Tubber Church was originally a thatched building. Between the years of 1840-1848 (the black years) the population of the area was large and the workload of the priest was heavy, Rev. Patrick Browne was appointed a Curate in the Parish. After 1848 the Parish of Kilkeedy became a one -Priest Parish under Fr. Mortimer (Murtha) O'Brien. Fr. Murtha O'Brien later left 300 pounds for the erection of a new church in Tubber in his will when he died in 1860. Fr. Walsh along with Fr. Patrick Frawley (who was sent by the Bishop to help Fr.Walsh) set about overseeing the building of the two churches in the parish . On leaving the parish Fr .Frawley was presented with a horse and car. The people thanked him for "helping to raise, within the very limited period of two years, two beautiful Churches in a Parish where there were two thatched cabins before". Our present Church was built 1864-1866. |