Tommy Byrne
Photographic Society


Fun Stuff!


4. Cereal (5)
6. Benders (6)
7. Auto Mode (9)
11. One of 6 Across (4)
12. Money maker condition (4)
15. Flash-Bang (3)
16. Not on Camera (3)
18. Non Manual Exposure (2)
19. About Infra Red (1,1)
20. Initially seen (1,1,1)
21. Long exposure (4)


1. Very close up (5)
2. Re-sized (8)
3. Old Sol (3)
5. Colour Tone (8)
7. Write or Snap (5)
8. Measuring Light (8)
9. Only with an SLR (1,1,1)
10. Give Out (4)
13. Film Speed (1,1,1)
14. Stand nicely (4)
17. Post or Memory (4)
18. Caught in the ? (3)




if you would like to e-mail your comments to us you are very welcome to do so here.



web site created & maintained by Larissa O'Duffy