A table of conflicts in Ireland and
associated significant events worldwide. Flag symbols indicate
subjects already dealt with in this Fame of Tipperary
Group website, on webpages reached via the Main Index
Page accessed by clicking on the MAIN PAGE button at the
top of this page. Other pages will be created and put
on-line as this website is being researched and
 Irish foot and horse
soldiers, "Kerns".
1601 |
Spanish forces land at Kinsale to assist
the Irish in their fight for independence and freedom.
The forces of Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, are defeated |
1603 |
English Law extended over the whole of
Ireland for the first time |
1607 |
The Flight of the Earls. Fighting men of
noble Irish families, including the Earls of Tyrone &
Tyrconnell, go to the Continent and seek to join the
armies of the crowned heads of Europe. |
1641 |
Outbreak of rebellion in Ireland's
Northern Province of Ulster |
1649 |
English General Oliver Cromwell begins a
miiltary campaign in Ireland. The towns of Waterford and
Drogheda are beseiged. |
1690 |
The Williamite Wars. The Dutch
Protestant King William I of England defeats the army
attempting to restore the Scottish Catholic King James
Stuart to the thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Following the Irish defeat, many Irishmen went to Europe
in a migration called The Flight of the Wild Geese. |
1691 |
of Athlone captured by Williamite forces. Cities of
Limerick and Galway captured. Jacobite Army defeated at
Battle of Aughrim |
1794 |
The Dublin United Irishmen rebelled and
were suppressed. |
1798 |
United Irishmen mount another rebellion against English
rule in Wexford. |
1838 |
Tithe War in Ireland |
1845 |
of "An Giorta Mor" ("The Great
Hunger") The Irish Famine. Mass emigrations from
Ireland and general unrest in Ireland |
1848 |
rising at Ballingarry in County Tipperary, Munster, where
the Irish tricolour flag was raised for the first time. |
1853 |
3-year Crimean War is fought on the Crimea Penisular in
the Southern Ukraine between the forces of Imperial
Russia and the combined forces of Turkey, Sardinia,
France and Britain. The British Forces included many
Irish volunteers. |
1858 |
Irish Republican Brotherhood established in Dublin |
1859 |
Fenian movement is inugurated in America |
1860 |
The American War of Independence War
begins. Men of Irish descent fight on both sides. |
1865 |
of the American Civil War |
1867 |
The first Fenian Uprising in Ireland.
Returned Irish-American Militiamen use their experience
gained fighting in The Americal Civil War to fight for
Irish freedom. |
1879 |
Purpose-built military garrison barracks
opened in Tipperary Town |
1879 |
Land War & Formation of The Land League.in Ireland |
1899 |
Boer War in South Africa. Many Irishmen serve in British
Regiments |
1900 |
Boxer Rebellion against foreign interests in China.
Irishmen fight as volunteers in British regiments. |
1912 |
song "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" composed by
Jack Judge, and taken up as a favourite by The Connaught
Rangers in England. |
1913 |
of the Irish Citizen Army and The Irish Volunteers |
1914 |
Outbreak of World War I in Europe.
Around 25,000 Irishmen take part in this conflict, and
about 50,000 die. |
1916 |
The Easter Rising in Dublin, and the
brief Irish War of Independence begins |
1918 |
End of World War I |
1919-1921 |
Civil War |
1922 |
Free State created. |
1923 |
Ireland joins The League of Nations |
1936 |
of the 3-year Spanish Civil War in Europe |
1939 |
of the 6-year Second World War. The Irish State remains
neutral |
1942 |
troops, including some Irish-Americans, are stationed in
Northern Ireland. |
1945 |
of the Second World War, in which Irishmen volunteered
and fought in the Allied Forces. |
1948 |
of the Irish Republic |
1950 |
of the 3-year war between North & South Korea |
1958 |
Army officers first serve with the forces of The United
Nations |
1959 |
of the war in Vietnam between the Viet Cong and the
Vietnamese Government |
1973 |
States troops finally withdraw from Vietnam |
1999 |
troops on peacekeeping duties for The United Nations in
Kosovo |