What's happening in our Fís Project? 

27th October 2000

We have done film studies for a while now and I am going to tell you about scenes. Scenes are different places you see in a program/film. E.g. scene1: sitting room, scene2: street etc. In a half-hour long program there can be up to 20 scenes. Editing is an important part of scenes. In a program once, a girl was picked for a running team. She asked her mam for new runners. In the next scene (straight after that) the camera shows brand new runners running. All programs have scenes. All you have to do is pay close attention to the camera shots. Why don’t you try to make a scenes list? All you need to do is watch a program and write down all the scenes. And its lots of fun too!
Garry, age 12.


We know now that if the cameraman wants to view one person he does a close-up .If the cameraman wants to take a faraway picture he does a longshot and if the cameraman wants to take a picture of maybe two people he takes a midshot.

By Fiona.

There are trailers, which show which kind of films is coming out. In most videos the names are at the end like the Stuntmen and Directors and the people in this would be called the cast and the people at the start would be the people who play the main characters.


Our teacher thought us about trailers, the clips. Our teacher would turn the T.V around so we couldn’t see it and then play the film. We would guess if it is a romantic, an action; a horror; a thriller; a crime; a drama; a comedy; .She taught us a whole lot of stuff about film. We are supposed to make our own film at the end of the year. I hope you see it.


Our class tried out doing frozen pictures - FREEZE FRAMES - shots of our own in the classroom. It is not hard if you try, so why don't  you and your friends have go and see what happens.


Hi I am Rachel and I am in St. Molagas S.N.S. I am in 6th class and this year we are doing film. So far in film we have learned about scenes a film is made up with them at the start you have an opening scene and at the end you have a closing scene. We also learned about genres they are the type of film. If you walk into a video shop they have different sections like Comedy, Romance, Thriller, Horror, Action etc. For example Scream is a horror.

By Rachel

We also learned about film shots. A close-up would be in you in your sitting room eating popcorn and the camera was right in front of you. That is a close up. A mid-shot is when you can only see the person's body, and finally a long shot is when the camera is looking down a street.



Here is a list GENRES; Documentary, horror, drama, animation, true story, science fiction, thriller, action, comedy, romance, crime and mystery. That is a lot of GENRES.

By Sarha


One of my favourite GENRES is period drama. That’s when something happened ages ago and was put into a film. Titanic is a good example.


We do film studies every Thursday. It is interesting and fun. We cover different topics every week. We learn about the importance of music and sound in a film. It really makes you look at a film in a different way. When we analysed these films we found the amount of work that goes into one film is huge. We tried to guess what a movie was like by seeing an opening and closing scene of a trailer this was both fun and challenging. We always write up on the topics we do in Film Studies.
By Jessica

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