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From the Evening Echo, 18th May 2000.
Kevin Dignam, Mary Reed, Peter Boswell and Geoff Owens.
(The brainiest bunch in the world were stumped by the Evening Echo's quiz
as Mensa gathered for its 27th Irish meeting. )
The Echo Quiz
1. What is vodka made from?
2. Who left the Spice Girls to make a five-girl-powered band become four?
3. Where are the Olympics going to be held this year?
4. Who had the lead role in 'American Psycho' before Christian Bale?
5. Who won this year's English Grand National?
6. Who is Britney Spears' main pop rival?
7. Who played JR Ewing in Dallas?
8. Which Boyzone singer manages Westlife?
9. Who is the current men's Wimbledon champion?
10. Which teen pop star has a crush on Prince William?
The results
Peter Boswell 1/10 Geoff Owens 5/10 Kevin Dignam 4/10 Mary Reed 3/10