Quantum Theory & Probability

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Quantum theory states that for every different choice that we have, the opposite choice is played out in a different universe. This is also one of the laws of gravity. For every different reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. The idea of quantum theory is easy to understand. Schrodinger’s Cat is a prime example of quantum theory. The cat had two states that it could be in. For these two states two universes were created were the different choices were played out. Here is a simpler example of quantum theory in action.


In figure 1 we have a person standing in a room. This person has got two ways of leaving this room. He can leave through Door A or Door B. This person has also got the choice of staying inside the room. For these three options there are three different universes created were the choices are played out.


Note: Many Universes were created in the making of this website.