Recipe for a Haunted House


Take a spider’s web.

A slice of werewolf’s howl,

Mix up well.

Add a black cat,

Stir in a grave,

A dash of bones,

A splash of blood,

Pour in blood,

Sprinkle with screeching ghosts,

Serve with a helping of zombies,

And there you are,

The haunted house.


Recipe for a haunted house


Take a very old church,

A slice of creaking door,

Mix up well.

Add a scary ghost,

Stir in a coffin,

A dash of monster’s moans,

A splash of bones, blood and spider,

Pour in frog’s eye and a howl,

Sprinkle with a helping of lizard’s feet,

And there you are,

The scary haunted house.


The Secret Recipe

Take a cauldron,
A slice of leg,
Mix up well.
Add a entrails,
Stir in a litre of venom,
A dash of frog,
A splash of bats wings snake and spider,
Pour in a bucket of leeches,
Sprinkle with a helping of poison,
And there you are,
The secret recipe.

Recipe for a haunted house

Take a creepy churchyard,
A slice of zombie arm,
Mix up well.
Add a black cat,
Stir in a goblin,
A dash of scary ghosts,
A splash of monster’s guts,
Pour in some skeleton skulls,
Sprinkle with werewolf’s hairs,
And there you are,
The recipe for a haunted house dinner.

