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This website is a collection of pictures and information of places that I have visited as well as other areas of interest to me.See the site summary on the left.Click on a section to select it.

I first published this website on the internet on 21/10/01 and detailed a week I spent in England in the Summer of 2001.Since that I have added further sections.

The England and Scotland sections contain background music.The pictures in the England and Scotland sections were scanned from pictures taken with a 35mm camera.All other pictures including the picture at the top of the page, which shows the Collesseum in Rome were taken with my Fuji 2600Z camera.

Bird posting mail

If you have any questions or comments about this website-its construction or content I would love to hear from you.
Visit my Guestbook and let me know what you think of my website.

Alternatively go to my Comments page and use the form to send your observations on to me.

I hope you enjoy looking at this website.

This site was last updated on 16/11/2003

You are visitor number since 04/12/2001

The links below are to websites I have used in the construction of this website.

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