One World Centre
2 Churchyard Street
(091) 65589Mile failte romhaibh go leir!
Lucky number Seven, and we continually surprise ourselves with each new issue! Originally this was to be a Bealtaine edition, now it's conveniently the summer solstice, and seems as good a time as any, as it's taken many's a long day to produce. Still, it's time enough. Galway's One World Centre (note the new address!) continue to be very supportive, and lenient to our needs, so many thanks to them. We'd like our own computer (plus extras!) but still we resist the temptation to look for sponsored funds. The editorial team (normally just the the two of us!) want to remain free to choose to produce this mag voluntarily, also the main reason why we aren't accepting subscriptions - although there have been many enquiries about the idea. So I guess it continues to be an "if if happens it happens and let's enjoy it" sort of publication. It's happened again, so we hope you enjoy it!
We produce this magazine because we believe in it. We live in the information age and it is vitally important for clear, truthful and precise information to be passed around - as it benefits us all. It cannot be underestimated as it goes / should go before actions and deeds. We are always open to feedback and suggestions. We also need material, because its your magazine. We'd like to encourage people that there is a lot we can do to help heal ourselves and the planet.
This edition of Tuar Ceatha contains lots of articles about "alternatives", or natural ways to live. Solutions, perhaps, to problems we face in our daily lives, which we have the power to prevent at the root, as opposed to covering or pushing under the carpet and having them reoccur. Ways of doing it ourselves, as opposed to letting others do it for us. If you like it, why not try it? Whatever the question love is the answer. Be ready, Be open, Be empty, Be like an innocent child, eyes wide open and learning all the time.
Grá agus Dóchas,
Tuar Ceatha
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