Irish Veteran Cyclists Association race results for season 2001


Sanyo Cup 2up TT - Batterstown
IVCA thanks Cyclesways for their generous sponsorship of this event.

All the times

     The final day for racing this year turned out a fine dry morning after a wet start. There was a good turnout and the event allowed for steady riding rather than the mad dash of an ordinary TT. Anybody with ideas about being fastest though had to keep the speed up all the way round. With some younger racers teaming up with Vets there was a few very good times. The fastest went to Jimmy Lally and Andrew Donnellan and the Sanyo Cup for the pair nearest their estimated time went to Brian Connaughton and John Ferry - pictured on right.
Sean and Pauline Lally. Donal, Willie and Dick doing the timekeeping. Henry presents the winners with their awards.

1.Jimmy Lally, Andrew Donnellan   1.03.01
2.Terry Ferris, Simon Whelan         1.04.32
3.Brian Connaughton, John Ferry    1.05.14
=4.Ned Costello, Mark Kieran       1.05.40
=4.Mick Usher, Colm Bracken       1.05.40
6.Liam Keenan, Declan Wyse        1.05.58


Karl Gallagher and Allen Slevin reach the finish line.