Tintern Abbey



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Tintern Abbey

Tintern abbey is situated a short distance from our school and very close to my house. It is the most beautiful abbey in Wexford and was built in the eleventh century and was home to Christian monks for over three centuries.

Around the abbey there is a large wood which contains lots of small buildings. One of these is the coach house, which is being restored like the abbey. The abbey was meant to be finished years ago but due to bad weather this did not happen.

The Colclough family owned the abbey and much of the surrounding lands for a very long time, until it was handed over to the Irish State in the early 1960’s.

Since then the abbey and bridge have been restored and it is now a popular tourist attraction. There are tearooms there, and also tour guides that tell visitors about the history of the abbey and grounds.

What I like most about the abbey is the sound of the water as it hits the rocks on the way to the bay.

Emily V

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