Electrodynamic Time Dilation

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Electrodynamic Time Dilation

Electrodynamic time dilation is a new method of time travel that has been discovered by us here at Time Travel-NA. To understand how it works lets take a

look at the basics of time travel. Every theory of time travel involves speed. The main goal of time travel is to reach the speed of light. The theory is that if we

could travel just below the speed of light we could travel into the future and if we were to travel above the speed of light we could travel into the past. Sounds

pretty simple in theory but here comes the catch. It is impossible to travel near the speed of light or faster due to one little equation.


Yes its Einstein's famous equation. This equation tells us how much energy it would take to get a given mass to the speed of light.


When an object approaches the speed of light its mass increases by huge amounts which means that you need more and more energy to reach light speed.

This continues until you have no more energy to travel even one millimetre faster. So travelling near the speed of light is impossible. Now that we have

established the laws of physics, lets break or at least bend them. You can't reach the speed of light but what if you could bring the speed of light to you. This is

were Electrodynamic time dilation comes in. Using a specially designed coil we have been able to produce five second differences between clocks inside our

coil and the control clock outside. Our coil produces waves that vibrate space at near light speed thus causing time to slow down. In effect we are moving

space around an object so the object itself can remain stationary. To further bend the rules, the wave we use is energy and has no mass so it can cross the light

barrier without difficulty. We are not willing to disclose the ins and outs of how the coil works as the research is still in the early stages, but we will post the

results of our experiments as our research progresses.


If anyone would like to contribute to our research please email us as we need people who could help us with ideas and theories. See the Getting involved page.

If you have a theory, comment or idea for time travel, feel free to submit it and you can have it posted on this page.