There once was a man from Dundee,

Who got stung in the leg by a bee.

His mother said "Stop,

And drink a Yop,

And that will heal your knee."



There was a man on a horse,

Who saw a nurse with a purse.

Looking at the shape of her head

He was stroke dead saying with dread

"Please where is my nurse?"



There was a man with no clothes,

Who was known to pick his nose.

One day he started to fly,

But no-one knew why,

And the man he started to pose.



A motorbiker called Jake ,

Crashed his bike into a lake.

He got very wet,

Killed his pet,

And now he misses his snake.



There was a young lady called Milly,

She always ate a red chilli.

She’d go red in the face,

Go in a race,

Then she’d sleep with Billy.



There was a young boy from Cork,

Whose finger got stuck in a fork.

He cried for help,

His sister yelped,

"You really are a dork."

Michelle Mc


I wonder what happened to Jake,

I heard he fell into a cake.

I went into his shop,

And heard a big pop,

And just noticed he was trying to bake.



Long ago in a place called Hong Kong,

They invented a game called Ping Pong.

But the table snapped,

Because of the fat rat,

They never played Ping Pong in Hong Kong again.



One day I saw a bear,

He was eating a pear,

Then I saw a cat,

The cat said to the rat,

"This is not fair."



There was a young boy called Bill,

He had a passion to kill.

When he got home,

He picked up the phone,

And left them a knife in their will.



I wonder what happened to Jake,

He probably ended up in a lake.

He slipped on the way down,

He looks like a clown,

Cause it turned out the bridge was fake.

Gemma Mc


I wonder what happened to Jack,

I think he fell in a sack

And cut it open with his penknife

Then killed his beautiful wife

And now he’s back to hijack.



There was a young man called Sam,

He always said the word "Damn".

His friend is called Timmy,

His brother is Jimmy

And everyone loves ham.



There was an elephant the size of a tree,

His favourite number was three.

He saw a hare,

Then made a chair,

Somebody then told him to scream.



I wonder what happened to Jack
He probably fell in a sack.

They didn’t care, they were in bed

Then they were looking at "Father Ted"

And they didn’t come back.



In Africa one afternoon,

An elephant sat on a spoon.

He saw a mouse,

And smashed his house,

He rebuilt a new house till noon.

Marion .


There was a young girl called Claire,

Who got chewing gum stuck in her hair.

She called her Ma for help,

But all she could yelp,

Was "Darling, I don’t really care!"


There was a young lady from Clare,

Who always dressed up as a pear.

It was orange and black,

And smelled like a sack,

And then the pear did tear.



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