Simile poems

The hedgehog among the leave feels like!

A spiky creature

A lonely animal

A prickly tomato

Leave me alone it


BY Niamh.


Metaphor poem.

My brothers socks

Smelly, mouldy

Stinky, sweaty

Fungi, mouldy

I will throw

Them in the bin!

BY Niamh.

Simile Poem

The banshee behind the bushes. Sounds like a woman crying. The ground crumbles like someone hitting it. The trees and bushes shake like mad. I think that makes her sad and even when I hear her crying. It sounds like she 's lying. Then when I want to run away, I am stuck with her day after day after day.



The elephant's wrinkly skin,

Should be chucked in the bin,

He's mighty tall,

But not small.

The lioness's fat hump,

Reminds me of a bump,

When it had a cub,

I thought it should be put in the tub.

I don't like cats,

But the dark black bat,

They're shouldn't be on mat,

I tried to move them, but they still sat.

I really like dogs,

Especially when they're in the muddy bog,

They're not fussy on food,

And never ever in a mood.

By Simon


The aeroplane taking off [sounds like]

a million year old car engine,

a burglar coming out of me house,

a creepy grave-yards noise,

monsters in motion,

a crying baby.



The aeroplane taking off

a million year old car,

a burglar coming out of my house,

grave-yards creepy sound,

motioned monsters

a baby crying.


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