers aim at making the school a centre of excellence in which high professional standards are maintained and where pupils learn in a safe and happy environment
A spirit of mutual respect is promoted within the school community. Pupils are drawn by example and teaching, to appreciate and respect people of different religious affiliations and of different nationalities.
Close contact is maintained between the school and the home. Parents and teachers support one another and collaborate with one another as partners in leading the young pupils to the fullness of their potential at the different stages.
The school recognises the dignity and value of each person made in the image and likeness of God. This is reflected in the organisation of the school (including admission policies).
The schools code of discipline reflects the Christian values promoted within the school, with an emphasis on forgiveness, reconciliation, new beginnings and hope. Teachers are sensitive to the needs and particular circumstances of the pupils
Teachers are encouraged to develop their personal and professional talents and to serve those young people in whose education they play such a significant role.
Ancillary staff in the school are highly esteemed and respected. It is recognised that their work makes a valued contribution to the process of education.
The school identifies itself with its parish, working closely with the local parish liturgical team who visits the school frequently.
Prayer is a feature of the school day.
The pupils are prepared for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation in accordance with arrangements in the diocese and in the parish.
The liturgical seasons are part of the rhythm of the school year.
The children are given opportunities to participate in liturgical celebrations arranged by the school.
In recognition of the diversity of religious beliefs and practices among our parent body, the school respects the right of parents to withdraw their children from formal religious instruction, liturgical celebrations organised by the school and preparation for the reception of the Sacraments.
The school aims at fostering a sense of community between management, teachers, parents and pupils, and a sense of insertion into the wier community of the parish. Gradually, pupils acquire a sense of the Universal Church whose concern extends to all peoples.