
Anti - litter

It can be tempting to throw litter on the ground
Especially when there are no bins to be found
But you  should put it in your pocket or hold it in your hand
you should not drop it on the land
Please help keep our town neat
It ‘s not very nice to have sticky papers sticking to your feet
I don’t enjoy seeing this lovely town messed
So come on help us clean, don’t be a PEST!

Age :12

  Anti- Litter

Against litter,
Nearly everyone
Terrible habit,
Is it worth it?

 Litter ruins the town,
 IT reeks havoc on citizens,
 Tidy town today,
 Trashy town tomorrow,
 Exceptional street cleaners,
  Ruins reputations.




       You are a big,fat litter bug,
          And nobody wants to give you a hug,
          Because you are a litter bug.

           You throw your rubbish on the ground,
           And always look back around,
           Because you are a litter bug.

            You chew your gum and throw it out,
            And people always give out,
            Because you are a litter bug.

           Nobody likes you and nowants to give
           you a hug,
           Because you are a litter bug.

           Emma                                                                              Age:12


When you see litter on the ground,
Pick it up don’t let it linger around,
If you don’t it will leave a smell,
Like something that has come from hell.

When there is glass on the beach,
 Pick it up don’t make a speech!,
If you don’t it is a sin.

Babies and young children aren’t so clever,
Do they wash their hands ----- ever?,
Their mothers and fathers would be very pleased,
If you picked up litter and stopped them from disease!

Wash your hands every day,
That will keep infection away,
And last but not least,
If you stay clean the litter bug will not be mean!

Name: Róisín


Litter bug, Litter bug go away!
And don’t come back another day.
He is mean and he is green,
Because we keep our streets.
You should never throw litter,
Because it would make you bitter.
And your streets can get very dirty,
That is not nice at all,
When litter builds up against the wall.
Throw your litter in the bin,
And the tidy town you will win.  Hopefully our streets will remain
And the litter bug doesn’t come back to be mean.

               Name: Claire

Stories & Poems