
(Can you guess what they are)


On your foot

Get in different colours

You get them in pairs

You have to wash them

Run very fast

Eats Pedigree

Drinks water

Slobber mouth

Has A good nose

They are round

Get in different colours

You can get grips for them

You can get them in triangle

You pare them

Play music

Quiet small


Mini hi five

Take it where ever you go

Green eyes

Whisker face

Tree climber

Milk he'll drink

Rat chaser

You wear with socks in it

Black or brown

Steel cap toes

You tie them

You play football with them


Hairy body

Eight legs

Poisonous fangs

Digs burrows

Hides under rocks

Scaly skin

Poisonous fangs

Small head

Long body

Eats animals whole

BY Glenn

Loves the water

Hardly lays eggs

Loves to eat meat

Does not have friends

Snaps at you

Able to speak

It can dance

Can come pink or a lot of colours

Likes attention

Is a show off

Is so big

Has big wings

Loves the air

Lays big eggs

Have a bald patch on its head

