Dear somebody, anybody, everybody and nobody.
Failte! Bienvenu! Wilkommen! and Welcome! to the latest Tuar Ceatha, No. 9. This magazine is an irregular publication of alternative views, opinions and illustrations from here and there on issues of awareness environmental, social, spiritual and practical. In this issue we deal with aromas both pre- and post- natal, mad cows and walking trees, Magic and Mythic, donkeys and monkeys, human-powered cycling and water-powered driving, and a plethora of poems and pictures to fuel your inner fire. There's also a calendar for 1997 thrown in to pass the time with!
Apologies are due from Tuar Ceatha on a few points; it's been nearly a year since the last issue, and there are lots of reasons, but no real excuses. In a fire, we lost some of our magazine material which included subscribers' names and addresses, so we're (almost) starting again. We had no official subscription system, but if you want to send us money we'll send you what you ask for. In the year of '96 we witnessed the death of Common Ground, grand-daddy of lrish mags, and the birth of Sheela na Gig and Catalyst. Another magazine, Tiger's Eye (from Limerick) copied original work from Tuar Ceatha, put a different cover on it, and sold it for twice the price! Needless to say we were pissed off about it, and are in legal procedings over it. If you do wish to use material from Tuar Ceatha, please ask us first! (We'll probably say Yes anyway).
The mag is now worth one punt, the first price increase in 3 years, and still not a lot. We work voluntarily merrily, so proceeds go towards the next issue. The only thing that we really ask of you is that you let us know what you think - find your voice and let it out! We need feedback if we are to continue. So please do express yourselves. This magazine is printed in black on white and we hope that you will see it's colour reflected in its name and contents. Enjoy the read....
Tóg go Bog é!
An rud nach binn le duine ní chluineann sé é
What's not sweet to the ear we simply don't hear
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