~~ The Four Sacred Colours ~~
This is an interpretation of a traditional North American Lakota creation myth.

After the Creator made the Earth, and all its plants and animals, he was still not satisfied. "There is something missing", he said to himself. Looking down to the ground he saw red, black, yellow and white clay there and scooped some of each up with his hands.

From the four colours of clay, he made 8 figures, 4 men and 4 women. When they were to his liking, he breathed life into them and set them down amid the beautiful things of the Earth. They were the first people. In the beginning, everyone helped each other and got along, but soon there was terrible fighting.

The creator was very angry that these people would not live together in peace, but he loved them as his children and didn't want to hurt anyone. Finally he decided that he would have to send them away from each other for a while.

The Creator called the first people together and told them "You are all made from the same clay, but you have not been good to each other. Instead of working together to build a good life, you have fought with each other. I am very disappointed with you."

They bowed their heads in shame, because they knew he was right.

"As a test, I am sending you away from each other for a long time. If you pass the test, you will live forever, but if you do not," the Creator frowned sternly, "you will go back to being lumps of clay". I am angry with you but my love for you will not send you away empty handed. To each husband and wife I will give a special gift. If you use these gifts well, you will make your lives very good, but if you do not, you will make things very bad for yourselves indeed."

"Someday your great-great-grandchildren's children, will be given a chance to bring these gifts together. If they work together to build a good life, it will be a better life than you can imagine. If they use these gifts in a bad way, everyone will suffer greatly."

He turned to the first black man and woman. "To you I give the secrets of water and the sacred lands of Africa". They were very happy with this beautiful Africa. Slowly they worked with the special gift of water until they learned to create such wonders as richly irrigated fields and gardens that bloomed in desert wastelands.

Then he turned to the first yellow man and woman. "To you I give the secrets of air and the sacred lands of Asia". They were very happy with their beautiful Asia. Slowly they worked with the special medicine of air until they had learned to channel it into powerful breath control, creating healing meditations, yoga and Tai Chi.

He turned to the white man and woman. "To you I give the special medicine of fire and the sacred lands of Europe". They were very happy with their beautiful Europe. Slowly they worked with the special medicine of fire until they had learned to harness it into forges for making metal, electricity and eventually powerful engines.

Finally he turned to the red man and woman. "To you I give the special medicine of the earth and the sacred land of North and South America". They were very happy with their beautiful Americas. They lived there for many years and slowly learned to use many strong healing plants. With their special gift, they could live without doing the earth any harm.

Many years have gone and the great-great-great grandchildren of the first people are living together again. As the Creator had seen, they are starting to share their special gifts with each other.

The four colours are still learning to get along. Some times they don't listen to each other. Some have forgotten the words of the Creator, and are becoming lumps of clay. These the Creator watches with tears in his eyes. There are many good people also, who try to work together in understanding and love. The Creator watches with hope, waiting for the day that his children will share their beautiful world in peace.

He is still waiting............

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