Many Universes Theory – Schrodinger’s Cat

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Ernest Schrodinger theorized a famous experiment in1926. The experiment he thought of was designed to explain probability. In this experiment Schrodinger

imagined a cat being put into a box. This box would contain a lump of uranium, a Geiger counter and a bottle of poison. The box is then sealed. The

uranium has a 50/50 chance of giving of radioactivity. The Geiger counter will pick up any radioactivity and smash the bottle of poison thereby killing the cat.

So as it stands the cat has a 50/50 chance of living. The question Schrodinger asked was this. Is the cat alive or dead before we open the box?


Unless we open the box we do not know the answer to this question. The answer Schrodinger thought of was that the cat was alive and dead simultaneously

in our universe. When the box is opened the universe splits in two. In these two universes the 50/50 chance is played out. In Universe B the cat lives and in

Universe A the cat sadly dies.


This idea of having more than one universe developed into a field of physics called Quantum theory. Figure 7 shows what happens to the universe. The box is

sealed so the cat is in both states. The box is then opened and the universe splits in two.



No animals were harmed in the theory of Schrodinger's Cat.