Leo - an Leon - July 22 - Aug 23

Throughout the ages we have seen prophets come and go, from all the different races and nations. Some have become household names and receive great respect from people, because of their accuracy in predicting the future. Today there is an upsurge in interest created by these prophecies.
One thing is common to all the various indigenous peoples:

  • We are entering a time of purification and can expect to witness chaos and destruction in all the kingdoms of nature.
  • It is time for the re-uniting of all the races. Barriers of religion and nationality will begin to fall as all people realise their essential unity.
  • We must heal the damage done to Mother Earth, the source of life, and recognise that all living things are endowed with spirit.
  • In the coming times we will see the return of one or more Great Teachers who will guide us into the future.

To put it quite simply IT IS UP TO US. Now is the time to heal the past, despite the centuries of pain and persecution. Now is the time to join together and work in harmony to rehabilitate the planet and establish an era of alignment, peace and stability.



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