Jobs => Job-hunting sites - Technology Companies in Ireland
Info => Electronics - Programming | DSP/embedded/Infra-red/SCSI

Main Electronics/Computing Companies in Ireland arranged by County (biased towards the ones I have looked into, in dots are ones I did interviews, oh)

Cork => •Alcatel, Bandon - •Apple Computers,Holyhill - Artesyn - Client Solutions,(Cork and Dublin) - •EMC,Ovens | Farran | General Semiconductors, Macroom | [ Henkel, Little Island | John Bean | M/A Com,Mahon ]- Nothing about Cork plant | National Microelectronics Research Centre | Silicon Systems Design,(Cork and Dublin) | •Raidtec, Little Island

Limerick/Clare=> •Analog Devices | Tellabs - •Cabletron - Tecnomen

Dublin=> •Allied Management Systems - Apion - Berlitz - Corel - Cognotec - Credo (Fontis) - •Cylon Controls - •Compaq who broughtDIGITAL - •Ericsson (Dublin/Athlone) - Euristix - •Ferrotec - IBM in Ireland Recruitment - ICL - Iona - Informix - Lucent - Logica Aldiscon Telecommunications Software Systems - Oracle - S3 Spectel - Sun - •Visio - Xerox - Xilinx - •Zandar - small (6) Irish company making multi-window video- single screen systems (software and hardware)

Aritech - Exact Software - Lake

Kildare=> Hewlett Packard | Welcome to Intel

West & North: Seagate

Cork Electronics Industry Association

IEI, The Institution of Engineers of Ireland

Teltec - Telecommunications research & development Ireland

Job-hunting ? ... check these
Jobfinder - detailed job descriptions from HR and companies
Recruitment Ireland
Irish Jobs Page - detailed job descriptions from HR and companies
Irish Times: Appointments
FÁS - Training and Employment Authority, Ireland Enterprise Ireland - Forbairt, these two are one and the same. (There is job search facility, mainly smaller IRISH companies)

Human Resources agencies - Gerard O'Malley & Associates - Cork Human Resources (detailed job descriptions), techstaff, no description of jobs, Bond personnel - Rescon - Richmond - Mondial Solutions - IT & Telecoms Recruitment and Consultancy. - Professional Placement Group - Haynet - The Recruitment Business - HRM - ComputerPeople - Skillsgroup - Vantage

Immigration USA - Electronics Academic mailing list basically the Lecturers but also the techs. in the dept.

Everyday Practical Electronics - "">Get Evaluation versions of Microsim's PSpice - LearnPIC, beginners guide to PIC programming - Pic Links - The Electronics Repair Center - Brill Electronics/Computing FTP site. - Technical and Scientific Information - eLib: Electronic Libraries Programme - Falstaff's Home Page - electric minds | home - IBM Patent Server Home Page - European Patent Office - EECS Instructional & Electronics Group Home Page - ANET Animated Electronics Tutorial - Interesting circuits - Electronics 214 - Alacron Imaging and Digital Signal Processing Solutions

Datasheets and other infomation availible from the followings =>

  • National Semiconductor, UARTs and general electronics
  • Maxim, interface ICs, RS232...
  • Texas Instruments, FTP site
  • Motorola
  • Intel => Developer Home - Embedded Intel Architecture

  • PSpice by MicroSim Corporation & OrCAD Home Page

  • AMP Incorporated
  • Radio Spares on the WWW

    Circuit Central, Electronics resources and links site (Brilliant)

    - Chip directory Harris - Farnell

    SCSI stuff
    SCSI Trade Association -|- QLogic -|- Adaptec


    Vishay/Telefunken/Temic - Infineon/Siemens - Citizen IR receivers - ACTiSYS Corp. - The Wireless Infra-Red Expert! - IrDA - Philips Remote Control Systems,developers of RC5,RC6,RC-MM - - official "One For All"

    Mailpad, Ferrotec

    Embedded x86 Directory On-Line

    Microchip - Microcontrollers... Hyperstone(US) - RISC/DSP microprocessors...

    Programming on the PC... then check out.
    Wotsit's file formats - Well organised, It WILL save you hours of searching for information. [Graphics,IR,mouse,keyboard,printers,file formats.. ]
    Help PC 2.10 by David Jurgens - so useful this copy on the fortunecity server Download now if your any PC, assembly or C work information on both hardware and software. Last updated 1991, but still the job.

    Craig Peacock's Interfacing the PC. - Everything to know about parallel ports, PC hardware interupts...
    Tomi Engdahl's PC hardware pages - PC's parallel port

    E-mail: IETF, creator of networking,e-mail standards (RFCs) - RFC archive
    - Unicode - National Standards Association of Ireland - VRML - ANSI

    Programmer's Heaven - Archive of useful programs, source and tutorials. Sorted by language. 80x86 Assembler, C, Internet, Visual Basic / Q-Basic, C/C++
    Apple Developer

    Perl (CGI language), Developer.COM good for C/C++.

    DJGPP - Wintel version of GNU C/C++ compiler (used to write Quake. see '' for the source )

    Win Allgero (by Stein) - DJGPP MINE
    Programmer's vault - DJGPP - Tells you what you need from the below ftp site.
    Get it here => Simtel's DJGPP directory

    Programmer's Lair - Programming, DJGPP, DirectX, Artificial Intelligence, Communications, Game Sources, Graphics, Sound, and more...

    Assembly Language (x86) Resources
    Intel Secrets - Information and articles on Intel chips from an independent sources, includes bugs.
    - Radek Delphi Page - Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Programming Languages:C and C++

    Programming on
    Get Turbo C++ here

    If your doing any programming you'll probably an text editor editor here is a DOS one Desk, for windows I'd recommend Textpad, which most if all the features.. of Unix favourites VI and EMACS..

    Linux - The Open Source operating system for Standard PC, based on Unix and entirely FREE.
    Irish Linux Users' Group
    Freshnet - Brilliant Linux application search/description/status thingie -mirror
    Redhat - Wine Is Not a Emulator, of Windows - GNU Network Object Model Environment -

    Back to society Back | Back to general links page

    Some useless info....
    Notes :- Modem, is the shortened from Modulator-Demodulator, since Analogue signals are normally with higher frequencies before transmitted over long-distance like on a telephone wire. It is signal needs to be demodulated before it can be Digital converted.
    WINE  - Wine Is Not Emulator (Recursive)
    USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    USA,  United States of America
    UN,   United Nations
    UAE,  United Arab Emirates
    TLA   - Three Letter Acronym
    PCMCIA - Personal Computer Modem Connectivity Interface Architecture (or "People Can't Memorize mputer Industry Acronym" )
    PAGAN - People Against Goodness And Normalise (from the Dragnet "the movie")
    MOUSE - Manually Operated Utility Selection Equipment
    ISA   - Industry Standard Archtiture
    HTML  - HyperText Mark-up Language
    GNU   - Gnu Not Unix  [Recursive, that ((GNU)NU)NU)NU... ]
    GAA,  Gaelic Athletic Association
    EU,   European Union
    EMF - Electro-Motive Force
    ECC,  European Common Market
    EC,   European Community/Commission
    CIS,  Commonwealth of Independent Socialist Republics
    CAO - Central Applications Office, CIA Central Intelligence Agency, CSO Central Statistics Office
    In Greek 'kilo' means 1000, but computer speak has had kilo to mean 1024 as in 1kilobyte, but was open to abuse (Modem manufacturers uses 1kB => 1000 bits)
    so now,
            1 kibibyte (KiB)  =  1024 bytes
            1 Megibyte (MiB)  =  1024 KiB    or  1,048,576 bytes
            1 Gigibyte (GiB)  =  1024 MiB    or  1,048,576 KiB