Monsters Outrageously




Everyone up leaving



By: Glen


Mysterious monsters mess about

Old and ugly offensive things

November comes overnight

Something scary gives me a fright

Things with triple eyes

Even moaning noises

Roaring everywhere and some with long black hair

Something scary gives me a fright but I will be alright.

By: Lauren


Man eating reptiles

Orange,ugly ogres

Nasty ,noisy things

Strange ogres that bring

Things I hate

Every night I get a fright

Rude ogres open the gate

So that's how I talk about monsters.

By: Niamh


Many different shapes and colours

Orange,green and yellow too

Not one of them is sweet to you

Seriously,I’m not joking

Terrible things are what they'll do

Everyone fears them a lot

Run away if you see one,and...




Massive munching malicious mean monsters

Obnoxious offensive orange monsters

nasty noisy nocturnal monsters

Spooky slimy scary strange snappy monsters

terrifying thorny though trespassing monsters

Evil enormous exterminating monsters

Rude rough raging revolting monsters

Steaming stupid smelly snappy monsters.

by Dean


When you’re sleeping

They are creeping

When your door creaks

They are there

When your floor is creaking

They are there

Monsters everywhere.

By Owen


Mean and ugly

Old and grey

Noxious and nasty in every kind of way.

Scary and silly and an awful sight

To the house and knock on the door at night

Earless evil

Really rough raging and tall,the most horrible thing of all.

So silly some might say but there is such thing as monsters in the day.

By: Laura


Moaning muddled mice

Owning outrageous ogres

Nodding noises nasty nightmare

Slobber scattered down the stairs

Tripping cats with triple eyes trick or treat trespassers

Eager apes with an echo extinct dinosaurs you couldn’t imagine

Roaring reptiles all around

So suddenly there’s not a sound.

By Mairead


M is for monsters

Oh how scary

Nasty blood sucking I can’t go on!

Spooky vicious creatures they are

They’d tear your house down if they could

"Eeek" go those freaky bats

Rotten blood-thirsty beasts

So run away if you see one of these, because it won’t put you at ease.

By: Daniel


Massive monsters munching mice and men

Outrageous ogres on Oakhill-green

Nasty noisy nocturnal nits

Spooky smelly swamplike monsters

Terrifying,terrible thoughtless things

Enormous,evil,enticing monsters

Rough,risky,ratlike reptiles

Stinky,scary,spooky monsters

By: Dylan


Mysterious monsters in the house

Over your head making noises when you're in bed

Nasty malicious orange monsters in your house

Smelly stupid monsters in your house

Terminating ogre monsters in your house

Either they’ll eat you now or later your house

Rude revolting monsters in your house

Scary or spooky they will eat you in your house

By: Jack


Monsters monsters mysterious monsters

Out on our lawn

Not caring if they ‘re shot

Scary stupid monsters

Terrifying monsters

Risky rude monsters

swampy monsters

Oh no it was an ogre called shrek

By Dean

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